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so tired of being tired...what's wrong with me?

for the past few months I have been having extreme fatigue (full-blown EXHAUSTION!) and I'm not sure why. Everytime i eat (or drink- even coffee) something hot or even a little warm, within 30 minutes i feel as if i am gonna go into a coma lol caffiene makes me sleepy, hot food makes me sleepy. ONLY HOT FOODS/DRINKS! cold things don't necessarily wake me up but at least i'm not feeling dead within 30 minutes of eating an apple or ice cream or cold pepsi lol

a litte of my medical background;

for at least 10 years I am coping with agoraphobia and acute anxiety w/secondary acute panic disorder

I have temporal lobe epilepsy

I also have a traumaic brain injury from a closed head injury w/(l) hemplegia (right and left side temporal lobe damage) parietal and frontal lobe lessions and hypthomalus damage.

Sleep has, for me, always been one extreme or another, suffered from insomnia for 10 years as well, now it's as if my brain did a complete 180- from NOT sleeping enough ever to sleeping too much always.

i need to know what is wrong- i just had a head and neck MRI done last week but I won't see my neurologist until January 23 so I don't know what is the 10+ years I am coping with a tremendous amount of disorders and deficits at once, this is by far the strangest and perhaps hardest thing I have ever had to cope with.

This sleepiness feeling is more than annoying- I can not finish ANYTHING! I am screwing up my job, my house although not messy is extremely neglected, my family is suffering and neglected as well



ok...thanks for the responses and help:) to clarify- my fatigue is not from drinking too much water- infact I drink maybe 25% of the RDA of water intake because to be honest- I HATE water lol

I do not use caffiene pills or energy drinks of any soft, I chose not to use artificial energy(except for coffee which technically does not provide energy at all lol

with my acute anxiety disorder I agree that it does seem to be leaning towards seasonal affective disorder.Problem is this has been an ongoing issue with me for morethan a year now. each time I even have a small 'hot' snack,I feel as if I ate an entire turkey or a ton of MSG. wondering what is the relation of hot food with melatonin or seratonin development in the brain and could this be a possible cause?

Update 2:

I do not need help to sleep LOLI need to know why I can't stay awake:P

Update 3:

thank you pupgranny for such a detailed and awesome explaination. I'm reconsidering my nutrition now:)I was under the impression that adding seratonin converts to tryptophan which converts to melatonin later- and, if that is true, then wouldn't it make sense that if i increase seratonin I will sleep MORE? I am definately reevaluating my diet and i appreciate your recommendations so much as I DO tend to use food and herb as much as possible to control my health:)

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sound like a chemical reaction. Does it coincide with with a change of anti seizure medicine? I'd ask my doctors to review your meds. making sure if this is a side effect from one, or a combination.

    You can get more seratonin made in your body naturally, by drinking Noni juice, which you can get at Walmart or Costco... or

    Also, maybe you aren't sleeping soundly at night.... do you snore, or have episodes of sleep apnea? If so, maybe one of those dental forms that hold your teeth, thus opening your airway.

    Then of course you could have mononucleosis or Epstine Barr virus that causes long term fatigue. And I'd take Olive Leaf Capsules , 2 of them , 3 times a day for 30-90 days to beat down a virus.

    Here is my stock answer on anxiety, and depression and nutrition. I healed myself after being devistated over a hurt child, and going crazy hyper, then anorexic, and being hospitilized. Most mental illness is toxin or nutrition caused. Of course, you have physical brain damage, to consider also, and whatever meds you're taking.

    I think that your metabolism is off. I'm guessing that you don't eat a lot of fresh vegetables, nuts, and fish and eggs.

    There is a safe, anti anxiety tonic drops, that you can get at It's called " Distress Remedy" and it's tintcures of flowers. That will help when you're having an attack.

    But to get the problem to STOP you need to get your minerals and omega oils balanced in your body, and that will help balance your hormones.

    Just like when someone gets drunk, they act funny , or mooshy, or slur their words etc.... because they have too much alcohol in their body... If you're low on Omega 3s, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Co-Q-10, and minerals especially Chromium and Vanadium and other trace minerals...Your brain just won't work right. You can have mood swings, or anxiety.

    A great source of nutrition for those who don't always eat right is Monavie Juice. Super antioxidents, enzymes, and trace minerals.

    Or Noni Juice, that helps our body actually make serotonin the hormone that gives you the "runners high" and lifts your mood like exercise.

    Take 1000-2000 mg of Vitamin D a day, Take Flax Seed oil capsules for the Omega 3's, eat eggs for breakfast, get yourself a good all minerals suppliment with all the trace minerals, eat Cashew nuts (they remove fear and panic ) and study up on nutrition and emotions and mental health.

    It's your body, and doctors won't heal you naturally. You're better off with a naturalist than with doctors wanting to stick you full of medicines, and have you talk about your problems forever... They just treat the symptoms. You need to cure the inbalances.

    Source(s): been there
  • 1 decade ago

    :( I feel the same as you do, except that I am 'lucky' to still be quite young, not Extreme damage yet...!

    Since you mention about brain injury, epilepsy etc, maybe you could try what I do. In order to feel awake ( I had and still have sleep problem since always, can't fall in sleep, sleep is bad, AND FEELING TIRED ALL DAY EVERRRRYYDAY) I do what I WANT TO DO the most and many thing at the same time. Like, weirdly, if I for example, listen to music, read a interesting book, and draw at the same time, it wakes me up! Yes weird but at least it work!! Maybe you could investigate more into the 'problems' you have with your brain etc, because to be totally honest, doctors... Hum...Hum... sure they help but annoyingly they never found anything wrong with me...!!! Hope you'll find what helps you :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hot food and drinks are relaxing, but since it's winter time it's probably alright. Change in diet and exercise can help with insomnia. Change out the ice cream and pepsi for minestrone soup, salad, salmon, barley, whole wheat pasta, etc. Exercising in the morning can give you the best results and exercising in general causes physical fatigue so by the end of the day it may be easier to go to bed. If symptoms continue then you might want to try a medication if you are not already taking one for insomnia. Ambien and Lunesta are examples that are often perscribed. Coffee is great because it has almost as many antiodidants as prunes and is not dangerous if 0-300mg is taken daily, but some people react differently to caffeine. Perhaps you might want to discontinue drinking coffee until you can find a method of sleep. If symptoms persist, see a doctor.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hmm...I think you should probably go to another doctor for their professional opinion--your symptoms seem pretty severe.

    However, based on what you've said about consuming liquids in connection with your exhaustion, it may be because you're simply drinking too much.

    Sometimes, water intoxication can make you feel like your drunk and people who have had water poisoning say that they're often tired and unable to focus.

    That being said, water overdose is pretty rare and usually only seen in infants and extreme marathon runners, so don't start to dehydrate yourself or anything like that until you make sure what the actual problem is.

    Good luck and again, it would probably be safest to get further medical diagnosis.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It sounds like a case of Seasonal Affective Disorder. You will need to get light therapy and lots of Vitamin D 2000 units per day


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe you haven't got any energy left.

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