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The sprint cup guys...driving in nationwide?

So up to this point i really didnt mind Denny Hamlin, but is he serious? Brad raced him hard and they both got irritated, Brad bumped him (causing no damage) and the Denny retaliates by hitting him in the fender (casuing damage) in the interview Denny says " Hes a driver that hasnt raced in the Sprint cup series and doesnt know patience"

1. Ok so...lets think about this...YOU (denny) are driving in the series below sprint cup and traditionally that has been for the guys trying to get to the sprint cup series.

Denny coninued "hes driving off my corner panel, and driving to the bottom of the track, and he was high and then drove to the bottom of the track."

2. This is ridicuolous because from what he explained thats the same sh!t that Kyle Busch does, no body is complaining about that?

All in all, another reason why i think its ridiculous for the sprint cup guys to be racing in the Nationwide series....when they do, and get raced by a guy they cry...RIDICULOUS!!!


JBM...its obvious the other people got it douche bag....

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm with you all the way, I;m sick of Cup guys taking over the Nationwide series, I would watch more if they would limit how many Cup guys could run the Nationwide series.. All these Nationwide regulars can hope for is a top 5 finish.. Cup guys you have your big race, give these up and coming guys a chance to win in their own series. Maybe they need to make all the cup guys start in the back or make them all start a lap down..IDK.. I love the races when a Nationwide regular wins, its awesome, but its always a race where most of the Cup regulars aren't there..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't have a problem with the Sprint cup guys racing in the Nationwide series. I just think it is ridiculous when after a race a Sprint cup guy is complaining about a Nationwide guy. The Sprint cup guys know that some of the Nationwide guys don't have a much experience as they do and that's why there in the Nationwide series. I think if some of the Sprint cup guys don't like the way the Nationwide guys race should just race the Sprint cup and for the guys who don't mind it should race in both series.(This is nothing against Denny Hamlin-He is one of my favorite drivers so of coarse I am on his side)

  • 1 decade ago

    Brad got pushy, Denny got whiny and threw a tantrum. Race hard, deal with it, and kwicherbichen.

    I personally liked the days when cup drivers in the BUSCH series was the exception rather than the rule. Those lesser known guys are racing just as hard and deserve an opportunity to show their stuff. What it all comes down to though is sponsorship dollars. The unknowns aren't going to rake in the sponsor money like the established cup guys do, so we might as well get used to what I'm now going to be calling the "Dixie Cup" series.

  • zalex,
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    i disagree with the kyle busch and hamlin thing iv said this ten million times , brad lifted denny tires LIFTED

    i do agree with the nationwide thing , all cup racers get taught patience by older drivers and in cup drivers give and take you cant teach that to a younger new driver they go all out every lap , no give and take , cup racers shouldnt be racing full schdeule they should be allowed eight races , but that to has a problem not that many people will watch the races that dont have the cup racers in them

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  • 1 decade ago

    bottom line, both brad and denny were probably each at fault at various times on the racetrack. brad probably shouldn't have lifted denny's tires, but denny definitely shouldn't have hit him like he did.

    unfortunately, some of the competition between the two young bucks at jgr spilled out into the interview segment. kyle can usually pull off a smart@$$ comment, or say something totally unreasonable, and do it sounding arrogant or intelligent enough to almost pull it off. i've heard him talk about others having various problems and he's usually right on the money in terms of car control, setups, handling problems, running out of talent, etc.

    denny just doesn't have the charisma, the personality, or the vocabulary to pull it off. i don't mean to knock the guy, but i don't feel he's the sharpest tool in the jgr toolbox. it almost seemed as though denny was trying to get in on the "bad guy" notoriety that just seems to come to kyle now, and tony before, so naturally ;-) denny should go back to his original image - the young kid on the block who prepared for races on tracks he had never been on before by playing video games...

  • 1 decade ago

    What the 88 did was wrong but Hamlin was way out of bounds and he should be penalized for it. But he won't. He also needs to think what he is saying before he talks. He is trying to act like Kyle Busch and it isn't working.

  • 1 decade ago

    I, for one, don't watch the NNS races unless Tony or Kyle are racing in it. I dare to say that most of the people watching wouldn't be if it were strictly NNS drivers

  • 1 decade ago

    i think they should limit the amount of starts a cup driver could make per year

    and hamlin should be tossed for his crazy comments

  • Jrm
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    and your question is________???

    Source(s): 42 4 life
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