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  • How can I find recent news about Christopher Hitchens and Baby Doc Duvalier in Haiti.?

    Is there any source of information where I can find out recent news about these people and about other topics that interest me.

    I would like these articles to be in chronological order, with the most recent article at the top of the list.

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism10 years ago
  • Can you help me get the search function on my copy of Microsoft Word to work?

    A few minutes ago the search function on my version of Microsoft Word stopped working. (I got my computer system about a year ago with the version of word that was current at that time.)

    I searched through Word's help menu, but I could not find any useful information. I hope someone in Yahoo Answers can help me.

    Harleigh Kyson Jr.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • If historical patterns of climate change strongly indicate that we are now due for another ice age...?

    If historical patterns of climate change strongly indicate that we are now due for another ice age, is it possible that increasing amounts of carbon dioxide and methane in our atmosphere are beneficial because they will act as a countervailing force against the onset of a new ice age?

    7 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • What should gay Californians do now in our fight for gay marriage?

    This question is addressed to gay people--especially in California--and straight feel who feel that marriage for gay couples is a non-negotiable civil right.

    There is increasing willingness among people who feel it is important to fight fanatic and bigoted Christians in their efforts to control our culture according to their own particular superstitious principles.

    Proposition VIII won by a majority of 52% to 48%. In time, more and more people will agree with us that keeping us from marrying makes us second-class citizens. How do we keep the snowball rolling down the hill so that it can gather enough mass to defeat the bigoted bastards that oppose us?

  • Can someone show me how to learn the finer points of gmail?

    I recently got a gmail account, but I am having a hard time learning how to organize my messages in gmail. The instructions Google provides I don't find very clear.

    Is there some other way, such as an on-line tutorial I can use, to learn the finer points of gmail more easily?

    Thanks a lot for your help!

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Pode você traduzir para o português este texto em inglês?

    On his twenty-ninth birthday, Alexander Graham Bell

    received a patent for his telephone, and soon he

    was able to construct two robust instruments for

    a demonstration at the exposition in Philadelphia

    in 1876 that celebrated the one hundredth anniversary

    of the independence of the United States.

    At first, no one paid any attention to Bell's

    invention. But one day dom Pedro, the emperor of

    Brazil, visited the exposition and recognized him.

    He fondly remembered an agreeable visit that he

    had made to Bell's school for the deaf and asked

    Bell to show him his instrument.

    "My God," said dom Pedro, "This thing talks!" Soon

    many others came to see Bell's invention, including

    Lord Kelvin, the eminent English scientist, and

    many people ran from one of his phones to the other

    one to talk into it and hear the voices of others.

    9 AnswersIdiomas e Línguas1 decade ago
  • C'e qualcuno che possa tradurre al italiano questo testo di inglese?

    On his twenty-ninth birthday, Alexander Graham Bell

    received a patent for his telephone, and soon he

    was able to construct two robust instruments for

    a demonstration at the exposition in Philadelphia

    in 1876 that celebrated the one hundredth anniversary

    of the independence of the United States.

    At first, no one paid any attention to Bell's

    invention. But one day dom Pedro, the emperor of

    Brazil, visited the exposition and recognized him.

    He fondly remembered an agreeable visit that he

    had made to Bell's school for the deaf and asked

    Bell to show him his instrument.

    "My God," said dom Pedro, "This thing talks!" Soon

    many others came to see Bell's invention, including

    Lord Kelvin, the eminent English scientist, and

    many people ran from one of his phones to the other

    one to talk into it and hear the voices of others.

    7 AnswersLingue1 decade ago
  • Est-ce que vous pouvez traduire au français ce texte en anglais?

    On his twenty-ninth birthday, Alexander Graham Bell

    received a patent for his telephone, and soon he

    was able to construct two robust instruments for

    a demonstration at the exposition in Philadelphia

    in 1876 that celebrated the one hundredth anniversary

    of the independence of the United States.

    At first, no one paid any attention to Bell's

    invention. But one day dom Pedro, the emperor of

    Brazil, visited the exposition and recognized him.

    He fondly remembered an agreeable visit that he

    had made to Bell's school for the deaf and asked

    Bell to show him his instrument.

    "My God," said dom Pedro, "This thing talks!" Soon

    many others came to see Bell's invention, including

    Lord Kelvin, the eminent English scientist, and

    many people ran from one of his phones to the other

    one to talk into it and hear the voices of others.

    2 AnswersLangues1 decade ago
  • ¿Puede Ud. traducir al español este texto en inglés?

    On his twenty-ninth birthday, Alexander Graham Bell

    received a patent for his telephone, and soon he

    was able to construct two robust instruments for

    a demonstration at the exposition in Philadelphia

    in 1876 that celebrated the one hundredth anniversary

    of the independence of the United States.

    At first, no one paid any attention to Bell's

    invention. But one day dom Pedro, the emperor of

    Brazil, visited the exposition and recognized him.

    He fondly remembered an agreeable visit that he

    had made to Bell's school for the deaf and asked

    Bell to show him his instrument.

    "My God," said dom Pedro, "This thing talks!" Soon

    many others came to see Bell's invention, including

    Lord Kelvin, the eminent English scientist, and

    many people ran from one of his phones to the other

    one to talk into it and hear the voices of others.

    3 AnswersIdiomas1 decade ago
  • Pode você traduzir para o português este texto em inglês?

    In Kaiserslauten, Germany, the neighbors of a man

    living alone in a large apartement building thought

    he was dead because they detected a horrible stench

    coming from his apartment.

