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  • What was your Lost theory gone wrong?

    From about 6 or 7 episodes out I had a theory I stuck with but it didn't come true, not totally anyway.

    My question is what was your theory gone wrong, or if you were really lucky, guessed right?

    I shall share mine: "Neither side of the war is good or evil. It's two guys, Jacob and MIB, playing a game of chess, and whoever wins, wins. Jacob has a stance, the island is important, needs to be protected. MIB's stance is the island is just an island and he just wants to be free and go home. MIB wins. Events take place in the past which cause the island to be stuck nonexistent in the bottom of the ocean and the altenate reality is revealed to be the new true reality."

    I have to say I kind of still halfway believe in some of my theory but I suppose you could argue against me. I don’t think you can prove that either side was good or evil still. And the producers kind of said the same thing in the pre finale saying Jacob and his brother were just two guys. I think the game they played as kids was symbolic and it evolved into a much larger game in protecting and destroying the island. And the alternate reality is somewhat of a true reality once it converges at the end. The entire flash sideways blew my mind. And I suppose any great show that can give you a glimpse in a theme of death will do well if done right and I can’t imagine a better ending. Every scene where a character found their “constant” and remembered the events of the island, it gave me chills. And then Christian drops the bomb to Jack that they are all dead, that was it. Quite fitting that the Christian Shepherd opens the door for all of them to pass on together.

    Very deep satisfying ending.

    6 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Lost - Was Jack and Hurley's mission to the lighthouse symbolic?

    Is this a symbol of when you are on your deathbed of "going towards the light"?

    A notable quote exchange was...Jack: "How come we've been here all this time and have never seen this?" Hurley: "Cause we were never looking for it".

    But what would you make out of Jack walking towards the light and destroying it? Is this foreshadowing of things to come?

    1 AnswerDrama1 decade ago
  • Your theory on the ending of the series Lost?

    So, producers have revealed that the ending of Lost will be to the likes of the ending of Sopranos in that fans of the show will end up really liking it or really hating it.

    So, it gets me thinking, what are the plausible possibilities to end the show that would make for such a jarring mindbending ending.

    My top two theories based on what we know now is going on:

    1. Everything that you've seen on Lost never happens because of the events that take place that destroy the island forever and before the characters' time. To me that would be a good ending, original, very lost like.

    2. They could really model after Sopranos and end the show with no decision where Jack, the hero of the story, comes to the climactic point of the series and the show ends. This would upset me because it would be too unoriginal to copy Sopranos in that aspect, but at the same time would make sense ultimately saying with everything they've shown you on Lost, anything is possible and mostly unpredictable and nothing more than an ending like that would say it more.

    7 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Lost - What are your episode specific theories for "The Lighthouse"?

    Questions arising from this episode or recent multiple episodes:

    1. Who is David's Mom?

    2. Who is Jacob waiting on?

    3. Where was Sawyer when MIB showed up at Claire's tent?

    4. Why was Kate not one of the original "numbers"?

    5. Who else will be recruited to MIB's team?

    6. What's more powerful, a candidate's free will or predestination?

    My answers, guesses, theories:

    1. Eloise Hawking (don't give me your gross only makes sense because of the piano symbol). Picks 2, 3 & 4 would be Theresa, Juliet, or Sarah his exwife from original timeline.

    2. The only one who has not made it back to the island but is supposed to be, Desmond. By the way the name at the bearing of 108 in the lighthouse shows a crossed out name of Wallace, a name of Welsh/Scottish decent which could be further proof of Desmond.

    3. My guess, MIB has already killed him so that he may transform him into what Claire and Christian are and what Sayid is to become.

    4. Kate does indeed have a number. An eagle eye view shows an uncrossed name of Austen at number 51. But it still remains that she is not one of the original numbers that are so famous in Lost. I don't have any ideas on that one, but because she is not crossed out, she is indeed a candidate.

    5. My guess is Kate, Sawyer & Sayid to go along with Claire and Christian at this point. I might even venture to say Jack if things go toward the way of my overall theory. No way Hurley joins MIB. Not sure about Jin and Sun. You'd like to say Jin, but he won't say he wants off the island until he finds Sun. He won't pick a side until then.

    6. Free will is stronger as is being led to believe by the choices the candidates are making now. Predestination has gotten them so far, but each person ultimately makes his or her final decisions.

