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CGI Script Support Japanese Encoding?

I have simple Html Form which I post to CGI Script, but when I type with Japanese Chars, the receiving email is look garble however when type with English, it is no problem. Can you help me to find out the CGI Script support Japanese Encoding?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They are passed as utf encoded stream, you need to handle them specially on the server side.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    all of them come from one yet another that's why... no longer a no longer hassle-free one to artwork out. they are on the subject of a minimum of one yet another. you may in some circumstances discover chinese language symbols in some eastern. till you're conversing approximately the place all of it got here FROM AND WHY they appear to be THAT!!! nicely sir, extraterrestrial beings! (no longer correct) - Can somebody bypass on my questions and answer the only with regard to the bag. 10 factors to everyone who gets me a first rate website!

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