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Being Induced on Friday...?

Ok I will be 38 weeks on Friday and will be going in for an induction that night (baby is very big ) My first child my water broke at 35 weeks so I never had to have my water broken or been on the induction side of the birthing process....I was wanting to know from women who have had a induction how long it took for them( i know that everyone is different) and what should I expect during this process.

5 Answers

  • Jenny
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was induced with all four of my children. I was usually about 3 cm dilated and about 80% eeffaced when induced. From the start of induction, it took between 1 1/2 hours - 5 hours. They broke my water around 6 or 7 cm dilated.

    But everyone is different! That was just me....

    Good luck! :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was induced at 38 weeks because of low amniotic fluid. I went into the hospital at 8:00am and I had her at 8:58pm that evening. I was given an epideral, so basically I just sat there for almost 13 hours waiting. I was checked on every half hour or so until they said "Okay! Time to push!"

  • 1 decade ago

    i was induced with my son one year ago from when you are going to have yours done lol they will more then likely give you a suppository to get your cervix to rippen and then they will start you on a drug called potosin that goes through your Iv you can be in the tub and walk around with the potosin but when you get your epidural you have to be in bed until after the baby is born it took me 24 hours to have my baby but like you said every women is diffrent since this is your second baby i would say it might go faster good luck and take care congrats

  • 1 decade ago

    they will more likely put you on pitocin... you will go in and get IV'd and when they feel your contractions are going good and you are dialating then they will break your water if it does not happen on its own.... i was laboring 12 hrs with my first and 13 hrs with my 2nd.... that is from the time i got there till i had my children. it is not bad or scary at all. they will come in frequently to change the amount of pitocin that is dripping into your IV... you should start to feel the contractions within 3 hrs or so from the time you are put on the meds.

    Source(s): mother of 2
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  • 1 decade ago

    My wife was induced for both of our children's birth. Once they started the meds both children were born in 5-6 hours. It was nice and easy labor.

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