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Lost - Season 4 Finale, thoughts?

What a ride! Only magnificent can spell out what this finale was. Some great Q and A going on at Yahoo Answers! right now. Ok so let's generalize my thoughts and then you give yours.

Great episode. I guess we should decipher by character.

Sawyer - gotta love the man...always lookin out for Freckles (and just now getting ready to mack on Juliet). Although kinda awkward and brief he tells Kate to look after his significant person off the island. Flashbacks will be needed to make this any clearer.

Sun - she believes Jin to be dead, takes over Paik industry, and has a vendetta against Widmore or so I believe. Ben better hurry and kill Penny if he wants Widmore to see it. Sun might just make Ben's mission unnecessary.

Hurley - the big bag of fun. Checkmate Mr. Eko. He doesn't want to go back to the island. I suppose the apparations or ghosts have him jolted. He is truly scared to return.


Juliet - all hopes of getting off island, poof. "Would you have a drink with me Sawyer?" But hey maybe she'll be happier now that she cannot be controlled by Ben anymore since he supposedly cannot return.

Jin - I don't think he's dead. He's too important of a character and he hasn't really fulfilled anything. I'm hoping in the frenzy that he at least jumped off before the big boom. Faraday will pick him up on his way to check out the wreckage along with the buddies he currently has on raft.

Sayid - the great Jedi battle between Darth Keamy and Jedi Jarrah. Best fight scene on Lost ever. Off the island he truly has become Ben's apprentice seemingly now killing innocent people outside mental institutions. Maybe he was not so innocent.

Faraday - So what's to happen to him, does he find Jin at least? They are in the middle of nowhere and nothing suggests the Searcher found them. Where will this party wash up? A good scientist is needed somewhere.

Update 2:

Charlotte - Who is she? Was she born on the island? Is she unknowingly Ben's childhood friend? Yea I know he shoots her, but something's up and she seems significant now.

Miles - blah, maybe he'll start striking up sarcastic conversations with the entire dead Lostie universe, although the dead seem to be talking to everyone just fine.

Frank - He'll be back, maybe he'll be covert because he knows things.

Desmond - Rejoined with Penny. I dare you to Ben. Oddly placed, "see you in another life, brother". Significant?

Update 3:

Kate - what do I do? Must take care of Aaron? Must go back? Must not bring back Aaron? Must love Jack? Must take care of Sawyer's person? Claire what're you doing here?

Christian - the new voice of the island, not Jacob? The island doesn't need you anymore Michael, here let's see if we can't get that bullet to do what you intended or throw you through that windshield with the correct result...BOOM!

Ben - You can't have cold without hot (ice to desert). Is he lying or what? Can he return to the island even though he says he can't? Did he set up Locke?

Jack - You can't have white without black. Jack and Locke different as night and day. Jack is not there, something terrible has happened. Live together, die alone.

Update 4:

Locke - All alone to lead by himself. Others so happy to have him succeed. But something terrible is going to happen. Could Christian call on him to go find Jack and bring him back, and in a war with Widmore, could he have been killed? Or has Locke just plain turned to the dark side?

Claire - Don't you dare bring him back. Maybe she wasn't talking about Aaron. Maybe she was talking about the only other person that can be "brought" back...Locke. What was it that was so terrible that happens under Locke's leadership. It's his island now, is it like the ring of power?

Update 5:

You're not thinking deep enough Craig, you gotta look under the surface for these things, they don't make it easy for you to figure out. And yeah, I recall that it's his daughter, but wasn't sure.

Update 6:

Lake, there are 2 more seasons. Season 5 and 6.

Update 7:

Skywater, the panda scenes with Jin were a flashback. This was the one and only episode that had both a flashforward and a flashback. I believe next season, we'll find out that Jin does live (by jumping off the boat), but I don't think he has traveled in time because he wasn't on the island, just like Oceanic 6, Desmond, Frank, Faraday and those unimportant survivors with Faraday.

