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Lv 31,448 points

American Muslimah

Favorite Answers12%
  • Whats wrong with these situaions?

    i'm interested in knowing why so many Americans do not give more value to a higher education. Why is education looked at as something 'forced' upon most Americans leaving nearly a 50% drop out rate nationwide?Why is it that the 'financial power of the world' has so many uneducated individuals? Do you find this ironic?

    Is it ironic that a woman can not legally sell her body for sex (not that I would ever support this!) But she CAN kill an unborm child because i's 'her body'? If it's 'her body' either way, shouldn't she get the legal choice in this country to decide what happens with it?

    Isn't it odd how if a woman goes out in public dressed in jeans and a tshirt ( technically 'male' clothing' and no one says a word, but if a male goes out in a 'skirt and blouse' he is discriminated against?

    I do not support abortions OR homosexuality or whatever you wanna call it. But i do feel these things hypocrisy and i just wonder if anyone else feels the same. (I'm really just procrastenating about work right now lol)

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Comcast email forwarding?

    How can i fwd mail from my email account?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • what is the process to immigrate to canada from usa? ?

    I also would like to know the best area (in your opinion) to live and the average cost of living...

    1 AnswerToronto1 decade ago
  • medication according to the holy quran?

    if a person has a serious mental disorder, sitzoeffective disorder, is it haraam to use medications in order to treat this problem, ie. to control delusions and behavior (mood)

    are anti-psychotic pills haraam? antidepressants?

    Also are antiepileptic medicines permitted to control seizures?

    Allah said I have sent the cure for every disease, seek the cure... So i suppose my question is my is the ruling on medicines?

    and are there any herbal medicines that can help to allieviate these symptoms of his mental disease?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • divorce in islam-question?

    assalamu alaikum:

    if a muslim man and his wife divorce... can they remarry later? Please provide answers from the holy quran or the sunnah.

    Allah hafiz

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • nikkah and mental disabilities?

    I am a muslimah revert for 8 years. In 2006 I flew to karachi pakitan , met and married my beloved husband.

    I am trying to find out what Allah and sunnah say about the status of my marriage. My eldest son is a muslim revert as well, he was not present in my nikkah. I was appointmed two men by the qazi to be my wali.

    question 1- was my son automatically my wali before I was married?

    question 2- if my son was my wali... and he was not at my nikkah is my nikkah valid?

    question 3-I guess ultimately I wanna know the status of my marriage now. I am in usa and my husband is in karachi- awaiting the visa process.

    please give answers from the holy quran and/or sunnah:)


    Allah hafiz

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • constraint induced movement therapy?

    anyone have experience with CIMT? and what your (or person you know) overall success rate?How should CIMT begin? I'm tying to find out if a mitt or sling work best(or other restraining device) and what does the sling actually look like?(a normal arm sling would still permit use of the hand and arm to an extent, thereby defeating the purpose correct?)i am extremely interested in learning much more about CIMT(or CIT) but have not found any good detailed articles on the web about it. don't wanna know who developed it or anything- just the process, the equipment and the possible outcome, etc.

    weblinks are appreciated:) this is for a research paper i am developing.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • so tired of being tired...what's wrong with me?

    for the past few months I have been having extreme fatigue (full-blown EXHAUSTION!) and I'm not sure why. Everytime i eat (or drink- even coffee) something hot or even a little warm, within 30 minutes i feel as if i am gonna go into a coma lol caffiene makes me sleepy, hot food makes me sleepy. ONLY HOT FOODS/DRINKS! cold things don't necessarily wake me up but at least i'm not feeling dead within 30 minutes of eating an apple or ice cream or cold pepsi lol

    a litte of my medical background;

    for at least 10 years I am coping with agoraphobia and acute anxiety w/secondary acute panic disorder

    I have temporal lobe epilepsy

    I also have a traumaic brain injury from a closed head injury w/(l) hemplegia (right and left side temporal lobe damage) parietal and frontal lobe lessions and hypthomalus damage.

    Sleep has, for me, always been one extreme or another, suffered from insomnia for 10 years as well, now it's as if my brain did a complete 180- from NOT sleeping enough ever to sleeping too much always.

    i need to know what is wrong- i just had a head and neck MRI done last week but I won't see my neurologist until January 23 so I don't know what is the 10+ years I am coping with a tremendous amount of disorders and deficits at once, this is by far the strangest and perhaps hardest thing I have ever had to cope with.

    This sleepiness feeling is more than annoying- I can not finish ANYTHING! I am screwing up my job, my house although not messy is extremely neglected, my family is suffering and neglected as well


    5 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • hair knots and matting HELP!?

    ok so I woke up this morning and had a big knot in the back of my hair (where my heads lays on the pillow) so I didnt have the hours it took to remove the tangles cuz I was so late for work. I left the knot alone and just wore hijab (scarf) to cover my hair (as always) and when I returned the biggggg knot was bigggger:( like the entire back of my hair is only knots- like a pillow on back of my head lol Im soooo upset... i have long beautiful hair and I have been growing it long for like 10 years! I will be soooo angry if I need to cut my hair hort to remove these tangles!! I tried... aussi conditioner, treseme conditioner, mane and tail detangler and like half a friggin bottle of olive oil... i did finally manage to remove SOME of the knots but it took nearly 3 hours nonstop... ANY advice how i can remove the big knots easily and painlessly??? PLEASE HELP...FORGT WHALES-SAVE MY HAIR!lol


    7 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • If a family member has been diagnosed with scitzo-effective disorder how should other family members cope?

