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sjeboyce asked in TravelAir Travel · 1 decade ago

Traveling with a 2 year old girl.?

My husbands job is reclocating us for 9 months to Hilo, Hawaii from Little Rock, Arkansas...his job pays for his ticket but we have to purchase myself and our daughters ticket but my problem is that she is very WILD and doesnt have a very long attention span...I havent flown with a child before and need some ideas that will comply with the regulations of airlines now and if playing a DVD on my computer will i need to keep the sound off or low? Also anyone know about meds for air travel incase she gets air sick(she doesnt get car sick though) she's a big girl...40lbs and 3ft tall...I was thining draminane(how ever you spell it) and if it makes her sleepy would be wonderful....Please help anything smart will help me alot.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Benadryl makes them sleepy. Thats a horrendous flight. I just made one similar with a 3 year old. Honolulu to Florida. I'm guessing you will change planes twice. If so, thats gonna help a lot. It breaks things up for them. First order of business, make her comfortable. Take off the shoes and socks. Dress her in layers so you can strip her down and dress her up when needed. No belts or tight fitting clothing. She can look cute later. This is war.

    You can keep the sound on the DVD player low, she wont put up with earphones anyway. Chances are you wont get her to sit through a movie though either.

    Here are a few things I came up with. Get some junk from the dollar stuff. Kids love that crap. Wrap each item in paper like a gift. Brown paper sacks work well, they don't tear easily. The idea here is 1) its a reward for not making you crazy and 2) she is gonna take a few minutes opening it. (every second spent busy counts) just give her one at a time when you see she is getting restless. Buy things she loves but is not normally allowed to have at home. Markers, tape, deck of cards, (not for you, for her...for tearing up and dropping) stickers...things like that. If she writes her name on the seat, they got people to clean that up. It's included in her ticket price. If she looses the stuff, who cares right?

    Lots of snacks. In little bagggies. Give her the whole bag. So what it she spills it on the floor? A sippy cup. Collect all the air sick bags from the three of you to dump the unfinished liquids in and if you don't use them take 'em for the next flight. (They never come around and collect the trash enough.) You can only take limited liquids onboard so her drinks are gonna have to come from the stewardess and they only have those stupid plastic cups.

    Books...she might let you read one or two. Again, new ones from the dollar store. Not the old stuff she's already seen. Look for ones with "things" like magnets, pieces that go somewhere, stuff like that.

    Its best to let her know right away that she has to stay in her seat. If you let her up once she will never stay down. If you are potty training, forget it. The bathroom is scary enough for adults.

    Pack a couple of changes of clothes, wipies and her supplies and snacks in a separate bag. Store it under the seat, not above. You are gonna need it too much to jump and down every 5 minutes.

    She will sleep some. Don't wake her for any reason. Try to sleep when she does.

    Most important, don't worry about the other passengers. You will never ever see any of them again. Oh and relax. Its gonna be an adventure. :-)

    Source(s): EDIT: Skip the brown paper bags and go with manilla mailing envelopes. (Inexpensive dollar store ones...dont ya LOVE that store?) You can seal them easily once you are past security and you get the same effect. I didnt have any problem, but you dont wanna spike the interest of some newly hired luggage inspecter just itchin' to impress his boss. The little twirp just might make you open each one cause you never know who's gonna slip some explosives in with Polly Pocket. :-)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well I'm glad you're the one that suggested drugging your daughter. I know it can sound awful, but you know your daughter best and if you do it properly, it'll be fine. I strongly recommend talking to your pediatrician though. Don't just give her over the counter drugs.

    As far as the sound on your computer, does you daughter mind headphones? The sound would definitely bother those around you. If you want to watch with your daughter, they sell adapters so that you can plug two sets of earplugs in (I got them at Walmart).

    Other tips:

    -make sure you're well rested! If you don't get sleep the night before the flight, you will probably have very little patience to deal with your daughter and that could turn out to be a bad situation

    -bring crayons and a coloring book if she's into that (that should help distract her at least for a little while)

    -bring her favorite stuffed animal (if it's small) on the flight with you

    Good luck!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    There is a truly drawback right here with guys harassing ladies verbally and bodily. There is a brand new hotline to record issues. I could no longer journey by myself. Travel with a pal or a organization. Hejab or Niquab doesn't suggest you will not be molested. There is meant to be a legislation handed quickly that could impose a 3 12 months prison sentence and a significant satisfactory for this type of dangerous conduct however getting anybody to inforce it's a different tale.

  • joker
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Not sure about Dramamine but you can read the label or ask your doctor

    Nothing wrong with a little CHILDRENS TYLENOL on the plane for sure The other passengers will appreciate it

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dramamine works good. I would bring head phones for DVD's, music, and computer. Bring coloring books, music, wordsearches, dolls, and toys for her to play with. you also have to know how to decipline your child so he/she won't even think about acting up.

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