    Some bonus info for you. Among notable crossed out names on lighthouse and cave numbers:


    31-Rutherford “Shannon”

    33-Martin “Karl”

    55-Burke “Juliet”

    90-Troupe “Gary” Cindy's husband

    101&761-Faraday “Daniel”

    108-Wallace ??? did it mean nothing?

    109-Friendly “Tom”

    111-Klein….tell Rachel she cannot be the next Jacob

    117-Linus “Ben”

    147-Lewis “Charlotte”

    171-Straume “Miles”

    195-Pace “Charlie”

    301-Mars “Edward” the US Marshal

    313-Littleton “Claire”

    321-Fernandez “Nikki”

    335-Henderson “Rose” maiden name

    7 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • What did you think of the latest Spartacus episode, "Shadow Games"?

    The under rating for this show gets clearer with every passing episode. It's taken Gladiator and 300 to a whole other level.

    1 AnswerDrama1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the show Flash Forward?

    I found the pilot episode of this to be quite intriguing. It has the initial impact of Lost, the mysteriousness of Fringe and Lost, and the play on time like that of 24. Interesting that the date that the characters of the show flashforward to is April 29, 2010, a Thursday, which suggests to me its season finale since Thursdays are the dates they are airing. This show definitely follows a formula of success. I figure it will be around 2 or 3 seasons at least. What are your thoughts?

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Poll on whether or not Jason Stackhouse and Sarah Newlin hook up in Season 2?

    Good writing in the season so much that you can't ignore the sexual tension between the two already. What's your vote? Yes or No by season's end.

    4 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Lost: Your thoughts on the Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham?

    This was a great episode, still lots of things to speculate on, but this episode handed you a lot of things on a platter, and it provided for some good entertainment.

    After last night, I'd have to say that Ben is probably the ultimate bad guy and always has been. At this point, you have to wonder if he has for all this time frauded the Island and the Others. He claims he talks to Jacob and even looks like he is when he first takes Locke to the cabin, but is he really? Has he always told the Others that his decisions were Jacob's but really lying to them to do what he himself wants to do?

    Widmore actually seems pretty honest here. I've never seen where he has actually lied about anything. He wants Locke to go back to be the leader. Widmore was exiled, but what has prevented him from ever going back and actually fighting the war? He's always had the capability to go back, so why hasn't he? He could've easily infiltrated with the rest from the freighter. He could have just as easily used Ms. Hawking to map him a way back, but he never has. So, apparently the island is keeping him from being there maybe until peace is restored? Someone, perhaps Jacob has kept up with Widmore and kept him informed of who is to be the island's leader. So Widmore knows what the agenda should be.

    An all encompassing war for the island is about to take place. The sides are unclear, the time is unclear, the place is quite clear the Island. Who all will be involved? Locke, leading the Island, leading Richard and perhaps the Others, leading the 815 survivors. Who else? Ben, Dharma, 316 survivors, Desmond, Faraday, Lapidus, maybe more of Widmore and those exiled with him

    Last thought. Locke's resurrection. Will we see a major change in him? Since he came back to life on the Island, does he seem more at peace now? Is he ready to lead? Even in last night's episode, his faithfulness was still led astray because of Ben. Locke was ready to do his duty for the Island to die by his own hand, but Ben shook him down and got him to reveal what needed to be done so that Ben could return. Was it kind of like Ben spitting in the face of Locke and the Island's will saying Locke is not ready to lead, the Island's making the wrong choice and with one piece of information, he can still get everyone back to the Island like the Island wants? Looks like Ben is fighting hard to keep his job, but at this point who is likely to follow him?

    What is everyone else's thoughts? Anything to add?

    4 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Lost: Is John Locke's character becoming Christlike?

    No question, the death of Jeremy Bentham is being played up as a big deal on Lost especially after last night's episode.

    The power of Locke's last scene is so deep, perhaps because he is being led by "Christian" of all people One that is spirit like and can't help him up. The emotion that overwhelms him when Christian says this is what we call a sacrifice and is he ready. With all his conviction and belief he says he is. All this to save the survivors on the island. In extreme pain like Christ himself he starts his journey. I'm interested in knowing how his death scene will parallel Christ's death if at all.

