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girl 16/ bf 21 acceptable?

I know a mother who not only approves of her 16 year old daughter calling her bad names (example: b***h, w***e, etc.) but alkso approves of her 16 year old daughter dating a 21 year old guy. AND lets them live together(sleep in the same bed, sex,share showers, openly live as an adult married couple) The mother does nothing and gives the girl anything she wants because she says its just easier than fighting and yelling.

I believe it's lack of proper parenting skills and just destined for failure(ie. pregnancy) I don't share my opinion,I just feel it's best to stay out of it because it's not my business really. but it shocks me and I disagree with this decision - it could've been avoided ( in my opinion the mom should teach and not encourage this type of behavior) Is there any laws that say a 16 y.o. is a child and this boy is legally a 'man'. Can the mother be held responsible? can this "man" be arrested? What would child welfare do in this situation?


The most shocking thing of all if that this mothers 17 year old son is in jail right now for having raped a 10 year old girl when he was 16. Isn't it kinda the same situation with her daughter? i mean she defends her son, but in my opinion she is permitting the exact samething to happen to her own daughter.

***And btw i live in Pennsylvania and I was told the age of consent here is 16.

***I do not intend to call anyone-i just wanted to know if I am the only person who can not accept this immoral situation. the mother also has a live in b/f which i don't agree with- but again, no my place.

*** the daughter is also on probation for assault and battery when she hit her mother in front of the police 2 years ago. Talk about your dysfunctional family huh?

she does NOTHING that a mother is responsible for. she doesn't buy food (ice cream and take out is about all) her house is atriocious and disguisting...its just a very sad situation:(

Update 2:

I just read that the age of consent in Pennsylvania is 13!!! am I the only one who thinks this is absolutely disguisting and a double standard? the guy is a "man" when he is 18 years old- but he can legally have sex with a 13 year old "child"...what's wrong with this???...sick..

Update 3:

****i believe legally this is NOT considered stautory rape' but I think it fits in the category of 'contributing to the sexual delinquency of a minor' and therefor both the mother AND the b/f could technically be held responsible. I guess the main question here is, does society have a responsibility to protect children in his situation- even if it candisrupt the lives of 2 adults, or is it better to ignore it and sit back quietly as the future of the child is ruined? Its very clearly a moral issue but the immoral state laws permit it. If this were MY child-I would call the police if a 221 yo man ever touched my child in any condition- with or without her consent- and God forbid she consented to it- she would be locked alonein her room for the rest of her life! lol

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Assalamu'alaikum sister,

    I agree with you. I think this is unacceptable, however there isn't really much you can do. Legally, she is probably allowed to have sex (the age of consent varies slightly for some states. Refer to this site

    She is allowed to have sex with him, and even have his child (but not marry him until another two years--what sense does that make? I have no clue.)

    This man can be arrested if she has not reached the age of consent yet, but if she has...there is really nothing that can be done. It's her choice and on top of that, her mother supports her.

    I hope this doesn't hinder the girl's future, but she is certainly to too young to have such an intimate relationship with her boyfriend...considering it's an open relationship.

    If you feel comfortable talking the girl or possibly the mother...just delicately bring up the topic and try to share your opinion. It's nice to see you're concerned.

    Wa salaam

  • 1 decade ago

    i agree with you... it isn't acceptable. if the shoe was on the other foot and the female was 21 and the male was 16... everyone would be up in arms. but in this male dominated society, it seems to be overlooked when a grown man is in a "relationship" with a minor. unless her parent pushes it the legal system usually won't bother with it... but below 18 is technically a minor and below the age of consent. 21 is legally an adult everywhere in the US. Child welfare might put the child in a foster home or a group home but that might be from the fry pan into a fire. They could arrest the 21 yr old for contributing to the deliquency of a minor and statuatory rape. the mother could be charged with all sorts of things. but who's going to report it and complain??

    the mother isn't being a mother at all. she isn't displaying proper responsibility for her teenage daughter.

    what could a "man" have in common with a "teenager"??

    other than sex.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yikes! What is the mother thinking??

    First of all, the 16 yr old is a minor. Yes, the man is guilty of statutory rape, even if the the girl consents to sex. Why? Because as a minor, she is not legally able to consent. Yes, he could be arrested for rape, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and maybe more.

    The mother could also be arrested for contributing to the sexual delinquency of a minor and perhaps even be charged for aiding and abetting the sexual delinquency of a minor.

    Child Protection Services should be alerted. They are the ones who handle this type of situation. They do have a hotline which keeps the caller's name anonymous.

  • 1 decade ago

    Really, it's a 5 year difference. Would you ruin someones life for that? Remember, it's not only the girls life you'll be screwing around with, but a young guy just a few years out of high school. This would be put on his record for LIFE, as well as putting him on the list of child sex offenders for whenever anyone searches his name. For the rest of his entire life.

    If it is perfectly acceptable for a 20 year old girl to marry an 75 year old man for his cash, why would a willing couple be prohibited from this?

    Of course, it is wholly unacceptable with US law. (I think) The same law of course prevents 17 yo and an 18 yo from doing anything, because of that imaginary line between 17-18.

    Still, it IS the law, and we are bound by it, even if it isn't exactly fair sometimes.

    I really don't know what to advise. Ruining someones life with action , or possibly ruining the life of someone else by inaction. Neither seems fair or right. They're both just kids.

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  • 1 decade ago

    This man can be arrested for statutory rape, sex with a minor.

    Report his punk *** for lulz.

  • it's illegal and WRONG that MAN should go to jail and learn a lesson b4 he deceives some other poor little girl into thinking she is a woman!

  • 1 decade ago

    not good on mom's part

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