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Bob D
Lv 5
Bob D asked in TravelCaribbeanJamaica · 1 decade ago

Question for a Jamaican concerning captured land?

I have a lot of land in back of a housing scheme that I've chopped off & wired. Many others have done the same, and 5 or 6 people captured their lot 4-5 years ago & have put block houses on them...2 ladies are nearly finished. The parish council has told everyone to stop building, so I had to remove my block ( so no one steals them ) and they are considering selling the lots to use for $J1,000,000. Thing is the land belongs to the government, not the parish. I was told to register the lot with the ministry of lands in Kingston and they must respond in 10 days with either a title or a selling price.

Does anyone have any experience in this process or know where/who to get in touch with that can give me straight answers ??

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Isnt that STEALING land? Why should i not see it as stealing?

    As far as i know, you get to make claims on land if you have lived on it for over 7 years and the owner hasn't maintained it for the duration (maintaining it basically means putting up a fence. it wont help your case if you tore down the owners fence.)

  • 1 decade ago

    yes sting and don if unuh a truly j'can unuh soppose to know how tings go, nuff j,can people live pon capture land, see these are the questions the tourist dem need fi si, everybody waan give up dem brittish citizenship and come out yah like dem feel seh a land of milk and honey.

    ppln affi capture land b'cuz a nuh evry boddy can afford 2mil house out yah. anyways hon i recommend that you call the necessary office and get the details

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    So Bob D, yuh a talk so loud say yuh is ah rass teif. ah nuh fi yuh land, nobaddy neva tell yuh fi chopped off an wired it, yuh tek dat up pon yuh teifin self. Ask an it shall be given, teif an yuh will be fined. Puss an daag nuh ave de same luck, woman get whey wid tings wey man caan get whey wid, papa. go do di rite ting.


    Tawwy me sista, real intelligent man fi work fi dem own tings. don't falla no careliss Columbus go captra people place, people will put yuh an yuh tings ah roadside, an mek rain wet dem up, an odders laugh. Don't falla nuh bwoy weh ah gih out numba fi man call dem, All ah sen email an ah trace, reel FASSY dem deh.

  • 1 decade ago

    The best advice i can give you is to write a letter to the ministry af land and works stating to them your situation.They will tell you what to do next.

    Source(s): A true Jamaican born and raise.
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  • 1 decade ago

    Sting & Don...both of you did not ANSWER the question posed, you injected your belief(s) which is NOT an answer.....

    I'm thinking you both have too mch time on your hands, and that your trouble makers...either way, call me with your complaint about my question, without blockng your number ! I think your too chicken though, LOL ! (876) 882-2268

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry no.

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