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  • How can I take a blood pressure exact?

    OK. I'm in my first semester of Nursing school and Friday I have checkoffs(skills test) and I'm trying to get opinions on the easiest way to get the BP within +or- 4 mmHg? My problem is that I hear noise although my stethoscope isnt touching anything..I'm thinking that its the joints of my fingers cracking and I'm hearing through the stethoscope. Whats the best thing to do?

    1 AnswerMedicine1 decade ago
  • How do i potty train a stubborn 3 year old girl.?

    My daughter has just turned 3 in March and she will occasionally use the potty...more poops than pees but she doesnt do it every time. I have tried to just put her in her panties but she will just pee or poop in them and not say anything and keep them on we also have tried the letting her go free but then she just pees where ever she is at and doesnt say that she has to potty. ITs very hard to tell her every 20 mins to sit on the potty. I have a 4 month old also and I'm thinking that its because he's in diapers but how would i resolve her wanting to be in them because he is?

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • I feel lonely!!?

    I'm a SAHM to a 3 year old girl and 3 month old boy and my husbands job requires alot of travel, myself and our children travel with him so i'm not around any family or friends(which i really dont have many in the first place) I'm from Arkansas and currentally in Oklahoma, but my problem is that it seems like my husband doesnt want to talk to me the time he gets home from working 10 hours a day 4 days a weeks he comes home plays with the kids for alittle and either starts playing playstation or falls asleep....I'm stuck in the house all day other than going to a park every once in a while and to the pool but i have no other adult converstion and he says its because he has no news but when we first started dating we just talked about anything even if it was why is the sky blue....I was wanting to see if anyone has any encouragement for me or explanation why he may be doing this?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Question about induction?

    I'm being induced tonight 8pm (hope to have a leap day baby but if not thats still ok) but my drs appt on the 25th i wasnt dialated at all but the baby was all the way effaced...which i feel the pressure....i was told that i will be given a med to dialate my cervix but will he bust my water first or is that after they give me meds to dialate? I will also be given pitocin after that.

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Being Induced on Friday...?

    Ok I will be 38 weeks on Friday and will be going in for an induction that night (baby is very big ) My first child my water broke at 35 weeks so I never had to have my water broken or been on the induction side of the birthing process....I was wanting to know from women who have had a induction how long it took for them( i know that everyone is different) and what should I expect during this process.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Giving birth and having your other child around?

    Ok....heres my perdicament....I'm currentally 28 weeks pregnant and the only think i can think about is whats going to happen when I go into labor and go to the hospital with my 2(almost 3) year old. We are from Arkansas but currentally in Hawaii for my husbands job and dont have any family around us... My daughter is very curious and I'm afrad that they will tell us that she has to go. Can they do that if we have no one to watch her? Has anyone else been in this type of problem and if so what did you do...I'll take any intelligent advise. Please no rude or mean comments or you will be reported.

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Breastfeeding in public places? Do you think there should be a law for it?

    I was wondering, being a mother I did not or do not plan on breastfeeding but I'm in FULL SUPPORT for women to be able to breast feed whenever or whereever they want or need....Personally I think that a mother has to carry enough things when having to go to the grocery store or wherever and having to add a breast pump or cooler for previouslly pumped milk is just too much when you have everything you need right on your body....I dont think that a business should be allowed to refuse service to a breastfeeding women, what is the mother spouse to let her child starve? Granted it should be covered but you also have to think about the baby being able to breathe, expecially in the hot months....being in Hawaii I have noticed that businesses are more open to a women being free. Sorry about the ramble but my question would be should every state have a law that MUST allow any breastfeeding women do what they need to nouirush their child?

    22 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Baby shower for #2?

    I'm currentally 8weeks 2 days pregnant with number 2 and I'm not wanting to have a baby shower but my husband wants me to....our situation is his job travels and we use our own car and pack everything that we need into it...I'm affrad that people will give me things that I will not be able to carry and use expecially since we are going to Hawaii for 8 months at the end of this month and the baby will be born there. I was thinking that if people wanted to give me anything to just ask for a gift certificate and i could buy the things that i know we would be able to carry with us. Do you think that its rude just to ask for money or is it best just to go with the shower and return thing?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Flying pregnant and with a 2 year old?

    I have a VERY ACTIVE 2 year old and currentally 7 weeks pregnant will be 9 weeks by the time i husbands job is relocating to Hilo, Hawaii for a year and we will be leaving from Little Rock, Arkansas but my problem is that my husbands job pays for his ticket and most likely not able to get on the same flight so i will be by myself with our will be 4 different question is what are some tips and things to do to keep er occupied so she wont scream and get us kicked off the flight?

    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Which carseat is best for my car?

    I have a 2 year old girl and I'm currentally pregnant with #2 (6 weeks 3 days) and I was wanting to get people opinion about carseats..which is the best deal to get the most use out of it...I dont want to spend too much on one because my daughter grew out of her infant carseat before she was 1 and I dont want to put the new baby through that...Also will the convertable seats have enough room behind the passenger seat to recline? I have a 2003 Honda Civic LX 4 door.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Currentally pregnant and will give birth in another state....?

