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rance42 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

What will happen as we depart Iraq under the Obama Exit Strategy?

• Military will have to relocate in country to staging areas for the redeployment. This will provide easy targets for all enemies of the US in Iraq to attack.

• The attacks will increase greatly and become very persistent. The purpose is to show as much aggression against the US for recruiting and funding purposes as we try to depart Iraq. They will attempt to indicate that they drove the US out of Iraq just as they drove the Russians out of Afghanistan. They will also attempt to correlate our departure from Iraq as the same departure from Vietnam. To many of the Muslim world this will elevate Osama bin Laden in exactly the same stature he held immediately following the 9-11 attacks.

• With the increase in followers and funding to the Al Qaeda network, they can and will follow us here to the shores of the Continental US.

• It will be now up to unarmed Americans to defend themselves from the enemy instead of the American Military who at least had the opportunity to face and defend themselves from the enemy.

• President Obama, Senator Reid, and Congresswoman Pelosi will attempt to blame President Bush for the cause and effect. The will always use “we should never have been there in the first place” as their primary deflection of blame.

• Truth is just as we attacked Iraq in the first place, we cut off all communication within Saddam’s military network; we are doing this to ourselves here in defense of Al Qaeda. By removing the abilities to monitor possible surveillance of our enemies and other restrictions to the American intelligence community we continually place ourselves in the dark just as we did Saddam. When we are attacked the next time President Obama, Senator Reid, and Congresswoman Pelosi will of course blame President Bush for a failed Homeland Security Program and of course announce how they will improve it.

• Senator Obama states that we are no safer now than when we moved into Iraq, truth will be told when our first attack since 9-11 occurs on our shores. Can he, as our current President, accept the responsibility for the next attack or blame others.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dems will finally figure out that Shangarla does not exist.

    BUT, the fact won't hold to their memories for long.

    Then, they're have to figure it out again.....

  • 1 decade ago

    We give up Iraq and we are in a huge hurt locker and will be back within months as it becomes a free for all for the oil of Iraq. Syria, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and most likely Egypt will all make a play for some land grab of Iran. That is why the area is key to our vital interest and Obama has no idea on how to conduct successful foreign policy and keep a strong National Defense.

  • Iran and Syria will move in behind us and all hope of Democracy in the middle east will die.

    Once they have conquered Iraq,they will be ideally positioned to take over the rest of the middle east.

    Control of the oil and seaports will provide them with the money to expand the New Persian Empire.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Al Qaeda will have a huge online party, and Bin Laden will crow the "infidels have been routed!"

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well since Obama is the darling of the media we will never hear about the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's that are being slaughtered because they will not buy into the Iranian dictators demands.

  • Power
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    When Obama is President we will just walk right out the way we walked right in. No more long winded stories about why life has to be so complicated & we have to be so afraid. We are sage. We don't need to fight to be safe. When we fight we just cause more things that make us unsafe.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Under Obama's exit strategy, we won't be completely withdrawn until the end of his first term anyway. And that's only if the Commanders on the ground allow him to do that. And trust me, as someone who has no military experience, he will be listening to the top commanders.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the country will become a terrorist state with lots of oil money to buy major arms from france


  • 1 decade ago

    Did I here you say Iraq. What the hell has bin Laden got to do with Iraq.

  • 1 decade ago

    rant much?

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