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Lv 4
MBC asked in TravelAfrica & Middle EastIsrael · 1 decade ago

What is the best ethnic/national appellation for Palestinians with Israeli citizenship?

Should they be called:

Palestinians with Israeli citizenship? ( a bit long, but very accurate, in my opinion)

Arab Israeli?

Palestinian Israeli?



Arabs in Israel?

something else?

Is it reasonable to require these people to call themselves Israelis in order to be seen as legitimate and good citizens? Why or why not?


Thank you, bryan. I know that is what is commonly used, but my question is more about whether there is a more appropriate term to use, especially according to these people themselves.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Arab Israelis or Israeli Arabs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hello there Muslim by choice,

    The State of Israel refers to them as Israeli - period.

    However, I have heard them referring to themselves in the following ways: Israeli, Israeli Arab, Arab Israeli. I have never heard any call themselves Palestinians. They may feel Palestinian and refer to themselves as such when they are amongst each other, and that wouldn't surprise me, nor do I have a problem with that.

    Those living in Gaza and the West bank refer to themselves as Palestinians.

    I know other people who live here from other countries who refer to themselves as French, Russian, Ethiopian, American, Canadian. I don't hold it against them and I wouldn't hold it against an Arab who would refer to him/herself as Palestinian Israeli. I am Jewish Arab too so I can understand because my grandmother was born here when it was called Palestine.

    As long as they are loyal to Israel, they can call themselves whatever they like.

    Something else? I hope someday we can all call ourselves the human race and know that we are all from the same.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They refer to themselves as either Israeli, Israeli Arab, Israeli Druze.

    No Israeli Arab Muslim would ever refer to himself as a Palestinian since for one, "Palestinians" don't like them, they view them as traitors for siding with Israel during the Israeli-Arab War.

    Second Israeli Arabs view "Palestinians" as beggars and cheap labor. When Israel gave work papers to "Palestinians" they mainly worked for Israeli Arab construction firms and were abused.

    In revenge the "Palestinians" would steal there work vehicles and drive them back into the territories where Israel had no authority and PA wernt interested in arresting a thief who stole from a "traitor " Israeli Arab. This is why you only hear of "Palestinians" working for Jews now. Israeli Arabs mainly use cheap labor from Eastern Europe now and treat them a lot better.

  • 1 decade ago

    If they regard themselves as "Palestinians" and they hold Israeli citizenship, then they are TRAITORS.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It depends on what they THEMSELVES consider THEMSELVES to be: If they feel that they can live in a state whose language is Hebrew rather than Arabic and that their allegiance is to the Jewish State of Israel, then they are Israelis!

    Source(s): If they feel they have something better elsewhere--such as the U.S., they are free to be Arab Americans. One thing for sure--they will NOT make Israel into a bi-national state since they will have THEIR OWN HOMELAND should they choose to live there.
  • Pazit.
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    They call themselves Israelis.

    I am Arab but I am also Jewish and I don't call myself Arab Israeli, just Israeli, and I have Muslim (mostly Druze) friends who do too.

    They aren't "required" to call themselves Israelis because we live in a free country - where Arabs and Jews have equal rights. To all of you saying "apartheid" - have you ever BEEN here??? APARTHEID is a legally mandated system where one group is dominant over another group. Arabs in Israel can (and do) run for government, they have freedom of speech, and they can vote. It's not like in Iran where the state has the right to question the legality of your personal decisions.

  • star72
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I know they are referred to as Arab Israelis and to be honest I think that fits them the best. The reason being that they are ethnically Arabs, but culturally (a lot of them) are more similar to the Israelis. I have been to Tel Aviv and Haifa for example. I could not tell who was who. Orthodox Jews of course I recognize them. But the common Israeli and Arab Israeli, there is no way to tell them apart. And when they (Arab Israelis) come to the West Bank, you see a huge difference in the way they dress and behave. So I think that term fits.

  • Shay p
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Israeli !!!

    I never thought of them as anything but Israelis, in my extensive meetings with them I never heard Arabs calling themselves anything but Israelis.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All people who lived in the former British colony Palestine can be classified as Palestinian. However when the Arab Palestinian State Jordan and the Jewish state the State of Israel were created those people who settled in Jordan became Jordanians and those who settled in Israel became Israelis. Later in the 1960-s the terrorist leader Shukeiri invented the Palestinian people for propaganda purpose. There are no ethnic group called Palestinians. They are Jews, Arabs, Druze, Bedouin and other people who live in the area. If an Arab is an Israeli citizen, he / she is an Israeli Arab. The question is that is he / she loyal to the State of Israel, or supports a hostile organisation?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You shouldn't require them to call themselves Israelis, especially when they clearly have minimal rights. Anyway, they'll never be seen as "legitimate" citizens while Zionism remains such a discriminating ideology. I consider them Israeli Arabs, but I say they can call themselves what they want.

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