    Heres my husbands job requires us to travel and we dont mind that but we just found out that i am pregnant (5 weeks) and in Aug we will be going to the next state which is Hawaii and we will be there for 8 months so this child will be born in Hawaii but our residence is in Arkansas...I know its a long way away but with the birth certificate will i have to stay in Hawaii to recieve it or can it be sent to my home address in Arkansas?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Just found out that I was pregnant and I travel with my husbands job?

    I need alittle help...My husband and I just found out that I'm pregnant but with his job we travel all over the U.S. every few months we are currentally in Montana but will be leaving July 31st and dropping our car off in our home town in Arkansas the going to Hilo, Hawaii for 8 months...has anyone out there traveled while pregnant and making prenatal appointments without problems. Please let me know how it went

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Traveling with a 2 year old girl.?

    My husbands job is reclocating us for 9 months to Hilo, Hawaii from Little Rock, Arkansas...his job pays for his ticket but we have to purchase myself and our daughters ticket but my problem is that she is very WILD and doesnt have a very long attention span...I havent flown with a child before and need some ideas that will comply with the regulations of airlines now and if playing a DVD on my computer will i need to keep the sound off or low? Also anyone know about meds for air travel incase she gets air sick(she doesnt get car sick though) she's a big girl...40lbs and 3ft tall...I was thining draminane(how ever you spell it) and if it makes her sleepy would be wonderful....Please help anything smart will help me alot.

    5 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • how to get my 2 y/o off the bottle?

    MY daughter is about to turn 2 and my husband and I have been trying to get her off the bottle and onto a sippy cup since she was 18 months but nothing has helped. We have tried to just let her cry untill she ends up using it..she would just cry ALL DAY or untill she threw up and then would start crying harder. We have ran out of options and dont know what else to try. She was born premature and the bottle seems to be a security item for her since she never used a passifier. ALSO she has not learned to talk well yet so its hard for us to tell her that the sippy will be the only thing that you can use since she's a big girl now.... I would like to know so other options or suggestions to help me....PLEASE NO RUDE OR UNWANTED COMMENTS!!! or I will report you.

    11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Nauseous all day...Could I be pregnant?

    ok...FOr the last 2 weeks almost...really it has been since alittle bit before my last cycle(which was on Nov 11th) I have been feeling VERY sick feeling...up to the point were the throw up is in my throat. My last period was 2 days(1 day of spotting and the other of bleeding about medium flow) My BBT has been higher that usual but still hasnt stayed up. Usually my temp drops in 96 range at my period but it was in the mid 97 range which is VERY unusual for me. Another thing that I've had a problem with after this cycle is my breast have been VERY VERY sore... so bad that I would cry in the morning when i first wake up..and peeing aot more than usually(but I usually pee alot)I guess my question is for those who have had these type of problems what it turned out to be if you were pregnant or not... I dont want to get dissapointed if i take a HPT and it comes out a BPN. My husband and I have been trying for 2 years for a 2nd child.

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What is up with my BBT?

    OK heres my problem...last month my husband and I had sex ALOT (we are TTC) hoping that this month that we would get pregnant but on the 11th of this month i got my period, but the weird thing is usually after myperiod my vaginal sensation/CM is usually dry...but this month it has been very wet, sticky and alittle stretchy and still is BBT dropped to 96.2 on the second(and last) day of my is usually in the 96 range at the beginning of my cycle but the day my period ended it went up to 97.2 and has been in the 97 range for 3 days now and that is not normal for me and I have also have had slight cramps. If anyone else has had this can you tell when what it ended up being just a messed up cycle or could be pregnant?

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • tearing during sex..?

    I was wondering if any other women has had this problem after having a baby....Anytime my husband and I have sex only in the missionary position (any other position is fine) that it feels like I'm ripping open... Last night my husand and I had sex and he said that i have a small paper cut type tear closer to the bottom of the vaginal opening..When I had my daughter 20 months ago i did not have a episiotomity I tore naturally and had 15 question is has any other women had this problem and had to have corrective surgery for it?

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Period type cramps..1.5 weeks after period?

    Two days ago I started having very slight period type cramps. Its been a week and a half after my period (10/15 and 10/16) I have a 27 day cycle with 2 days of bleeding...Has anyone else has this type of problem and ended up pregnant? My husband and I are TTC our 2nd child. And my breast have been VERY tender Please no rude answers.

    6 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • What is there to do in Austin with a 19 month old?

    My husbands job requires him to travel all over the U.S. we are from Arkansas, currentally in Michigan and are about to go to Austin TX in a few weeks and will be there for a few months. I'm a stay at home mom and get tired of sitting at home. We usually stay in hotel suites ( Staybridge Suite or Candlewood Suites) and I love to shop and would love to take my daughte somewhere that she can interact with other little children her age...any suggestions? Also my husband lived in Houston for 22 years and are willing to go there too.

    2 AnswersAustin1 decade ago
  • How to Deal when husband tells you that he decided he doesnt want anymore kids?

    A couple days ago my husband and I got freaked out when our 18 month old fell out of a chair in a hotel we were staying at. After about 5 mins of crying she was fine but my husband wouldnt even let her out of his arms so she would scream bloody murder! He got really mad when I told him to just put her down...and after this fight he said that he doesnt want to have anymore children and it hurt me badly because before we even got married we both said that we wanted at least 3 kids but now after only 1 he's quiting! I personally think that its betrail. I guess my question is how do I cope with his decision?

    14 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago