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Opening new windows in IE and it is not on screeen? How do I move it if I cannot see it?

Somehow, when I open a new window it opens off to the left. some of these windows are so small that I cannot see the edge to drag, and maximize is not an option. HELP!!

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You need to go to your display properties, click on settings and change your screen resolution to a higher setting. The higher the setting the smaller the things will appear on your screen.

    That should give you more viewing area on your screen. To do this go to your desktop and right click on and empty space somewhere. Click on properties, then click on settings. You can then change the number of pixels to a higher setting. Good luck

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    You reported that your no longer able to open a clean window in information superhighway explorer even while no longer something is working. It does sound like your laptop has sufficient ram. if your no longer waiting to purchase new ram, try working chkdsk/defrag on your ccontinual, which will temporarly restoration the subject till you should purchase greater ram. Open My laptop, genuine click on Ccontinual, click on properties, procedures, verify Now, choose the two strategies, click initiate, click ok on the errors pop up, and the subsequent time you restart your laptop, this is going to run chkdsk on your ccontinual. For defrag, you get to it a similar thank you to procure to chkdsk. additionally, you're able to try on a similar time as in information superhighway explorer, clicking on procedures, information superhighway strategies, clean your historic past, delete cookies, and documents.

  • 1 decade ago

    try right clicking on the bar at the bottom of the screen and click tile windows horizontally

    dunno why bu works 4 me

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