    Other notable things. I think since we haven't really scene Jacob clearly, just as you can't see God, he is more like the holy spirit version of command on the island. Also what's in a name. Jeremy Bentham and John Locke couldn't be any more contrasting names. John Locke, who the writers have continually linked to in titles like Man of Science, Man of Faith and Tabula Rasa, and other philosophers such as Hume, Rousseau, was a man believing in philosophy contrary to Christian ideas. Now, his future alias as Jeremy Bentham...Jeremy deriving from Jeremiah which derives from Yahweh which is the name of God, and Bentham somewhat sounding like Bethlehem and bent being a root for bentgrass maybe signifying nature or the island while ham meaning homestead kinda altogether says Jacob wants to bring everyone home just like God does. We've all seen Locke's transformation from his scenes of the past not believing in himself at all, nor believing in much good, to his sometimes all powerful belief in himself and the island and sometimes worrisome helplessness he experiences on the island. Now he is ready to lead and save everyone under a different name, almost like his turning the wheel was his Baptism.

    What takes this even further is there is more than likely a significant rebirth about to happen, although we don't know how it will play out. Right now in the future, Locke is laying dead in a van marked with Canton-Rainier, an acronym for "reincarnation". Eloise Hawking tells Ben he only has 72 hours to gather up the Oceanic 6, significant because that is exactly 3 days paralleling the 3 days it took for Christ to rise from dead.

    It's all too eerie and all to interesting at the same time. Can't wait for the episode titled "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham". It should be a really deep or revealing episode to say the least.

    What are your thoughts, agreements or disagreements?

    4 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • How big of a character is Daniel Faraday in Lost?

    Lost fans, share your thoughts on this topic.

    Just how deep is the character Daniel Faraday? Once upon a time he seemed so small, being some volunteer pawn to get involved with Widmore's freighter crew. Now Y! Answerers as well as others are speculating that even Ms. Hawking could be his mother. That would really throw a bone in his favor for being a very important person, and would build both characters up highly, not that the latest developments haven't already. No question, he knows more about the island than any of the other 3 that came with him, Miles, Charlotte, and Frank at least scientifically. He was very oddly scared and made it of utmost importance to be off the island and begged Charlotte to get on the last raft ride at the end of season 4. It's like he pretty much had it figured out what was about to happen with the island, that the inhabitants would be stuck in time-wrinkling, and that was the last thing he wanted.

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Who's ready for Season 5 of Lost?

    What do you want to know most at this point in time? And what's your theory or theories about what's going on? Is there anything you don't like?

    I just finished rewatching season 4 on dvd. It was quite an awesome season. Of course the producers are outlining that season 5 will be why the Oceanic 6 need to get back to the island with less flashforward and less flashbacks, so it's going to prove to be an action packed season.

    Questions lingering: What happened to the survivors, others, anyone on the island? What were the terrible things that happened after the Oceanic 6 left that Locke reportedly alluded to? What happened to Faraday and the some odd survivors stranded on the raft? Is Jin dead? Will Ben kill Penny? What is Desmond's action or reaction to Ben's agenda? Why can't someone who moved the island never return? Did Widmore once move the island like Ben did? Are the Oceanic 6 choosing sides? Is Sun siding with Widmore against Ben and Jack? Who does Claire really not want to return, the apparent baby Aaron, Locke, or someone else? Why do Kate and Hurley individually have no desire to return? Why does Jack long to return?

    Here's my basic theory of just what's kind of going on right now. I think Widmore had moved the island before and was Ben's predessesor. And he has got that longing that Jack has to return to the island for whatever reason. Ben however clearly points out that anyone who moves the island can't return and has thus set out to protect it knowing neither he nor Widmore should return by the "rules". Ben, however has an agenda to eliminate Widmore's people and ultimately Penny to get back at Widmore for killing his daughter. He wants the Oceanic 6 to all return together with Locke to restore secrecy and peace to the island. Locke is not truly dead, he just needs to be returned to the island to awaken. Either Locke is covering up that it is a suicide or he was taken out by Widmore or strangely by Ben. Really there's too much more to get into, so I'll leave it at that with the theories.

