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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Has Joe Biden stuck his foot in his own mouth again?

If you add up all the utterly insane rantings that Joe Biden has went on recent weeks. You will figure out that he has a bad case of hoof in mouth disease.

Recent quotes from Biden himself

1.) Corn sweeteners and Coal are more dangerous than wide spread global terrorism. Oh really now? If Iran finishes building its nukes then gives it to Osama and he uses it on Israel, it will mean WWIII. If he uses it against us, it will mean WWIII. Either way we are toast. What test are you talking about, Sen. Biden?

2.) President Obama will be tested within the first months of taking office. What exactly does this mean? Do the liberals have any common sense left at all or are they all rooting for Al Queada now? I want to hear Obama and Biden answer this one without running away with their tail between their legs.

What say you Senators. Obama and Biden?



You want more information? How about Obama's admission on a friday late afternoon back in mid March of this year that he knew in advance of Rev Wrights "God Damn America" speech. By Monday morning, he denied any previous knowledge of it. You want to talk about blunders? The MSM protects this incompetent idiot Obama from having to answer those hard questions. Biden himself has said that Obama is not qualified.


17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You know what I thought when Biden made the 2nd comment about America will be tested within 6 months if they win? My first thought was an attack on our country by a muslim country. And Biden said, it won't be apparant that what he does is right. What's he going to do- surrender? In his book he states- in times of trouble I will stand with the Muslims. I think Biden gave us a warning.

  • 5 years ago

    i hit upon it comical which you're feeling that this is a foot in mouth 2d. Biden made a mistake (which isn't information), yet some look to experience that this is a historic previous shaping 2d. Gaffes are effortless to restoration; now movements on the different hand... (invading international places), those are a sprint harder to perfect.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Corny syrup and coal ARE more dangerous than terrorism.

    1) Farmers who grow corn and make a profit without depending on government subsidies undermines the Obama socialist agenda.

    Also, you've apparently never witnessed a suicide bomber wearing a vest packed with chunks of coal and lights it on fire. Mass destruction!!!...not to mention all the soot it produces.

    2) This statement is a classic. But, the best part is, "It may not appear we know what we're doing at first when we are tested. You'll just have to trust us."

    Let the hilarity ensue!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Biden is an idiot and he knows Obama won't be a good president, he already said it himself. He accepted the VP ticket for his own career and that shows you right there that he doesn't care about the good of America, only himself.

    As for Obama. He has the knack of "eloquently" elaborating on absolutely nothing at all!! No substance!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Now we know why we don't see him doing interviews like Palin. At least she may have an excuse for not knowing information, but Biden can't even answer questions from a reporter without sounding like an idiot.

  • 1 decade ago

    We can all agree that Joe won't be another Dick Cheney but the truth is Senator Obama really needs Joe to keep his mouth somewhat sealed for a few more weeks. That Florida anchorwomen nailed his shiny suite to the wall, toughest, hardest hitting interview I've seen this season..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Joe Biden should be in a padded room. He is completely insane. If Sarah Palin said any of the crazy stuff he has said she would have to step down as the VP nominee.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, poor old Joe has to go to the doctor to get rid of his athletes foot of the lips and tongue!

    This is typical of politicians through the ages. All he will have to do is tell another lie and hope no one catches it.

    AMERICA, first and foremost!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Corn sweeteners and Coal are more dangerous than wide spread global terrorism."

    Diabetes and lung disease kill far more people than do terrorists. FACT. Iran nuking Israel isn't a terrorist act, it is an act of war.

    "Do the liberals have any common sense left at all or are they all rooting for Al Queada now?"

    You can't even spell the name of our enemy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well if this all the blunders you can come up with on the Obama/Biden side then that's impressive.

    Because if I actually took the time to list McCain/Palin blunders it would take this entire page.

    But it was nice that McCain blunder had him agreeing with Obama in PA... thanks for sending those votes over.

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