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  • aol instant messenger help?

    I use the newest version of aim that allows users to conect with friends on facebook. About 2 weeks ago my aim version stopped working and I can no longer contact any of my online friends on facebook? I have tried everything. Nothing works. How can I get it back working again ASAP?


    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Looking for a cell phone driver?

    I own a samsung SGH a237 cell phone and I want to hook it up to my computer to download photos I take with my cell phone camera. Where can I find a driver for Windows XP so it will work properly?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • How come facebook is hopelessly screwed up beyond any reasonable comprehension now?

    It used to be really good but now facebook is terrible. The error messages are constant and it is really annoying. I am sure glad it is a free website to use I wouldn't pay a dime to be a member if they charged for membership.

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • Knock off Chinese made Ipod nano Firmware question?

    Does anyone know how to determine which model fake Chinese made (knockoff) Ipod nano you presently own when the owners manual is poorly written and there is no indication on the existing firmware on the unit itself? I don't like the internal software on this unit at all since it does not allow me to search for my songs by artist, song title or genre. I was wondering if I could update it to a better version or somehow erase the current version of firmware on it then use a current version of a Sansa Fuze firmware so I could search for my music more easily.

    Thank you in advance

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • wireless network problem of sharing a printer that is on my desktop with my laptop?

    Printing wirelessly using Win XP?

    I would like to be able to print from my laptop which has a wireless connection to my desktop which has a printer hooked up to it. I haven't been able to get this to work.

    2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Is it true that a wall charger for the motorola razor cell phone will also work on a Sansa Clip MP3 player?

    My cell phone is a motorola razor and I just got a new sansa clip mp3 player today. I am afraid to use the wall charger to charge it up. I am using the included usb cord that came with the mp3 player for now and plugging into my computer.


    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • A question about the Ipod shuffle 2nd generation?

    I own a 2nd generation Ipod shuffle and from the beginning I have had problems with it playing music. I received this item thru a freebie offer online as a gift so it did not cost me anything. Shortly after I load my cd's on to it using my desktop computer, the songs begin to skip for some unexplained reason. I just discovered that it is possible to use this ipod as a 1gb flash drive for data storage as well.

    My question is this: Has anyone else had this same problem and is now using there shuffle as a flash drive and is it more, less or about the same in terms of being reliable? I don't want to trust this thing with any important data I save on it.


    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Has Joe Biden stuck his foot in his own mouth again?

    If you add up all the utterly insane rantings that Joe Biden has went on recent weeks. You will figure out that he has a bad case of hoof in mouth disease.

    Recent quotes from Biden himself

    1.) Corn sweeteners and Coal are more dangerous than wide spread global terrorism. Oh really now? If Iran finishes building its nukes then gives it to Osama and he uses it on Israel, it will mean WWIII. If he uses it against us, it will mean WWIII. Either way we are toast. What test are you talking about, Sen. Biden?

    2.) President Obama will be tested within the first months of taking office. What exactly does this mean? Do the liberals have any common sense left at all or are they all rooting for Al Queada now? I want to hear Obama and Biden answer this one without running away with their tail between their legs.

    What say you Senators. Obama and Biden?


    17 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Are the Democrats getting cocky and arrogant, more than usual?

    We all watched, as John Kerry and John Edwards bash President Bush and VP Cheney during the final days of the 04 election. Instead of sticking to the issues, the both of them decided to lie about their opponents and themselves. Kerry exaggerated his war record in Vietnam and Edwards just spewed his usual radical liberal venom. If McCain and Palin stick the issues and do not play the blame game, how many people believe that Obama and Biden will lose simply because Obama is too busy finger pointing and not sticking to the issues.

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why do Democrats spread vicious lies and false alegations about Sarah Palin? ?

    Her daughter who is now pregnant and is 17 is not running for any office? Why so much hatred on her by the Democrats, is that the only way they could salvage a win for Obama by attacking some innocent 17 yr old who had a mistake in her life. Why not pick on someone who truly deserves to be picked on and leave Sarah Palins family out of this election mess.


    33 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Dr. Phil is at it again. Why does this jerk need to be such a hippocrite?

    Dr. Phil recently paid $160,000 so a young man who lost an arm to an alligator a few years could get a prosthesis arm. If you consider all the stupid things Dr. Quackadoodle Phil has done the past few years, it seems to me for a man who makes millions per yr is still on a tremendous ego trip. Who does this MORON think he is fooling???? Doesn't anyone remember the Britney Spears fiasco back in 2007? How about the single mom who works as a nude dancer and was worried her young sons will find out what she did for a living and get teased in school for it. Why did he allow her to be on his show that aired after school hours? His tv show is NATIONALLY syndicated, so his is disgusting ego for that matter.

    We should all boycott this clown since he is now trying to make amends for all of his sins of the past! All in favor say AYE!