    If there's anything I don't like, it's how Jack was convinced that he had to lie to the world about how they survived to protect the island. This is the only thing written poorly in Lost. It doesn't make sense, and that's in a bad way. In the finale Jack points out to the people on the raft he needs to lie to protect the survivors because bad people are looking for them. Well the bad people already know that they exist on the island, and if anything else Jack always had a mentality to get everyone off the island. Why not tell the world the survivors are still out there, what does HE really care about the secrecy of the island? Why is HE so convinced to save the integrity of the island? For anyone else, Ben, Locke, even Hurley it would make more sense, but not Jack. At least not before he realized he needed to go back. There's no motive for it when he decides to keep it a secret, not to mention he hates Locke and thinks he's crazy. This just didn't sit well with me and now it just bothers me after having watched season 4 entirely twice now.

    Season 5 opens with the 2-hour episode "Because You Left/The Lie". I don't think they can fix the error, but I think they may try to explain things a little better. Don't get me wrong, this one little thing doesn't ruin Lost for me, nothing's perfect and Lost is probably the best show on TV now in terms of the writing/acting combination.

    6 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Are you tired of hearing "His/her speech had no substance"?

    Is anyone else tired of hearing the "no substance to their speech" on either side? We're talking about National Conventions here which I now know are for introducing your candidates and attacking your opposition, nothing more really. Neither side had substance of details on what they plan to do, so can we drop this? I imagine both sides are saving their guns of explicit details on issues for future speeches and debates. You've got two months to hear the real stuff, so quit complaining about what you didn't hear from who you're not voting for anyway.

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What do you think about the economy affecting people's choice to feed or not feed their pets?

    CNN had a video today showing people due to the bad economy and high gas prices, making the choice to cut pet food from their budget. The choice being food for your dog or food for your own table. This was bad to the point that some activists set up pet food banks in town to help poor individuals faced with this dilemma of not being able to feed their pets.

    I get it, but at the same time I don't. I just don't see how such a small percentage of what it costs a pet to eat vs. what a person eats a day that a pet owner would neglect to buy a bag of dog food. The amount of gas you probably drive over to the food bank, you could probably have bought half a bag of dog food during your grocery visit. It costs what? 70 cents a day to feed a pet vs. feeding an individual in a family $12 to $15? I suppose I just don't see how the economy is causing that much damage to cut out a pet's feeding. Now if it's like that all the time, maybe one shouldn't own the pet in the first place.

    How do you feel about it?

    5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Lost - Season 4 Finale, thoughts?

    What a ride! Only magnificent can spell out what this finale was. Some great Q and A going on at Yahoo Answers! right now. Ok so let's generalize my thoughts and then you give yours.

    Great episode. I guess we should decipher by character.

    Sawyer - gotta love the man...always lookin out for Freckles (and just now getting ready to mack on Juliet). Although kinda awkward and brief he tells Kate to look after his significant person off the island. Flashbacks will be needed to make this any clearer.

    Sun - she believes Jin to be dead, takes over Paik industry, and has a vendetta against Widmore or so I believe. Ben better hurry and kill Penny if he wants Widmore to see it. Sun might just make Ben's mission unnecessary.

    Hurley - the big bag of fun. Checkmate Mr. Eko. He doesn't want to go back to the island. I suppose the apparations or ghosts have him jolted. He is truly scared to return.

    8 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • What are the rules for Rock Band contests in your area?

    Provide city, state.

    We participated in our first Rock Band contest round 1. It's kinda ongoing as we didn't make the cut for the week to go to the final. So we will try again. I also don't agree with the scoring of our contest as there is no benefit for higher difficulties.

    Rules, play 2 songs in one night. You pick one out of entire catalog main setlist and downloads. Second is random draw on some mostly difficult DLC songs. Must play on Medium or higher (that's where it goes wrong). Each band player is scored on his percentage and must include vocals guitar and drums. So 3 or 4 member band and you are scored on 3 with higher of bass and drums score being 3rd score. 100% = 5 pts; 95-99% = 4 pts; 90-94% = 3 pts; 85-89% = 2 pts; 80-84% = 1 pt. Top band of week moves on to final end of June or top 2 bands if 8 bands compete that night.

    Top score last night was looking to be about 25. We come in at 20 due to some equipment problems and no sympathy from officials.

