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What should gay Californians do now in our fight for gay marriage?

This question is addressed to gay people--especially in California--and straight feel who feel that marriage for gay couples is a non-negotiable civil right.

There is increasing willingness among people who feel it is important to fight fanatic and bigoted Christians in their efforts to control our culture according to their own particular superstitious principles.

Proposition VIII won by a majority of 52% to 48%. In time, more and more people will agree with us that keeping us from marrying makes us second-class citizens. How do we keep the snowball rolling down the hill so that it can gather enough mass to defeat the bigoted bastards that oppose us?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Gays and lesbians need to structure organized lobbying sessions for their representatives in the legislature. This is an issue that won’t go away and will be back on the table again and again. They need to realize that gays and lesbians have a voice and are involved and will vote for candidates who support their causes. If the people who are in office are not listening, they need to know that the citizens are watching and will want to replace them with someone who WILL listen. We need to get more involved.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't give loud and fight. The pride stuff doesn't do it. Make it clear that you want your serious. Organizations should be running tv ads like crazy, not just in California but all over the country. We need to make this a big issue now more than ever, because maybe if it's on the minds of the new democratic administration and congress we can finally get some federal legislation to protect gay rights. The situation is even more dire in Arkansas, where it just passed that gay couples cannot adopt or be foster parents (which will spread to other states soon, they can have it on ballots in 2 years). And not just gay people should care either, everyone should care. Just because it doesn't affect you doesn't mean you can be apathetic - people need to realize that. 10% of the pop. cannot fight back against all the fanatic christians.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are two websites I will give you links to. The first website has all about the Mormons. Since the Mormons got involved in a state issue and it is supposed to be seperation of church and state in this country, then that website is getting people to join together and sign a petition on there to try to get the Mormon Church to lose it's tax exempt status. They think they can dangle in the affairs of others and some other states laws and it is seperation of church and state, then they might as well pay taxes. They would have to pay alot considering how much they get off of tourism sites in Utah and off of others. Also, did you know there is a nationwide Prop 8 protest this weekend. It is Saturday, November 15th. Go to the second site I list and then click on locations and contacts on the site and try to find a place near you.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i think of as quickly as lower back the standard public has been allowed to eliminate the rights of the minority. At one time, the standard public of individuals believed black might desire to be slaves or no longer allowed to vote. that did no longer make it suitable. that's a sin and a shame that we are writing discrimination into state constitutions. it rather is genuinely unamerican. optimistically, the splendid court docket will ultimately overturn all those unlawful judgements and restoration our suitable to privateness, mutually with in marriage alternatives.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get it back into the court system. A popular vote on the civil right of minority citizens is just plain wrong.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    boycott companies based in Utah until the unemployment rate goes from 5 percent to 50 -

  • 1 decade ago

    Ban together and fight like they did in the 60's. Unity, my friends, unity

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    omg, yay!


    ^_^ let's all move there. lol.

    and oops, i just realized i had something saved to my clipboard i needed before that..... crappers! oh wellz.

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