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Lv 6
hkyson asked in Computers & InternetSoftware · 1 decade ago

Can you help me get the search function on my copy of Microsoft Word to work?

A few minutes ago the search function on my version of Microsoft Word stopped working. (I got my computer system about a year ago with the version of word that was current at that time.)

I searched through Word's help menu, but I could not find any useful information. I hope someone in Yahoo Answers can help me.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.


I tried to find out the version of Microsoft Word I have installed on my computer, but I was unable to find this information. Do you have any tips on how I can get this information?

Update 2:

I turned off my computer for about thirty minutes and then turned it on again. My Microsoft Word search function is working again.

I wish I knew why it stopped and how I could have started it up again without turning my system off.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you are pre 2007 and have the convention menu bar and toolbars, then to find your version of Word, click on the Help menu down to About at the bottom and it tells you.

    By search, I assume you mean Find as in Find & Replace. It is under the Edit menu, or use the F5 function key. If it realy is missing, perhaps you have 'mislaid' your toolbar. Right click of mouse on an empty part of menu bar area and make sure that Formatting and Standard toolbars are ticked.

    If you are 2007 you would know because you would have the ribbon and larger looking icons and no conventional toolbars in which case from the Home menu your find icon would be right side of the ribbon.

  • 1 decade ago

    it would help to know which exact version of Word you have

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