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Favorite Answers11%
  • Brake Pedal Goes All The Way To The Floor!!?

    I replaced my rear brake pads yesterday on my 2002 Ford Mustang. I aligned the brake pistons properly but when I tested the brakes the brake pedal goes all the way to the floor and it seems like only the front brakes are engaging. Does it sound like I have an air bubble in the brake line? I have replaced pads before and never had to bleed the brake line. Does it sound like I need to bleed the brake line?


    12 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Good Home Appraiser?

    Is anyone or does anyone know of a good home appraiser in the Milwaukee/Waukesha Wisconsin area?

    I'm looking for an appraiser who can help me get the value I need to refinance my home.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • UCONN on a roll!?

    Can the UCONN Huskies win the National Championship?

    What do you think?

    3 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Need To Remove Dashboard on 1996 Ford Explorer 4X4 4.0L?

    Is it possible to remove the dashboard without disturbing the instrument panel? Does anyone have a link to step by step instructions on how to remove the dash?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Need Help From All Of You Out There!! Sexual Harassment!!!?

    Hey Gang,

    My wife lost her job today with a major U.S. Company after 2.5 years of hard work! Her boss has been bullying her and harassing her for the last couple of months because he wants a "man" to do her job! She had severe flu symptoms ( I won't get into detail!!) yesterday and after working a full day today, still sick and barely being able to stand, the SOB told her he was letting her go! There was no human resources representative in the office, no exit package no nothing! We feel her termination was unjust and sexual harassment!

    We are looking for advice and a good sexual harassment attorney in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area. Can you help us?

    Thanks-Your Buddy Johnnyb

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Need Help From All Of You Out There!! Sexual Harassment!!!?

    Hey Gang,

    My wife lost her job today with a major U.S. Company after 2.5 years of hard work! Her boss has been bullying her and harassing her for the last couple of months because he wants a "man" to do her job! She had severe flu symptoms ( I won't get into detail!!) yesterday and after working a full day today, still sick and barely being able to stand, the SOB told her he was letting her go! There was no human resources representative in the office, no exit package no nothing! We feel her termination was unjust and sexual harassment!

    We are looking for advice and a good sexual harassment attorney in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area. Can you help us?

    Thanks-Your Buddy Johnnyb

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Chicago Bears, Devin Hester's Ride?

    Has anyone seen the pictures floating around the internet of Devin Hester's "Pimped Out" ride? I'm trying to figure out what make and model is under that Louis Vuitton paint. Is it an older model Chevy Impala? It's pretty cool!

    1 AnswerChevrolet1 decade ago
  • Problem With Maytag Gas Clothes Dryer Not Drying Clothes?

    I'm having a problem with an older model Maytag clothes dryer. When I first turn it on everything works fine. Gas Igniter glows which seems to heat up to the right temp and allow the flow of gas through the valve and ignites the burner. Flame fires up and heats the drum. This works great for a few cycles but after a couple of cycles the flame igniter comes on ready to light the burner but the burner never lights? If I let it sit for a while it’ll go through the dame cycle again and then stop working again.

    Anyone know what the problem might be? Any suggestions would help?

    Thanks for looking at my question!

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • FHA will raise the loan limits after the first of the year?

    Does any one know if the FHA plans on raising loan limits in Wisconsin after the first of the year?

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • I'm still in love with my high school sweetheart!?

    I'm not a kid! I've been married three times and currently married. I think I'm still in love with my high school sweetheart. I dream of her every night, really! We had a relationship a few years back but because we live in different states things didn't work out logistically. I seriously can't get her out of my mind!

    What are your thoughts? I don't know what to do anymore!

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells . . .?

    In the Christmas song Jingle Bells does the horse have a name? If so, what is it?

    8 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Has "Rock Band" for PS2 become available yet?

    If not does anyone know when it comes out?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Chapter 13 Buy-Out and Refinance!?

    Does anyone know where or If I can get a Chapter 13 Buy-Out and refinance for close to 100% LTV? Either FHA or Other?

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Looking for digital recording equipment ideas?

    My daughter is 17 and is very interested in possibly going to school for music producing. She and her friends have their own band and want to record and mix their own music. I thought this would be a good chance for her to try some of her own mixing and producing but I don’t really know much about it. I was hoping someone can give me some ideas of some inexpensive equipment I can buy her for Christmas to get her started?

    Any Ideas??

    4 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Looking for digital recording equipment ideas?

    My daughter is 17 and is very interested in possibly going to school for music producing. She and her friends have their own band and want to record and mix their own music. I thought this would be a good chance for her to try some of her own mixing and producing but I don’t really know much about it. I was hoping someone can give me some ideas of some inexpensive equipment I can buy her for Christmas to get her started?

    Any Ideas??

    2 AnswersCamcorders1 decade ago
  • Heater Control Valve Leaking Onto Manifold Causing My Windows To Fog Up On Inside?

    My car windows are fogging up on the inside and i can smell anti-freeze inside the cab. I thought i might have leaky heater core but i see no signs of leakage from the core. I was inspecting under the hood and i noticed the heater control valve is leaking anti-freeze when pressurized and leaking onto the manifold. Can that be turning into steam and coming into the heater intake through my defrosters and causing my windows to fog up and the sweet anti-freeze smell. I don't see anything else. It sounds logical to me!??


    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago