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Question about induction?

I'm being induced tonight 8pm (hope to have a leap day baby but if not thats still ok) but my drs appt on the 25th i wasnt dialated at all but the baby was all the way effaced...which i feel the pressure....i was told that i will be given a med to dialate my cervix but will he bust my water first or is that after they give me meds to dialate? I will also be given pitocin after that.

11 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    They put cervidel (sp?) on my cervix at 9pm, then started the pitocin at 6 am. They broke my water at 10 am. I had my son at 6:09 pm.

  • pixie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    when i was induced they busted my water after being given the pitocin, but some women go into labor just by the medicine to help soften the cervix, the pitocin is what dialates you because it brings on the contractions to do so. good luck, with me i got really sick because the contractions were so strong and had to get an epidural, which i didnt want to do, but i had a healthy baby boy so that was all that mattered

  • Erika
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I've been induced twice. What they will do is either give you a gel or a pill up by your cervix to start the dilation. You will start to feel crampy which means its working. After you have dilated a few cm he will break your water (he can't do it unless you are dilated) If you are progressing slowly then they will give you pitocin, if they do give it to you I highly recommend an epidural since it makes your contractions very strong and fast.

    My doctor this time gave me Demerol, which I do not recommend. It makes you very stoned and dopey and also makes the baby the same.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can't have your water broken until you're somewhat dilated, because they cannot put the amniohook up to break your bags of water if there's no opening to get to it.

    So once they insert the drugs to make you dilate -most likely will be a vaginal suppository of some kind- they will periodically check your cervix to see if you've started dilating, then once you have, they'll break your water. Then after that they'll probably set up your pictocin drip.

    I'd imagine you'll have a short labor since you're effaced all the way, so rest as much as you can before going to the hospital. Good luck!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Its very likely that he might give Pit too, depends on how your cervix reacts to the gel and water breaking, but you have to be some what dilated in order to get your water broke manually, so if the gel doesnt work, then yes pitocin will be given

    Source(s): RN L&D
  • 1 decade ago

    You have to be a little dialated before they can break your water so odds are you will be given the meds first good luck and I hope all goes well for you and your baby

  • 1 decade ago

    my water broke on its own about 3 1/2 hours after the pitocin started. warning: pitocin contractions are VERY painful, as your body doesn't build up to them. they just hit: BAM, full force. so i recommend the epidural. once i had the epidural it was a breeze. though it generally takes a while. my pitocin started at 5:30 pm, and my daughter was born at 3:23 am, and that was considered pretty fast. good luck and congrats!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I was also induced. They will place something like gel into your cervix to soften it. It may take hours before you start to feel any contractions or pain. They will break your water after induction.

    Source(s): Dont hesitate to ask for an epidural if you feel pain. From my experience my induction labor was more painful than the natural labor. With my second child I was not induced and the pain was way less. I wish you and your baby the best of luck.
  • jammer
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    They didn't break my water til after they started the pitocin drip....but I don't know that it matters one way or the other. But question....why on earth would you want to have a baby on leap yr??? How would you celebrate their birthday every other yr, as leap yr is only every 4 yrs??

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They broke my water after the induction. I wasnt going as fast as I should... so in about 24 hours they broke the water and the baby came pretty quickly after that... CONGRATS!!!!!!!

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