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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why do Democrats spread vicious lies and false alegations about Sarah Palin? ?

Her daughter who is now pregnant and is 17 is not running for any office? Why so much hatred on her by the Democrats, is that the only way they could salvage a win for Obama by attacking some innocent 17 yr old who had a mistake in her life. Why not pick on someone who truly deserves to be picked on and leave Sarah Palins family out of this election mess.



Born Alive Act ....guess what Obama LIED.

I heard libs say Bristol is a damn whore and got prego from screwing every guy in her high school senior class. I also heard her mom pretended to be prego to cover up for her daughter. How stupid can you liberals be to say something that moronic.

Update 2:

david P this is exactly what I am talking about here. now you are picking on Sarah because she is a mormon? How stupid are you?

yeah bro nobody is talking about that ******* **** anymore or who ****** up family obama said leave that **** out of it even though she is a mormon that believes dinosaurs existed 4000 years ago

10 minutes ago

Update 3:

Britney Spears sister nor her family was running fro office you morons. GET A FREAKING LIFE. WAKE UP!!!!

Did the Republicans ever hit on Chelsea Clinton when her father had Monica Lewinsky give him a *******? NO!!!


And tell Obama to stop playing the race card too. He is a damn moron.

33 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    From my own personal experience with Democrats in the family, Dems tend to be the most hypocritical, dishonest, childish, selfish people around.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you not know that when you run for public office you have to show the country your family and back ground and who and where you come from? With that being said don't you know that Palin has been a advocate in Alaska for practicing abstinence and yet her daughter is pregnant. Most teenage kids that have sex at a early age is because lack of guidance and attention at home! This says a lot to me as a mother of 5 kids myself. If she can't control the where about of a 15 or 16 yr old or if the parents are never home and the kid ends up pregnant then who else to look at but the mother! This woman is off key and has not made any wise desisions since she had been Governor of a state that has the same amount of people as the one side of town I grew up in. Please and she talks about how she did this and that. Of course you can get things done easily in a small town or state. Try the whole country. Barack made things happen and made major changes when he became Senator of Illinois, that state is 5 times the population of Alaska.

    So go worship the great white hype who will be nothing but a footnote in history when Obama is Your next President!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sarah Palin & Tall is a complete idiot. She displays her kid and the babydaddy on stage. She's the one that brought her daughter into the limelight. Democrats didn't do that. Family is off limits until they're used as a tactic to get votes. She doesn't deserve to be elected to office. If you think she has enough experience to be the the most powerful person in the world, I'm sorry for you. Keep drinking the koolaid.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nobody is picking on poor Bristol Palin>I'm sure that the kid has suffered enough already by having Sarah as her mother>But Sarah Palin has chosen to tell us all exactly how morally superior her myopic view of Christianity is

    The problem with that is that poor Bristol's teenage pregnancy immediately invalidates Sarah's claim to moral superiority over all us.

    I mean if Sarah's doctrine of abstinence can't keep her own daughter from getting pregnant how on earth can she realistically expect that same doctrine to prevent anybody else's daughter from getting pregnant ?

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  • Mac
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    There were no false allegations. Palin aired out her personal family issue about her 17 year old being pregnant and media digged deeper. Obviously,,the media likes the sensationalism. 17 year old daughter story makes people tune on their tv than any story about Biden's daughters who have no such issue going on in their life. Common sense. Obviously the public likes gossip,,whether it is about Jamie Lynn Spears or Bristol Palin. Thus explaining the short lived buzz about Palin which died down when the public got bored and moved on to something else.

    Democrats like Obama/Biden never made any disparaging comments about her daughter being pregnant.

    Palin is the one who decided to run for office knowing that her teenagers life will be exposed to the public. As a mother she made that choice so don't blame Obama and the dems.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Answer..We aren't

    Comment...As I recall, when Jamie Spears got "Prego" Rush was all over her and her family...No morals, poor parenting, ya da ya da ya da...But now that it has come home to "The Other Side" It's all wine and roses..You cannot have it both ways, Deary.

    And BTW, As a card carrying Lib/Dem, I have not heard anything like that at all...I mean, I probably wouldn't even know about it if SARAH HADN'T BROUGHT IT UP!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Saying that Palin's daughter is pregnant is not a lie, neither sweet nor vicious.

    Frankly, I didn't care when it was reported that Jamie Lynn Spears was a pregnant teen, and I don't care that Palin's daughter is a pregnant teen.

    If you want to stop the hate, start with yourself. You're spewing quite a bit of it.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Democrats most likely are rabid about the daughter issue because a lot of Republicans who are of the religious ilk are always proclaiming their condescending tone of chastity and superiority. Yet when one of their own falls from grace they simply ignore anything ever occured. I for one have completely ignored this non-issue. What really irks me is that Sarah Palin as a new mom is taking on this job and going to take care of a newborn Downs' syndrome baby at the same time? That really is not a mother.....that is pure child neglect

  • dad
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Remember when McCain got Palin you where all praising her . Hows it feel to praise an idiot ? No seriously what did it feel like to know McCain got you all a woman that knows nothing about anything but moose hunting ? Did the let down hurt your pride or did it make you feel foolish ? Any ill effects . Do you need blood pressure pills ? Any of you been hospitalized after you found out ?

  • 1 decade ago

    IMG this reminds me of the strange guy yelling leave britney alone! LOL! There is nothing false about what is being said, as for you lovely mccain what about all his effed up commercials talking crap about Obama instead of a real issue. Obama plays the part of a man and talks about the issues not making up crap the way mccain does. Sarah pain family is her family if she can not raise her children right what is she going to do for our country

  • 1 decade ago

    The fact is that people are going to pick apart the lives of any political candidate. Yes, even their personal lives. Nothing is off limits. Mrs. Palin is going to find that her teen daughter's pregnancy is the least of her worries. If she doesn't like it she's going to have to lump it.

    She should develop a thicker skin and so should you.

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