    He behaves as if he knows everything and everyone else is wrong. He fights about everything- threatens people, etc. but he also is very depressed 99% of the time and it's hard to not hurt him and add to his depression, but at the same time he is angry all of the time especially when other people dont agree with him. while its very hard not to hurt his feelings, we are afraid that he may one day act out his threats( which re seriously frightening- murder and stiff like that- he says like 'I'll slit your throat and laugh as you bleed) it's disguisting and very scary. He refuses to use medications and go to therapy. He thinks he is fine and he doesn't need medications or whatnot. Does this disorder get worse or better without treatment? The family is having a hard time coping. He has become like a completely different person. The obvious answer is to have him admitted in a psychiatric hospital- against his will. But we fear he will never come out and if he does he will be so angry that we forced him to do that, that we will all be in danger. also there is a fear that he will use pills to overdose when he is in his depressed mode. Has anyone ever had to cope with a family member who is suffering from this disorder?Need advice before it's too late! (this is my son, who lives with my elderly mother and he is 20 years old and has had this problem since a very young age- 12.)

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • can laptops be shipped into usa? If not..why?

    my husband is in pakistan and wants to send a laptop to me, I hesrd that electronics can not be shipped to usa:( but then I see websites from other countries and they are selling cheap laptops and shipping to usa. so I would like to know if shipping laptops is restricted then how are these websites doing it and how can i ship it too???

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • girl 16/ bf 21 acceptable?

    I know a mother who not only approves of her 16 year old daughter calling her bad names (example: b***h, w***e, etc.) but alkso approves of her 16 year old daughter dating a 21 year old guy. AND lets them live together(sleep in the same bed, sex,share showers, openly live as an adult married couple) The mother does nothing and gives the girl anything she wants because she says its just easier than fighting and yelling.

    I believe it's lack of proper parenting skills and just destined for failure(ie. pregnancy) I don't share my opinion,I just feel it's best to stay out of it because it's not my business really. but it shocks me and I disagree with this decision - it could've been avoided ( in my opinion the mom should teach and not encourage this type of behavior) Is there any laws that say a 16 y.o. is a child and this boy is legally a 'man'. Can the mother be held responsible? can this "man" be arrested? What would child welfare do in this situation?

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • wireless switch??

    Does a compaq Armada M700 have a 'wireless switch' linksys tech support told me to contact my manufacturer to turn on the switch anbd then go back to linksys chat but it seems compaq doesn't have a whole lot of tech support lol

    2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • contract law scope and meaning?

    What is scope and meaning of contracts in American business law?

    If possible provide a link for further reading on the topic.


    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • contract law?

    I need someone to explain to me contract law:

    1.Mistake as to the possibility of performance

    2. Mistake as to identity of a party

    3. mistake as to subject matter

    4. unilateral mistake

    5. bilateral mistake

    I need to be very detailed regarding these topics. I need to know all mistakes listed render the contract void and thereby unenforceable?

    2. are there remedies to these mistakes?


    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Two part question- please help!!!?

    1.Does the K3 visa require an affidavit support to be filed? (sponsor)

    2. If the usa based spouse is disabled and can not meet the requirements for the sponsorship- are there waivers or other alternative methods to process the K3?

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • vision changes?

    all of my life I have been near sighted with an astigmatism,but my vision was nearly perfect according to my last exam, still near sighted and still asigmatism but not so soo bad. yesterday I noticed my vision was blurry and suddenly rather than holding things close to my face to read fine print, i have to hold that away quite a bit and I still can not read that. It's very frustrating and scary to me. I have anemia as well, I am trying to read the directions/cautions on the bottle (over the counter bottle) but i can't see it!:(

    Can the anemia cause vision problems?

    I am very concerned. This is making my work complicated and its very annoying.Should I be worried? How common is it for vision to change this drastic to the opposite?

    2 AnswersOptical1 decade ago
  • US history question?

    I'm wondering what was the name given to the Americas by the native Americans prior to the settlers coming? Like before it was named the united States

    8 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • 1980's music just for fun- easy points?

    just for fun and points.

    1. this city makes a hard man humble.(complete song title)

    2. who is not gonna take it?

    3. this band sang 'you don't know what you got till it's gone'

    4. Suzanne vega sang about this boy.

    5. she's only _____ according to Winger

    6. you ____me all night long

    7. Sammy Hagar can't do this

    8. that's the way you'll get it with journey

    9.Name of Motley Crues' physician

    10.This musical duo was busted for lip-sinking their songs.

    first to answer all correctly wins:)

    have fun;

    good luck

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • when scans do not work how can I remove spyware and adware?

    I have spyware and adware in my pc and have scanned 100000 times to remove these. I have used windows live one care, spybot,adware,and hijackthis...they all say those are removed but then those come back usually within a few hours. I can not seem to remove these! It's making me a mad person...i need my pc to work (I am self employeed and work from home) i do not have a windows disk so I can not reinstall windows- I am obviously not very computer saavy, in fact I am a huge moron when it comes to pc things. Is there ANY WAY to removethese things permanantly?(easily)

    They are making my computer very slow and windows and word and other things are not responding like a million times daily. Also, how much damage can these things do to my pc or to my data?

    6 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago