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!!! asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

what du think about mental health ?why is there such a stigma about it?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    (ANS) Mental health is NOT something people like to think about, its one of those subjects that makes people extremely uncomfortable. Its still quite a taboo subject in my opinion, I think sex gets talked about far far more than mental health.

    **In fact we don't talk about mental health-iness or well being very much, we don't tend to talk in positive terms about what makes for good mental health. The press & media and general public tend to focus far to much on the extremes of mental disorder or mental illness or mental imbalance.

    STIGMA!! why?

    Because being human means we are all vulnerable, vulnerable to mental health problems, mental health problems knows no boundaries. Meaning it doesn't matter how young, how old, how well off or how impoverished you are its still possible to experience some form of mental health problem in your life time.

    **We live in a VERY stressed society and these stresses & strains add to the possibility of becoming mentally sick. We have record levels of stress at work & in our family lives (such as debt or mortgage arrears), record levels of drug & alcohol use and abuse, record levels of depression & anxiety, fear of the future, fear over dwindling pension incomes whilst having to make ever greater pension contributions. Greater fear of crime or physical assault,etc.

    **Also it seems that if you have had some sort of mental illness or an episode of something like depression, you are seen as a weaker person for that. NOT that its possible to recover or become a stronger or better person for that experience. It seems to me that real stigma is that someone who has had a mental health is viewed by others as a lesser quality of person which is NOT the case as far as I can see.

    **Mental imbalance is often misunderstood as a permanent mark or damage against the person. NOT as any other transitory condition that comes & goes & can often be fully healed.

    Regards Ivan.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because society wants us all to be perfect like a robot and do as we are told. This way the Government and the medical Industry can give us a dose of what they think is good for us and watch our every move, like gerbils who are experimented on. And then they can turn around and say it is the law break it or we break you, or, we are doing it now so we can make it better in the future, see?

    When personally I am sure they have sufficiently caused all of the mental torture and abuse by their enforced standards in the first place. You may not have observed how much better off we all are now? They are making many notes and have more than enough information to make a change for the better, yeah right!

    But what are their motives? To smother us all with so much paper work and high tax bills will anybody ever accumulate enough resources to look after themselves properly at the end of the day? I wonder if they aren't just making sure we suffer enough of their bulls#it to drive us all sufficiently insane enough, so that we no longer need to know anything and so life will not be worth living. Sadly this is what has become of us in the future.

    Its not the fault of the people its the system that forces everyone to mould around that which is too complicated and un-natural. We all have animal instincts at the end of the day Industrialisation is very new still, people can't deal with it efficiently. We have to evolve to be energy saving not making more than is necessary for basic needs.

    Source(s): Feelings? FEELINGS?? We mustn't show those now must we? Complexities within our environment.
  • 1 decade ago

    There's a stigma because people don't understand (a) why we are like we are and (b) what to expect from us. (If we are talk to ourselves, does that mean we are going to stab them?)

    i know Tourette's isn;t a mental health issue, but I guarantee that the stigma of Tourette's has been radically reduced by half the nation falling in love with Pete B on Big Brother. They know that underneath the symptoms he's a person, and he's not actually the "scary nutter" that they might think he was if they saw him in the street.

  • 5 years ago

    I,m afraid one word comes to mind, Fear, and i,m also afraid the media does,nt help, especially movies and soaps, if theres a bad man on the loose, he must be a nutcase, deranged, ect ect, they very rarely show a person with mental health issues, as just not themselves for a while, but still kind, caring but confused, i,m afraid it would,nt have the same shock value effect. So until they, the media change their ways and give a more normal honest approach to mental health problems, some people, not all, will believe, how people with mental health problems, are a fret to them.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's because orginally fairly common and mild forms of mental illness, such depression, anxiety and OCD etc were not considered as mental illnesses and were dealt with through religion. The people thought of as mentally ill, or rather "mad" were only the raving nutters. Nowadays we are much more informed, and accept that mental illness can be mild (anxiety) or severe (mania), but the old fashioned connotations still apply - we still tend to associate the term "mental illness" with being "mad".

  • ``..``
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The stigma is long gone...nearly everyone is being diagnosed with some disorder or other. In earlier years we were told to 'deal with it' or to 'straighten out'. That did work for some, others needed treatment.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People aren't educated about it. If people understood more about the issues, I think most would say, "Oh, that's it?" Nothing to be scared of. It's like any other health issue with a lot of misunderstanding around it, like AIDS.

    Once you know more, yeah, it's still a serious issue, but

    now you know about it rather than making a bad judgement call.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i think mental health is a very serious izzue because it can not only affect you but it can also affect surrounding the affected person. for people who have mental illness, and for those serious ones, example, Multiple Personalities and Serious Depression coupled with bad characters, that kind of people can seriously harm our society and they needed to be LOCKED UP

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Evryone has a slight mental health problem.

  • 1 decade ago

    because all humans have some form of mental problems just can we deal with them or not

    We are a little nuts sometimes

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