Jack is always a possibility for whom Claire was talking about, but from the looks of things, he would be the one person that needs to get back because all of the terrible things that went wrong without him there. I think Locke is more of a candidate as things went wrong right when he became the island's leader, but I'm still hoping he's good. Claire could be talking about Ben. I think Ben has some tricks in his sleeve to return with the Oceanic 6. It is my belief that as likable as he is, Ben is the ultimate bad guy in the show, and we will see by the end.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think Claire was definitely talking about Aaron. And I'm sure Sawyer told Kate to look after his daughter.

    You can't think too deep either! That's how they trick you. The island has gone to hell since the 6 left so I could see why Claire wouldn't want her son back there.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think Sawyer's person off the island was Clementine. I had hoped Kate's backwards phone call was from Sawyer about that but no dice.

    I agree and think Jin found Faraday's boat and assuming Sawyer's somewhere different, Faraday will have to be leader now which would seem to be an unlikely role for him. Since Miles can speak to the dead and there are a buttload of dead people on the island (thanks, Dharma Purge!), he'll have a larger part in the storyline.

  • 1 decade ago

    People are you forgetting this is a time machine. I think Jin is alive but went some where in time that we may not know about yet.. That is just what I think because remember the flash forward when Sun was having the baby and you thought Jin was going to see her.. But went to give the panda to someone else there...

    Also the first though that popped into my mind when Claire was talking to Kate about don't you dare bring him back... I was thinking she meant Jack.. Cause remember Jack is not supposed to raise Arron. So maybe if Jack cleaned up his act Kate would forgive him and take him back..

    Just my thoughts :-)

  • 1 decade ago

    I loved the finale. I thought it was the best episode ever! Only I'm bummed out because we have to wait so long for it to start up again. Good thought about Jin -- they show a future spot where Sun went to the grave site, but maybe next season he will somehow reappear, or maybe he swam back to the island.....but wait, the island disappeared! I'm thinking everyone goes back to the island, but for what reason I'm not sure. Oh man....I can't wait for the next new season. I heard that next season is the final one......anybody else hear that as well??

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  • 1 decade ago

    **READ** I have some very good theories :)

    1) Jin is not dead. Towards the beginning of the episode of Hurley's flashforward when he was talking to Walt, Hurley says, "We have to protect everyone who is still on the island." and Walt says,"Like my dad?" And Micheal was on the boat... :)

    2) Sun is help Whidmore because she wants to get back at Ben. I think she finds out that Ben blew up the boat and it made her furious for killing her husband. But then (if Jin is still alive) she will see him again in the next season finale and it will be very "heart warming" :) It was so sad when she was screaming/crying

  • 1 decade ago

    that was without doubt one of the best episodes ever...the best season finale yet and there are 2 more seasons of LOST season 5 and 6 -- they will 17 episodes each and season 5 starts next year (2009) in january early febuary...i don't think it was a person that sawyer told kate to look after but somthing and i don't think jin dies and i am pretty sure that sawyer and juliet get together but i don't want that....he was sooo cute with kate, i never liked juliet there is just somthing about her that doesn't seem right

  • esker
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I enjoyed it! a great sort of unfastened ends have been tied-up and easily sufficient have been left open to hypothesis: * What befell to the Island? * What "terrible issues" befell on the Island (in accordance to John) after the 6 left? * How did John lose his legs? * Why is Claire against taking the toddler back to the Island? * have been Hurley and Mr. Echo (from season 2) talking approximately something significant as they (curiously) performed chess? * How does Jin come back to Korea? approximately that final one: the episode depicting destiny solar giving delivery additionally confirmed Jin frantically attempting to get an excellent, plushy panda to the new child son of a few influential Korean boss guy (dunno who). As Jin leaves the well being facility, his communication with the nurses leads us to have confidence he's the two pretending to not be the Jin all of us be attentive to (intrigue!) or he does not be attentive to that he's Jin (amnesia?). he's alive interior the destiny however, so he survived the explosion. OR Jin has a twin (bwahahahaha). verify-out the related link. they are doing the fake advertisements back; i spotted it close to the top of the instruct.

  • 1 decade ago

    im just wondering what the bad things were and how locke died.

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