    2 AnswersOther - Games & Gear1 decade ago
  • Lost: Cabin Fever, thoughts?

    I loved this episode. It brought back what Lost truly is where the whole time you are trying to figure out what the heck is going on. Superb. They featured Locke in grand fashion as this was his only episode this season.

    So, now we have "Chosen Ones". Who do you think are chosen ones or could have been? The obvious ones are Locke and Ben, to an extent Juliet (the ones all confirmed recruited by Richard). Likely Widmore is the former of Ben. I think Matthew Abaddon could have been too unless he is like Richard.

    Claire dead? No I don't think so, but the island somehow heavily influenced her to leave Aaron. Here's a thought, could she have become ordained an "other" through Christian and now she cannot raise Aaron?

    Aaron special? Indeed so, could be a next generation chosen one or as some have said could be Jacob lost in time.

    Locke is about to move the island. Exciting, but makes sense if you believe the island is always moving.

    5 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Papa John's apology to Lebron James appropriate?

    Do you think it was necessary for Papa John's to go to so many lengths to make its apology to Lebron James for making "Crybaby" t-shirts which they featured for Game 6?

    In addition to a stated apology, they are selling 23 cent pizzas to Cleveland fans and donating $10000 to the Cleveland Cavs Youth fund.

    I say heck no, this is not appropriate. It may be kind of awkward that a corporation would make shirts like this to begin with, but hey it's freedom of speech. Lebron's not a crybaby either, he's just looking for a fair game. The day Haywood becomes the caliber player Lebron is is the day these things could be blown into this proportion.

    The only thing that comes out of this is Papa John's makes more money and not less money for having this news spread nationwide. Just some big national advertising publicity stunt. So no, this is not appropriate.

    9 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Lost - potential super spoiler! Lost Screencap site.?

    Anyone see the Lost Easter Egg and Screencap site?

    A picture capture from last night's episode has "Gardez Evenson" on the wall behind Jack. It is a doctor's name, but as we know these type background texts are always possible symbols of what's going on in the show.

    Some have speculated Jack and Kate to be the Adam and Eve found in the caves. Well this screencap has been broken down and commented upon. Gardez is a French word for Keep, and break down Evenson to Eve and Son. "Keep Eve and Son". Another screencap shows a tattoo on Jack's back which could be seen as the letters "A" and "E" speculatory of course. It doesn't quite look like that to me, but it makes sense.

    Well that draws us closer and closer to what Lindelof and Cuse are alluding to as what is to happen in the final episodes of Lost in 2010. They tell us that explanation of Adam and Eve will be resolved then, so maybe we're already clueing in?

    3 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Lost - "Something Nice Back Home" thoughts?

    Well, Lost has come back down to earth. It really felt like an older episode of character development, something we've been over and over with Jack, but I suppose it was necessary to show how he started spiraling down.

    This episode overall was easily, easily predictable. No surprises at all. 1st flashforward scene, Kate was the most obvious choice of who would be behind the shower curtain. Boo! on the writers for disguising her voice to sound like Juliet's, it was out of place and duh, we knew it was obviously somewhat older child to be playing with a Star Wars transformer. They really could have surprised us here though...just imagine opening the shower door and BAM, Sun comes out...that really would have set the tone. But no surprises here.

    The end of show cliffhanger wasn't that special either. We know Kate was up to something, but all she was doing is taking care of Sawyer's daughter. Predictable but ok.

    Can't wait for next week and Locke's episode!

    5 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Lost - "The Shape of Things to Come"?

    Ok, haven't really scoured the internet for extras on last night's episode, but what did all you Losties think?

    I thought Drew Goddard wrote a more exceptional episode this time in comparison to his previous writings this season.

    To me, it felt like an episode of Sopranos, a good one, and I was a Sopranos super fanatic.

    The plot thickens. Widmore wants the island. It was once his, and Ben now has control over it. Widmore's people killed Alex, super shocking. Ben's revenge on Widmore, to kill Penny. Uh-oh. Ben and Dezzie are about to lock up. (Mr. Fleur, I know you have some comments on that one.) Ben is building an army, and Sayid is the number one recruit.

    Ben is lying about how he got off the island. You could also tell by his expressions during the episode and in previous episodes that he knows how to get back on. Widmore never knew how to get back on this island, he is only power hungry. The island is like a holy grail to Widmore and that's all.

    5 AnswersDrama1 decade ago