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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Is it time for the Dems to disqualify Hillary for her remark on RFK's assasination in June 1968?

If the DNC had anyone in its highest ranking officials, they would disqualify Hillary for saying she is staying in the race because RFK was killed in June 1968. We all know how the Clintons have arranged for their political enemies to be killed when they get in the way of their lust for power. The DNC should prove to America they have high morals and throw the Clintons out for unethical behavior by members of the Democratic party. Of course this will never happen since liberals are so damn stupid they don't know what the word ethics even means. What is your opinion?


I am not an obama supporter. I think the man is a pathetic moron as well.

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What about Demo disqualify Barack Obama for his elite remark "clinging to guns and bible" "Bitter"? Hillary was referring to Bobby Kennedy had his primary lasted until into June as she was pointed out. Because in my time the primaries lasted into June to make announcements. This year, Barack Obama wants to end before so in Democratic primary election normally before so. DNC is not doing a good job. Howard Dean is responsible for this party and shall be accountable for it. What about count the votes in MI and FLA? What about splitting supports for both Obama and Hillary Clinton? I don't see that, Howard pushes the party just go one sided with Obama for a long while. I lost respect with DNC on some things.

  • 1 decade ago


    Wow another gullible conspiracy theorists. So let me get this straight according to you because Obama is black (looking) then that means the white (looking) woman cant bring up an assassination of a white guy - wow.

    Obviously since you call liberals stupid you must be Republican. Do you see Hill as a threat? Does her being a woman scare you or her being a Clinton scare you? have you ever thought maybe just maybe that isnt fear but excitement. Oh just admit it you ache for Hillary to put on a dominatrix suit and walk on you with spiked heels. You know you'd love it! Hmm maybe you would prefer Bill then?? LOL I joke to lighten the mood but wow you cant really think it was unethical to mention that a white man that was running for office was assassinated. Dang just when I was thinking only the usual whiners would be crying about it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The DNC is lead around by a ring in the nose. That's why when Obama was so uncomfortable at the PA debate - he was lying about Wright and he knew it and they knew it - the DNC couldn't throw him out. Even though they should have.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maddog, you of the apropos name: Are you really, really so intellectually...umm....naive that you honestly believe Clinton was in any way even THINKING about Obama when she referenced an event everyone could relate to in a timeline she was describing?

    What happened to all the "college educated and intelligent" supporters supposedly included in the demographic attracted to Obama? Are we seeing that "college educated" and "intelligent" are not necessarily synonymous?

    Bah. What absurdity.

    Queen Mab, thank you for the link.

    Obama is fond of evoking the name of JFK and likening himself to the Kennedy legacy. Robert Kennedy Jr's words only point up how UNLIKE the Kennedys Obama will always be.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Chris that you? I think MSNBC has a special department assigned to trying to twist Hillary's words to Obama's favor.

    Really, kick Hillary out!!! I actually would love to see that, than Hillary would run as an independent and kick the snot out of Obama and the 'surrender first, ask questions later' democrats.

    Thanks to this Hate Hillary journalism, I will not vote democrat anymore.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I do know that Obama's people have disqualified her for any possibility she might be VP with Obama.

  • kagmi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    "Disqualifying" a politician would be unethical. That's what the voting process is for. If you have some governing body that can disqualify people from being politicians, that takes the choice away from the voters.

    And on that note, I don't think we have anything to worry about; she's losing in the vote, and I'm sure the RFK remark isn't helping her among the voters.

  • 1 decade ago

    She was simply making the point that the Nominating process going into June was not unheard of,to all her critics that say she should drop out. She was in no way insinuating,or suggesting,or hinting at anything. And you know it. I hate Hillary as much as any other Red-Blooded Patriotic American. She and her ideals are the Anti-Thesis of everything this country stands for,as is most of the Democrat Party. But the crap people are reading to this statement of hers is just silly.I guess now we can officially say there's such a thing as HDS(Hillary Derangement Syndrome)


  • 1 decade ago

    It is clear from the context that Hillary was invoking a familiar political circumstance in order to support her decision to stay in the race through June. I have heard her make this reference before, also citing her husband’s 1992 race, both of which were hard fought through June. I understand how highly charged the atmosphere is, but I think it is a mistake for people to take offense."

    -Robert Kennedy Jr.

  • 1 decade ago

    Before we start disqualifying people, lets start with all those people who voted for Bush, they shouldn't be allowed to vote for 8 years, and even then supervised by an injured war veteran.

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