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Someone at my work allegedly ruined the engine computer of our diesel shuttles?

These shuttles are diesel engines with 24 volt electrical systems (lots of accessories to run) supposedly the engine computer was fried when someone hooked up the battery to a 12 volt car battery). Is this even possible? How could you ruin an electrical system by plugging in something of LOWER voltage?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If the 12 V battery was hooked up in the reverse polarity, that would have good odds of killing something. But probably only the internal voltage-regulators that condition the power to the innards of the computer.

    The computer should already be protected against Under-voltage - after all, this is what every flat battery delivers...

    Source(s): Electronics engineer 40 years.
  • 1 decade ago

    I think you are right 24 volt systems are quite often made by hooking 2 x 12 volt batteries (you might check your shuttles). Low voltages normally don't fry the computers.

    Might be worth checking to see if anyone jump started the vehicle lately. Putting the jumper leads around the wrong way can have some interesting effects ...

  • 1 decade ago

    Hooking up battery in reverse is like shorting the battery (and worse). But something like that has not really been tested so you never really know if that will indeed cause damage.

    It may be just coincidental.

    Good Luck...

    P.S. But it will probably damage the battery for sure.

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