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I feel lonely!!?

I'm a SAHM to a 3 year old girl and 3 month old boy and my husbands job requires alot of travel, myself and our children travel with him so i'm not around any family or friends(which i really dont have many in the first place) I'm from Arkansas and currentally in Oklahoma, but my problem is that it seems like my husband doesnt want to talk to me the time he gets home from working 10 hours a day 4 days a weeks he comes home plays with the kids for alittle and either starts playing playstation or falls asleep....I'm stuck in the house all day other than going to a park every once in a while and to the pool but i have no other adult converstion and he says its because he has no news but when we first started dating we just talked about anything even if it was why is the sky blue....I was wanting to see if anyone has any encouragement for me or explanation why he may be doing this?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I suggest communicating to him about how you're feeling and asking him about his behaviour. I also suggest joining some groups in your area, like at a community center or something. You can find groups on Craigs List etc that allow for you to meet up with people who have similar interests, or groups that you're even able to go speak to other parents and bring your kids along. It sounds like you're really isolated at the moment and could use a support network outside of your husband. Hopefully with some more communication your husband will be more sensitive to your needs.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow to me it looks like you guys are getting bored in this relationship which it doesnt automatically mean its time to end the relationship(unless there is cheating going on).

    It looks like you count on him as your main source of fun,conversation and everything else he may be feeling a little bit smothered.How about during the day when he is at work make fun little plans with the kids not only do you get out and clear your head but you may meet other moms or women who you can converse with and eventually maybe become friends with.Also give him his space when he needs it and make plans for his day off to do something as a family and be creative and just have fun or make plans for only you two(if you can)to liven up this relationship.Also during his days off use one of those days for yourself leave him with the kids while you go and get your hair done,go catch a movie ,take a walk or whatever and that way it will give him time to spend with his children alone and it will give you a much needed break.Wish you all the luck !!

  • Corona
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    This is the perfect ingredients for an affair. You need to talk to him some more before this lonliness gets out of control. If, by chance, someone (a man) does show up and start showing you attention, conversation, making you laugh and just paying attention to you, that is going to feel wonderful to you and then you might end up doing something that will end your marriage. You have to spice up this marriage!! Don't let him play the video games! Play a game of strip poker, or strip sorry or something. Don't let the slump keep you down! Look pretty for him when he gets back from work. Talk to him about things you want ya'll to do with your future. Marriage is work, and if someone doesn't do something with this one, it won't last long....happily anyway.

  • 1 decade ago

    His life is out of balance and you suffer the brunt of his burnout. He works long hours and then feels his duty is done because he works, but he thinks that being a mother is easy. He needs to start waking up to the important and unappreciated role you play in the family.

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  • He must be related to my husband. I too, feel like I'm invisible to my husband. I think of him more of a roommate now more than anything. I totally understand your frustrations. Tell your husband how you feel and let him know you want to see a counsellor to try to deal with it or to learn how to communicate better with him. We started counselling and she really brought up so many things that really make a lot of sense and things that really have helped us a lot. Good luck...there is hope out there for those putz's who don't know better.

  • Jai
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Men can be that way and they just don't realize that you need more of their time than just a brief hello.

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