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Lv 6
hkyson asked in Society & CultureLanguages · 1 decade ago

Can you translate this Spanish text into English for me?

Se ha descubierto que industrias farmacéuticas en Índia

evacuan los ingredientes de las drogas que producen a los

ríos y acuíferas del país. Entre otras cosas, estos

químicos pueden producir bacterias resistentes a los

antibióticos que las fábricas de Índia producen.

Según una investigación cada litro de agua de las

costas de un río cercano contenían treinta miligramos de

ciprofloxina, antibiótico usado para tratar infecciones

urinarias y neumonia. Este es un alto nivel de contaminación.

Es incluso mayor que las dosis terapéuticas utilizadas para

combatir estas enfermedades bacteriales en la gente.

Si este problema no es corregido, nuevas bacterias infecciosas podrán fácilmente causar que este antibiótico sea completamente inservible para combatir enfermedades que los mismos medicamentos fueron hechos para tratar.



Thanks a lot for helping me out! I am studying different translation styles between electronic and human translators.

Please indicate whether you have made these translations entirely by yourself, with the aid of an electronic translator, or with an electronic translator exclusively. I would also like to know exactly which electronic translator you used in making your translations.

One final thing: Please indicate what your native language is.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

Update 2:

Dear Lady Godiva:

I tried to reach you at your hotmail account, but I couldn't get through to it.

I use my e-mail account only to transmit information onto the Web. I don't receive messages there because I get so much spam that I can't easily find e-mail messages I am interested in reading.

If you want to get through to me personally, you can send me a letter to my home address:

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

1425 East First St., Apt 9

Los Angeles, Calif. 90802


Of course, you can also post a text in Spanish of the letter you want to write on <>. There is no guarantee, of course, that I will see it, but other people no doubt will, and they also may be able to provide you with a good English translation.


1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I´m going to try it. But I can´t assure you that I can.... It´s very difficult, but wait for me, please.

    I´m from Spain. Spanish from Spain.

    Best wishes.

    My translation:

    It has been discovered that pharmaceutical industries in India evacuate (clear) the ingredients of the drugs (or drugs ingredients???) that they produce to the rivers and aquiferous waters of the country. Among other things, these chemical products (or chemists) can cause bacteria resistant to the antibiotics that Índia's factories produce (or: antibiotic made by Indian factories can get resistance to bacteria???)

    According to a research, every liter of water of a nearby river shore were containing thirty miligrams of "ciprofloxacino" (ciprofloxina???), antibiotic used to treat urinary infections and pneumonia. This is a high pollution (contamination) level (or: This one is a high level of pollution???). It is even higher than therapeutic dose used to fight these bacteria diseases in the people.

    If this problem is not corrected, new infectious bacteria will be able to cause this antibiotic result completely useless to fight diseases that the medicine (medicaments) were made to treat for.

    It has been very difficult for me. I have forgotten English. I studied it long time ago.

    Some days ago, I made a question about a letter I want to send to a great british actor. You answered me, but you asked if I could show you my letter in order to help me. I don´t know how I can get contact with you, so I give you my hotmail address:

    If you think you can help me, you can write to me.... and I would show you my letter. If you want, of course. I would be very grateful for your help.


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