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Is it true that Hezbollah kill Sunnis?

Why do they do this?


I ask because of this guy who says he saw it happening.;_ylt=A0WTc...

Update 2:

Why would I not care about Muslims just because I'm Jewish?

Update 3:

Blue Xull, I'm really sorry that you think everybody hates Shias, but I don't and Jews don't (some mght, but we don't as a group).

I hope you find the Jews and Sunnis that don't hate you and learn about other types of people. That will surely be the best thing for peace.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Of course. But one thing I don't get, they have Sunni fighters in their militia. That's weird.

    Why would a Jewish guy care about Sunnis anyway?

    Haven't you guys kept them in refugee camps for 60 years?

    (JPA: Jewish pagan alliance- what a loser!)


    Yeah, that guy is a Wahabi, (look up 'dispatches' on youtube)

    They hate Shias as much as they hate Jews.**

    I mean your intention is obvious.

    If you really care, ask "Is it true that the IDF kill Sunnis" It would be much more relevant and true.


    Whoops, sorry I meant to say Wahabis hate Shias as much as they hate Jews. My bad. I know most Jews are sensible people - except for some far right Zionists. Most Sunnis are regular folks as well, but Wahabis have radical beliefs. And for the record, I'm not Muslim. And I don't hate or 'love' any particular group of people. Sorry, I got Y/A-mad.

    Quoting from his answer: "And for the Jew guy he is the same of Hezbollah both of them terrorists and enemies of Islam and the truth that both of them."

  • 1 decade ago


    according to BBC 25 thousand jewish live in Iran. and more than 300 thousand Iranian jewish live in Palestine and Israel. although other religions like Jewish is minority in Iran but Sunnis are not minority. they are one part of the country. so how can shiAs kill sonnis and live in the same country? what im trying to say is that no religion in the world encourages its followers to kill the others. ther roots of all international confrontations is the economic gap between ppl of the world and NOT religion. but because for some resons the poorest are muslim, the gap has been resonased.

    However, there are some ppl that want to bring this false thought ( ShiAs killing Sunnis or the other way around) to the others by destructing all groups aims, what your friend has seen might be one of them and some press promote this fals killing ideas in favor of some political groups.

    to the 12th (Hidden IMAM): what you say is totally false my friend, where and when did he say that? when you bring ones sentence you have to write where did you get that from. the official site has no such thing that you said.

    this sentence: "ayatolla khomeini say issue Fatwa that says Muslim sunni BLOOD and Money is Halal" is not even true for a person who has not any religion. according to shiA Feghh you can find in all ShiA fatwaas , that ShiA and Sonni are brothers and sister and they can marry and live toghether. ther are many Sonnis living in north, south, west and east. they live toghether and no one intends to kill the other.

    Source(s): DON'T FIGHT WITH EACH OTHER!!!!!!!!!!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No Hezbullah only kills those who show disrespect to the Shrines or disrespect to Prophet Muhammad and Allah or in other words or to be more specific, they fight the enemies of Allah. And the word Hezbullah itself means "The Party of God." lol think about it...

    It's a party against the movement of Zionism, not to kill random Jews. There is a difference between being a Zionist and a Jew. A Zionist can be a Jew but a Jew cannot be a Zionist.

  • No it is not true. Is this a new false claim of your Zionist friends? Hizbollah fight only the zionist invadors and occupiers. They don't kill sunnis. The sunnis that they fought with are traitors who want the Americans to control their country. Hizbollah were getting rid of traitors.

    I am sunni

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I wasn't mindful that Sunnis and Jews had been fearful of shias. Regarding the system of them being "real" Muslims, I disagree as I believe quranists are "real" Muslims, however nonetheless someone who believes Muhammed used to be a prophet and believes in Islam is a Muslim.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think so, it's definitely against the goals and values of Hezbollah. If there have been incidents like that then the ones who committed the crime were not operating on behalf of Hezbollah. Even in the American army for example, sometimes some soldiers commit murder against civilians, so obviously some people who claim to be Hezbollah could do the same but they don't represent the majority.

  • Are the jews Sunnis ?

    That Hizbullah killing them and they want their land back from jews.

    Iam waiting for your answer.

    if you think that the sunnis are jews Yeah they kill sunnis and if you think that sunnis are not jew they are not killing sunnis only they are killing their hunt,.

    Source(s): A Proud shia
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thats not true. Hezbollah fights for Palestine, if they killed sunnis why would they be helping a country with a sunni majority?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is a lie propogated by "Israel", the US and their allies. After the victories of Hezbullah against "Israel", its popularity soared and the enemies of Hezbullah had to find a way of dealing with it. They failed to deal them a blow on the battlefield when they tried in 2006 so they began searching for other ways and one of them is spreading this lie. Hezbullah's popularity amongst shi'ites is untouchable so they couldn't go near that. rather they tried to turn the sunni public opinion againstthem but they'll fail with that too because justice is justice.

    EDIT: don't worry about the answer below mine, he/she is deluded and likes to make things up. The first statment could easily be made up and even if it is true that's got nothing to do with hezbullah - blaming them for that would be like blaming the catholic church for a murder committed by someone who claims to catholic. Also, in contrast to what the answer below claims, it is in shi'ite theology and in Islamic theology as a whole to live with eachother in peace and harmony. Imam Khomeini himself always spoke about Muslim unity but the bigot below seems to be more ignorant than i thought he was.

    also, if hezbullah wanted to kill innocent sunnis, would they be so forgiving with sunnis guilty of wanting to assassinate the leader of Hezbullah?

  • yes it's true i have a lebanese Muslim sunni friend they killed his brother the few days ago

    they do this because their religion in shi'ism to kill a sunni it's halal and you will get reward fro it as they call sunni a (ahlulbayt enemy) and kuffar so to kill a sunni and steal his money it's Halal , ayatolla khomeini say issue Fatwa that says Muslim sunni BLOOD and Money is Halal!!

    and hizbolla are students of khomeini school so what do expect ?

    the Amal movement the first ally for hizbolla killed aloit of Sunnis in the civil war in the past and most of it's followrs are now hizbolla followers hizbolla is fanatic shia group just like

    what shia do in iraq !

    but the Ignorants sunni deserve this !!

    they supported them and they are blind dumbs who say death to America and Israel in media they believe him while he is friend of them in real !!

    Source(s): BX they don't have any sunni in their group!! but they use the ignorant sunni in the war in the first row and for the jew guy he is the same of hizbolla both of them terrorists and enemies of Islam and the turth that both of them work together to destroy Islam Iran always calls for death for Israel but never see any action while we saw the violence acts by Iranians in Makkah against Muslims !! we saw shias kill Sunnis in Iran and closed all sunnis Masjids while Jews living like Kings in Iran !! Sunnis can built one SINGLE MASJID FOR THEM in Tehran while jews have alot of places Khomeini killed the hell out of Muslim sunnis in Iran but he didn't kill one single jew !! Iraq the same Lebanon the same this game won't work again Israel is our enemy just Like Iran and the truth that Iran is more dangerous than Israel the hidden enemy more danger than the abvious
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