    8 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Why does my ipod shuffle skip while its playing songs?

    It never did this a few months ago when I first got it, it seems the more I use it the more it skips? What is wrong with the stupid thing?

    thanks in advance for helping me out

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Is Whoopi Goldberg finished on the view?

    If you saw the tirade that Whoopi Goldberg went on, this past thursday on ABC's "The View". Do you think she should be fired for cursing the way she did on the air in front of a live audience. I think she is a disgusting pig who should be banned from ever appearing on tv ever again for that sort of behavior. I remember how she went bonkers about Imus for his racial remarks about the Rutgers womens basketball team. Now she uses the "N" word and feels she has a free pass since she is black. How stupid can you get????

    And who is that other black co host on "The View" who is heavyset and mentioned she has the right to use the "N" word as a term of endearment? Is that not the dumbest thing you have ever heard in your entire life?

    Jews, Hindus, Shintos and every other member of one of the worlds religions would never think of saying such a thing. This really says something about some black people huh? NOT ALL of them.

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Has Jesse Jackson lost all sense of reality?

    With regards to the recent ridiculous "off mic" comment against Obama by Jesse Jackson. Do you truly believe that Jackson has completely lost his mind and is living in LA LA land? We are talking about an idiot who has fathered a child out of wedlock, counseled Bill Clinton after the "Monica" scandal. Now Jackson thinks its wrong to put forth the agenda that black men must be held responsible if they get their girlfriends pregnant. How stupid is that?????

    Regardless of how you feel politically, you must realize that Jackson is now officially insane. lol

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Obama says McCains military record doesn't matter.?

    Gen Weselly Clark agrees with Obama on this. Do you think Obama just lost the election because of this stupid remark? In my opinion, Obama must be smoking crack if he truly believes that someone who served honorably in the Navy during Vietnam doesn't deserve respect for his record as a fighter pilot and a POW. It seems to me that Obama is completely clueless abot the reality of the situation and doesn't deserve our votes or our support as the next president.

    Any insulting answers by liberals will be reported to yahoo. I am only interested in hearing from people who can respond without using personal attacks against me. Only adults who can talk politics in a mature way are welcomed.

    22 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why is Obama playing the race card AGAIN!!!?

    During the early days of the campaign, Obama pledged that he would never inject the race card into the race for the next president of the USA. He has broken that promise dozens of times and the citizens of this country have had enough. We are not all as stupid as his supporters are and we will refuse to vote for someone who does not stand firm on any issue he has ever supported. Obama is a known flip flopper. It would be ok if the situation changed from time to time but to flip flop day to day on a regular basis is unacceptable to the intelligent people of the United States of America. How many other Republicans agree with me on this?

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is it time for the Dems to disqualify Hillary for her remark on RFK's assasination in June 1968?

    If the DNC had anyone in its highest ranking officials, they would disqualify Hillary for saying she is staying in the race because RFK was killed in June 1968. We all know how the Clintons have arranged for their political enemies to be killed when they get in the way of their lust for power. The DNC should prove to America they have high morals and throw the Clintons out for unethical behavior by members of the Democratic party. Of course this will never happen since liberals are so damn stupid they don't know what the word ethics even means. What is your opinion?

    23 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • When will Obama learn the meaning of the word appeasement?

    It is a scary thought that so many voters do not know the meaning of the word appeasement. Obama wants to talk to our terrorist enemies. Jimmy Carter just came back a few weeks ago after talking to HAMAS. Can someone tell me what did Carters trip accommplish? We already know what the terrorists want. They want to kill all of us. Why do so many people believe that you can talk diplomacy with barbarians? The only language the terrorists speak is the sound of bombs, guns and missles going off.

    Let's open up a can of whoop *** on them in such a brutal way as the world has never seen before.

    If Nevile Chamberlain in the early 1930's had his way by talking to Hitler, the whole world would be speaking German right now. Thank goodness wiser heads prevailed and Winston Churchill took over. Thats all I can say

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • organs for sale for transpant?

    I am a transplant recipient and am strongly against this idea. Anyone else agree?

    An Australian doctor proposed Monday that the government pay up to $47,000 for kidney donations to overcome a chronic shortage.

    The suggestion touched off debate around the country on the idea, which critics say will end in the poor selling their organs to the rich.

    Kidney specialist Gavin Carney said allowing the sale of organs would save thousands of lives and billions of dollars in care for patients on transplant waiting lists. He also said it would stop people from buying organs on the black market in developing countries, where they pursue risky, unregulated surgeries.

    Australia has one of the lowest rates of organ donation in the developed world, about 10 donors per 1 million people, according to a federal health task force.

    "We've tried everything to drum up support for organ donation and the rates have not risen in 10

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is Barack Obama finished?

    After this rev wright controversy, do you think Obama is finally finished for good?

    This is the final nail in Obamas political coffin if you ask me.

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago