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Lv 7

Why do so many people assume that actions done in the name of Religions accurately reflect their teachings?

The American Amish of the 91th century and the German Nazis of the 20th both called themselves Christians and studied the same Bible. Yet the way they practiced their faith is beyond night and day. I constantly see Religion derided because of the actions of individuals yet are not those individuals simply using their "Beliefs" to justify actions on which they had already decided, just as the Crusades, primarily about trade routes and loot, were dressed up as a Holy Endeavor? There are examples of such behavior in Catholic, Protestant, Islamic, and even Jewish History, but does the fact that the supposed practitioners of a Faith often ignore it's tenets actually invalidate the tenets themselves, and, by implication, the Faith Itself, or does it invalidate the claims of those individuals to be adherents of the Faith? If the latter, then why blame Religion because of the actions of the Non Religious?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I often ask this question. I think there is no reason to blame the religion itself. People who are prone to violence or any other erroneous act would carry out what they want even if they had no text to give their own mind validation because it is their mind that validates it in the first place. For example I am The Quran it says something to the effect of slay them where ever you find them. (them refering to jews / non-believers) if i was violent in nature I'd say cool....that means I can torture people....but since I am not violent in my nature nor have I been condition in such a way. So I seek a logical explanation for such a text. I did and I am satisfied with the answer I received. If some are interested in that email me. I won't place it here because it doesn't pertain to the specific question.


    I just read the answer above. Not a name named but a reality misunderstood. Same could be said for me

  • 4 years ago

    no longer common question. i think of particularly, particular my behaviour could mirror my values. inspite of the incontrovertible fact that, i'm valuable there are situations that I shield my values for worry of no longer being regular in a undeniable subject or ecosystem. as an occasion, I stay in yet another usa to the place i replaced into born, and the subculture is fairly different to what i'm used to, inspite of the incontrovertible fact that it quite is significant that i'm regular right here to be waiting to do my interest. each and every so often I see issues that i think of are incorrect, yet are ideal in this subculture. So i do no longer say or do something approximately it, and this commonly reasons me rigidity!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Beware the wolf in sheep clothing.

    or as the bible states:

    Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are savage wolves

    Matthew 7:15

    People were warned about them and still fell for their tricks.

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