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What in the world!? [MCR fans][Protest]?

Ok. Most of you probably know about how a bunch of MCR fans are going to the Daily Mail and protesting over the aricle they wrote calling them a 'suicide cult', and all that stuff.

{if you don't, here:

But now, there are rumors going around that after the protest, there will be a mass suicide! Here is what has been said [this wasn't by me]:

Scroll down in look. That makes me mad though. Having a mass suicide is the LAST thing MCR would want us to do, they would NEVER EVER want us to do that. I could go on a long time, but I am short on time...


any thoughts, anyone?

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    NO WAY they CANNOT be doing this!man this is serious Gerard would not want this!!!! i wonder if the band knows about this is terrible...

    oh yeah, what kind of person doesn't know MCR?

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe it's a lie, though if it isn't, I hope they DO NOT GO THROUGH WITH IT! If they protest against MCR being a "suicide cult" and then they kill themselves, the entire message will have been missed! And what do they think will happen the next day? The Daily Mail will be all over it, blaming MCR, creating even more havoc. I say just go down there and protest peacefully, and then, at the end, go celebrate. I'm personally waiting for the media to find out - I'd like to see what bull they write bout the protest!

  • Tree
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    the whole 'mass suicide' thing is pointless and just plain wrong. The people who believe in doing this are idiots, because you're right, it's the last thing MCR want fans to do and it will turn the media on us fans again which is something we don't need.

    And the video that you posted a link to is beautiful. The girl is right, too. No one could have possibly known what she was thinking. It's a crime that her parents didn't even try to help her. The media is too willing to point the blame on something to get people to pay attention. It is truly a sad thing.

    Thanks for posting this question. It's something people need to know about and put an end to this ridiculous idea.

    And sitara, this is a serious subject about people trying to kill themselves. Not a hater forum.

  • 1 decade ago

    i wish i was in london. its really pathetic to have newspapers blame mcr for peoples deaths. if they really did any research about mcr, htehy would find that the message in their songs have always been against suicide. mcr has always suppported and promoted the fact that if your severely depressed, then go talk to someone.

    and the mass suicide? that is the stupidest thing ever. dont people realize that the mass suicide will just make people blame mcr for even more deaths?? the people doing that prolly arent even really fans, because real fans know that thats the last thing that mcr would want their fans to do.

    mcr deserves better than all this ****.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't see anything about a mass suicide there, just some kids wearing jumpers with "Dead" written on them ...

    Yeah the protest is supposed to be peaceful, but it makes NO SENSE whatsoever about a mass suicide being involved, because that goes against everything MCR are for!

    EDIT : lestat_bullets : I clicked on the link on their answer and idk if the mass suicide thing is real or not now!

    Anyway I doubt that there really is gonna be a mass suicide, it makes no sense whatsoever.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    omg. wtf?? what the hell is wrong w/ these kids?? its these ppl that give mcr fans a bad name. mcr saves lives, not kills them. omg... what is wrong w/ these kids?!? ugh. omg. i dont even know what to say about this. these kids have some problems. like they must be depressed or crazy or something. i still cant believe it. someone needs to smack sense into them. i mean they think they are proving a point?? they are just proving the mcr is a suicide cult band (which its not). omg... i still cant believe that. i hope they get some sense b4 they actually do anything. those kids need to see therapists or something. they need help. if they do this, alot of ppl will be affected, alot of ppl will be hurting, ppl will be pissed, alot of young lives will be lost, and mcr will be given a bad name. if they do this, mcr could get banned. they might never be able to play another show again. OMG!! WHAT IS WRONG W/ THESE KIDS?!? UGH!!!

    also, i listen to mcr EVERYDAY and i have never thought about self harm or suicide. just thought i would add that....

    Source(s): im FUMING right now
  • 1 decade ago

    the mass suicide idea is totally sick!

    absolutely repulsive.

    what the hell are those emos trying to do?

    marching to protest against the paper, i understand, i support

    but mass suicide?

    come on!

    somebody call MCR and stop them!!

    damn, this thing's getting really big isn't it?

    i just wish that they'd blame the parents or the child as she was the one who died and the parents were the ones not stopping her from slitting her wrists and sleeping at her boyfriend's...

    what a messed up world...


  • that's why i'm not a huge over-obsessed MCR fan.. those people are like, f*cked up or something! they already gave MCR a bad reputation... wow, some people really need to get back into reality and stop putting MCR in the middle of it.

    and yes, i love my chemical romance, but i don't go crazy over them..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is a hoax.


    Those were done by non-MCR fans who want "emos" to be fooled and actually kill themselves.

    Don't advertise it everywhere because it's giving them the attention they want.

    They are all laughing their asses off at all the fans who are panicking.

    Please stop spreading it around, I am attending the march and want it to go smoothly but it doesn't help when people on myspace are posting fake news that "mass suicides" are going to take place.

  • .
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I am for the PEACEFUL protest, but the mass suicide.. why would anyone do that? It would just give MCR a bad name. I wish they wouldn't..

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