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Malaysian, recommendation on Japanese food and restaurant?

I don't know why but I'm craving for Japanese food for no reason...huhu...and to make matter worse I'm not familiar with any of this cuisine. It doesn't need to be expensive or in a luxury restaurant and the food doesn't need to be in big set..Just to satisfy my cravings..

I've seen several restaurant such as sushi king but I don't know sedap atau tidak. Please help me..

15 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sushi king sucks!

    In fact, sushi sucks!

    Might as well go for the Japanese restaurants, they now have a lot set meals for you to choose from, some even can mix it up for you.

    And I agree with Ayn, Takebayashi in Shah Alam, is a good try, you might even meet me there... but I'm there in the evenings, lunch hour is packed and service is slow. It's in section 20, turn into Selangor Medical Centre and make another left just behind the Petronas, it's in the same row as Pizza Hut and Maybank.

    If you're in Cheras, then try Inakatei in Cheras Leisure Mall. I frequent there too but very seldom nowadays.

    If you're not familiar with raw stuffs but still wanna try, choose the sets which have cooked meats or fish that is coupled with sashimis, there should be some tempuras as well.

    Teppanyaki is just so so, I mean it's the same as ayam masak planta.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Try the Japanese Cuisine at Shangri-la, the flesh of salmon sushi tastes a lot better than the one in Sushi King.

  • 1 decade ago

    japanese restaurant is not that expensive now as before. if you dont know where to start, may be you can try sushi king or genki sushi. just set next to coveyour belt where they put the sushi spinning beside you, just take as you feel like eating it. other than that you can try going jusco supermarket, plenty of choice there too choose.

    if you fell like paying extras, just go for japanese buffet

  • 1 decade ago

    I went to Jogoya in Starhill Gallery before, it's Japanese buffet. it costs around RM90 for each person ncluding tax and the food there is superb. it's really worth the price coz u get to eat a variety of food including seafood such as oysters and crabs and prawns. u can check the opening hours and prices in Starhill's website

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  • 1 decade ago

    My kids & I enjoy going to Shogun in 1 Utama for its Japanese buffet spread, whenever we have a special occasion to celebrate. There's even a few non-Japanese dishes, like Korean's, Chinese's & middle-eastern's to tantalize your tastebuds.

    A wide variety to choose from, and it's not too pricy (RM55/pax, I think & cheaper for kids, depending on their ages)) considering it's Japanese & buffet.

    Service is pretty good and you can even go shopping afterwards to walk off all the calories!!


    Read: Lots of ice-cream varieties!

  • Boon Q
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    All the 5-Star hotels in KL have good Japanese restaurants (I take it as you living in KL okay!) Want a companion, I am a free man. Anytime girl, anytime.

    I love Jap food too.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    chankonabe gyoza soba salad shabu shabu kiritanpo edamame (FYI, "Chinese" buffets are grotesque parodies of real Chinese food. Don't go thinking you're actually eating what real Chinese people eat. They are totally sugar and salt loaded and padded to suit Western tastes. Fortune cookies are not Chinese at all, for example.)

  • 1 decade ago

    most hypermarkets n supermarkets r selling sushi king,some popular hotels r also selling japanese foods,so it's not a problem to taste japanese food in malaysia.

  • 1 decade ago

    I prefer genki sushi to sushi king... there is one in KLCC and also Bangsar.

    Can also try Xenri in Old Klang road

  • 1 decade ago

    uh...i don't eat the sushi thing..sorry girl!! and i can't recommend one cos i never dine in Japanese restaurant before..i know a few...Sushi King, Yo!Sushi...err...wait others to help u ah...

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