    They called in the police, who broke down the door

    to his apartment and went inside. They found that

    the man was not dead but merely asleep in his bed.

    The stench was coming from his feet, which apparently

    he hadn't washed for months.

    The police did not arrest him, however, because

    there is no law in Kaiserslauten that makes it illegal

    to have smelly feet.

    13 AnswersIdiomas e Línguas1 decade ago
  • Est-ce que vous pouvez traduire au français ce texte en anglais?

    In Kaiserslauten, Germany, the neighbors of a man

    living alone in a large apartement building thought

    he was dead because they detected a horrible stench

    coming from his apartment.

    They called in the police, who broke down the door

    to his apartment and went inside. They found that

    the man was not dead but merely asleep in his bed.

    The stench was coming from his feet, which apparently

    he hadn't washed for months.

    The police did not arrest him, however, because

    there is no law in Kaiserslauten that makes it illegal

    to have smelly feet.

    6 AnswersLangues1 decade ago
  • Puede Ud. traducir al español este texto en inglés?

    In Kaiserslauten, Germany, the neighbors of a man

    living alone in a large apartement building thought

    he was dead because they detected a horrible stench

    coming from his apartment.

    They called in the police, who broke down the door

    to his apartment and went inside. They found that

    the man was not dead but merely asleep in his bed.

    The stench was coming from his feet, which apparently

    he hadn't washed for months.

    The police did not arrest him, however, because

    there is no law in Kaiserslauten that makes it illegal

    to have smelly feet.

    4 AnswersIdiomas1 decade ago
  • Can you translate this Spanish text into English for me?

    Se ha descubierto que industrias farmacéuticas en Índia

    evacuan los ingredientes de las drogas que producen a los

    ríos y acuíferas del país. Entre otras cosas, estos

    químicos pueden producir bacterias resistentes a los

    antibióticos que las fábricas de Índia producen.

    Según una investigación cada litro de agua de las

    costas de un río cercano contenían treinta miligramos de

    ciprofloxina, antibiótico usado para tratar infecciones

    urinarias y neumonia. Este es un alto nivel de contaminación.

    Es incluso mayor que las dosis terapéuticas utilizadas para

    combatir estas enfermedades bacteriales en la gente.

    Si este problema no es corregido, nuevas bacterias infecciosas podrán fácilmente causar que este antibiótico sea completamente inservible para combatir enfermedades que los mismos medicamentos fueron hechos para tratar.

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • Pode você traduzir para o português este texto em inglês?

    Some people have said that a national language is

    a dialect that was able to build an army and a navy.

    Often such a language is based on the dialect of

    the capital of a country. Standard French, for

    example, is based on the dialect of Paris; and standard

    English, on the dialect of London.

    The emergence of standard Italian, however, is somewhat

    different. It is based on the dialect of Florence,

    which gained prestige in the fourteenth century

    because of the literary work of Dante, Petrarch,

    and Bocaccio.

    Other influences on the evolution of Italian came

    from direct borrowings from Latin, as well as from

    the Sicilian school of Giacomo da Lentini (1230-1250),

    who had a considerable literary influence on the

    development of the Florentine dialect.

    6 AnswersIdiomas e Línguas1 decade ago
  • Est-ce que vous pouvez traduire au français ce texte en anglais?

    Some people have said that a national language is

    a dialect that was able to build an army and a navy.

    Often such a language is based on the dialect of

    the capital of a country. Standard French, for

    example, is based on the dialect of Paris; and standard

    English, on the dialect of London.

    The emergence of standard Italian, however, is somewhat

    different. It is based on the dialect of Florence,

    which gained prestige in the fourteenth century

    because of the literary work of Dante, Petrarch,

    and Bocaccio.

    Other influences on the evolution of Italian came

    from direct borrowings from Latin, as well as from

    the Sicilian school of Giacomo da Lentini (1230-1250),

    who had a considerable literary influence on the

    development of the Florentine dialect.

    7 AnswersLangues1 decade ago
  • ¿Puede Ud. traducir al español este texto en inglés?

    Some people have said that a national language is

    a dialect that was able to build an army and a navy.

    Often such a language is based on the dialect of

    the capital of a country. Standard French, for

    example, is based on the dialect of Paris; and standard

    English, on the dialect of London.

    The emergence of standard Italian, however, is somewhat

    different. It is based on the dialect of Florence,

    which gained prestige in the fourteenth century

    because of the literary work of Dante, Petrarch,

    and Bocaccio.

    Other influences on the evolution of Italian came

    from direct borrowings from Latin, as well as from

    the Sicilian school of Giacomo da Lentini (1230-1250),

    who had a considerable literary influence on the

    development of the Florentine dialect.

    6 AnswersIdiomas1 decade ago
  • Pouvez-vous répondre à une question au sujet de Barack Obama?

    Si Obama est le prochain Président des États-Unis, quel sera son effet sur la politique domestique et extérieure des Etats-Unis ? Et quelle sera son influence sur la culture américaine ?

    4 AnswersPolitique1 decade ago
  • Puoi rispondere ad una domanda su Barack Obama?

    Se Obama è il prossimo Presidente degli Stati Uniti seguente, qual sarà il suo effetto sulla la politica esterna e interna degli Stati Unite? E qual sarà la sua influenza sulla coltura americana?

    10 AnswersPolitici1 decade ago
  • Pode você responder a uma pergunta sobre Barack Obama?

    Se Barack Obama for o próximo presidente americano, qual será o efeito que terá sobre la política exterior e doméstica dos Estados Unidos? E qual será a sua influência sobre a cultura americana?

    8 AnswersPolítica1 decade ago