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Anonymous asked in Arts & HumanitiesPoetry · 1 decade ago

what makes a poem a poem?

as far as i am concerned there are no rules to poetry just guide lines, therefore a poem can be anything to anyone. and if i call it a poem i believe that is justification enough. i am interested in other peoples views on this. and why do some people get so caught up on spelling?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm totally with you on the spelling thing!! whats the big deal, there arent like scouts here looking at our poetry or real editors looking for new talent on Y! so the poems on her dont have to be perfect. . .a few mis-spelled things is all right with me, I look at the poem for the poem, not to tell some one how bad of a speller they are.

    What makes a poem a poem? Well talent for one(lol)

    A poem can be ANYTHING but I dont like the cut-cut slash-slash stuff, I wouldnt call that poetry I would call it "I think you need some help pal!".

    Thats just what I think, and I like family frendly poetry,death and lose, that kind of thing is all right with me. . .but some peotry that people write just shouldnt be read(My thoughts on it)

    lol sorry, I know all I said will take like a YEAR(long time) to read but its my view on it=).

    Source(s): Poet Or Writer. . .(not sure heehee=)
  • Dondi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Some poetry is just what you say, it has guidelines but no fast hard rules. Other forms do have fast hard rules, such as rhyme scheme, meter, number of lines, number of syllables in each line. There are so many different forms that even those with no rules or guidelines generally follow a pattern of some sort. As for spelling, first a lot of mispelled words show that the writer doesn't care enough for his/her own work to spell properly, if it is full of spelling errors, it is difficult to read, as the mind will slow down and respell the words and the flow, if any, goes away. The same with punctuation. No punctuation in a poem makes it a long run-on sentence regardless of line breaks. Just as it is your right to call anything you want poetry, it is someone else's right to call it non-poetry. If it flows, and reads well and has some type poetic quality to it, I will not argue if it is or isn't poetry, but if you write an English sonnet with 7 lines that don't rhyme and are not iambic pentameter, then we will disagree, for that form has rules. The same with a Dondicrostic Quint. That is a quintuple acrostic with the first letter of each word forming another word reading down line by line, except for the end words, and the use the last letter of the word. It doesn't have to rhyme, each line contains 5 words, there can be any number of lines, but the words formed must be some type of phrase that when read, make a statement. Those are the rules for that one, because I created it. cya later.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't blame ee cummings. He liked being called Ed.

    Poetry has lots of rules. Like most laws, they are easier to break than obey.

    Modern Free Form poetry has one prime directive; one unbreakable rule; it must be good.

    Banal whinings about unrequited love or bullies in the gym are, for the most part, not good. Standard lines and common angst are not good. The same old cliche' crap is not good.

    Make me read your poem 5 times...that's good.

  • Adios
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    A poem is what you deem it to be

    Doesn't matter if it's not liked by me.

    Poetry is a vehicle of expression

    Whether it be of happiness or depression

    Or any other subject for that matter

    Like losing weight or getting fatter

    The theme is always up to you

    It can be about anything you want it to.

    As long as you like it and call it your own

    Then you can also feel free to call it YOUR poem !!

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  • 1 decade ago

    What makes a poem a poem is its power to touch our hearts and teaches us something.Then comes the style by which you can influence us more and at the same time shows your mastery of English words.English words can do all the difference if all other prerequisites are available.

  • Angel
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    A poem needs only one particular rule ..... WORDS ..... spelt in a way that the meaning of that word is clear - the rest of the rules are up to the poet's imagination.

    Poetry and Art are similar in that they can't be wrong or right, as it is the personal creation/fantasy of the poet/artist.

    Who are we to argue with the creativity of a poet? Groovy baby.

  • 1 decade ago

    "a cat climbs up a telephone pole,"

    The beautiful white cat with blue eyes up the telephone pole ,

    Is wondering why everything is suddenly so small ,

    a gust of wind with all it's might ,helped the beautiful cat

    reach the ground all was normal again ,and it was happy..

    "A strong gust of wind blew the stupid cat and it fell to the ground" the bird got away .. oh well ...

  • 1 decade ago

    If you express your thoughts and emotion very well within a limited amount of words, yet they sound beautiful being put together...that's poetry to me! =)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    An empty page makes a poem, you need to just fill it in.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    what's poetry to someones ears poison to anothers.....there are no hard and fast rules regarding's about the only thing you can write and no-one gives a sh*t about the spelling and grammar......


    .`· ♥.¸.·´

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    (¸.·♥´ (¸.·´♥

    Source(s): I am a Teacher....well, someone has to do it...
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