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How to be a better high school runningback?

I'm not a big, heavy-set person. I'm 5'5" or 5'6", about 100 lbs. I don't eat too much, but I eat enough not fill my stomach to the brim. My diet doesn't consist of too many greens. Mostly meats and everything else on the food pyramid.

I don't bulk up too easily, and I can't lift weights at home. I want to be faster and more agile. I realize that if you can't break someone's hold, then you're pointless as a runningback, but I can't catch too well, I can't throw, I'm too weak to be in a defensive position.

I've never played JFL or anything of the sort. So I have no experience. All I know is that all I have would be my running. Is there any way besides lifting, to bulk up a bit more with lower body muscles and a bit of upper body muscles?

And someone mentioned good field vision. I don't really know what you'd consider good, but I can say that when I'm in a rush and I'm in the crowded hallways of my school, I can generally see good places to weave through to get past people.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Field vision is a developmental thing...

    To work endurance and strength from home with little to no weight room access - there are 2 "old school" tricks I will share with you.

    You understand that you have to be conditioning - you have to exercise.

    Stretching before and after your work out is very important to muscle development.

    Warming up beforehand is also important.

    As you work your sprints...incorporate cuts so your ankles grow accustomed to planting and change of direction.

    And add into your workout these two things.

    Steps: sprinting up a long staircase or bleachers is EXCELLENT for speed but especially acceleration.

    (a hill would be a good alternative)


    Pushing the family car: this works the "driving" ability in your thighs to power through the line and break tackles.

    But it also keeps your body trained forward so you learn to stay low. Plus it works your chest and shoulders as you propel the car forward - at 30 yard intervals.

    I hope this helps.

    Source(s): a coach
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    a great way of building up your speed is running . Listen my cousin lost 70 lbs. just from running laps taking him from around 207 to 153 of course he's in his 20s your probably younger than that if any thing you wanna get some meat on your bones find a level ground field and start runnin 4 to 5

    days a week ,trust me those muscles will build up! oh 1 more thing dont just run 1 or 2 laps work your way up if u have a small yard do 10 laps if you have a big yard to run on do five andincrease 1 lap every week

  • whatever you do dont do drugs no roids or anything like that it will make your balls fall off and once your a star football player you will be getting a lot more action and you will need them. Try some protein shakes but not to many, too much protein can be harmful. find a way to lift after school with the other teams like baseball or basketball. as far as vision is concerned there are a lot of video games out now that help with vision and processing what you see faster.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Field vision is good. U never wanna always run ur maximum speed unless u have a breakawya or u are trying to get away from someone. A good role model for you to watch is Knoshown Moreno. Since ur small, you should be more agile. use that aglity to ur advantage. turn a lot of corners and change speeds to accelerate right by ur opponents. also, when u are changin direction stick ur feet into the ground and use ur hips to move.

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  • Veto R
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    At that size, you are going to have to rely on speed and you need to be one of the fastest players on your team.... You also need to work on your receiving skills. A fast back who can catch coming out of the backfield covered by a linebacker is a dream for most football coaches...

  • 1 decade ago

    if you want to add bulk, eat biscuits and gravy,, and work out alot,, works every time

  • 1 decade ago


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