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Protestants, If the Catholic Church isn't the Original Church...?

Then which one is?

Saying Christianity doesn't work because there are over 33,000 denominations who all believe something different and that the Holy Spirit is guiding their specific church.

So, how do we know which church is found in the Bible if it isn't the Catholic Church?

I know they're called Christians in the Bible, but that's because you were either pagan, Jewish or Christian. And again, with over 33,000 denominations calling themselves Christians but saying the others are wrong, not all of them can be right.

So which one?


Chris, you didn't answer the question, you just bashed the Catholic Church.

If the Catholic Church isn't the original church, then which is?

The Bible speaks of one church, not many, so which is it?

Update 2:

Free Thinker: Don't they also miss out on the Eucharist?

And I'm not saying Protestants are wrong, but if they all believe that the Holy Spirit is guiding their church and only their church, wouldn't that then mean that the other churches are wrong?

But if they all believe their church is right, then that must mean someone is wrong.

Update 3:

To All:

If all Christians are Jesus' Church, then why are there so many disagreements? There are some who say homosexuality is wrong, there are some who say it's right.

There are groups who say "Call no man Father" is literal while others say it is.

There are groups who say the Last Supper is not the Body & Blood of Jesus, but just a rememberance.

How can the Holy Spirit be leading all Christians in such differentiating views?

Update 4:

**call no man father sentence is supposed to end with isn't.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    hello there,

    a good question.i am not protestant.i am anabaptist, but i went to school with protestants and have a protestant background.

    the catholic church is mislead in many ways, but means well.the protestant church came from the attempted reforms of the catholic church and had the catholic church accepted its mistakes and reformed, the protestant church would not exist today.

    the protestant church however, didnt reform too much and in many ways remains similiar to the catholic church.however, some people went further than the protestants and started what is known today as an an anabaptist movement.those people were studying their bibles ( a new thing with bibles being printed in many different languages) and saw how the first christians lived and endeavoured to live just like them and return to the original church.these people today split into the amish, the amish-mennonites, mennonites, brethren groups and hutterites.

  • C
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    "Which one"?

    Any one who faithfully follows the 10 commandments and professes his belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God.

    I am a former Protestant that is now Catholic.

    Don't be to hard on Chris, he has been led astray by some in whatever Church he goes to, that don't like Catholics. He likes to say that the Catholic Church is not Christian and that anyone who follows the Bible is saved, so Catholics, don't worry, even Chris knows we are saved, he just does not know that we DO follow the Bible!

    I spent many years in one Protestant faith, and, have felt the Holy Spirit in that Church, I still do when I go back there. I have many friends that I look up to that go to the Protestant Churches. I am NOT a Protestant brasher by ANY means.

    That being said, what I was so surprised to find in the Catholic faith, once I took and objective look at it and took of my blinders that others had put on me about it, is a fullness or a completeness that is not present at my old Church.

    I look at my time as a Protestant not as time wasted, and those people there not as in-complete Christians, I look at the time there as "Faith light" I am thank full that I had that it.

    Peace, and God Bless you!

    Source(s): Catholic Convert
  • ULAM
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    There is no "original" church in the sense that you're asking. "Catholic" is an adjective used by one of the earliest united groups of Christian worshippers. "Catholic" means "universal, or all-embracing". There were other churches at the time that the "Catholic" church first came together. The reason why the "Catholic" church is considered the original church is because the Roman Catholic church ruled the western world with an iron hand for so many centuries. The "Catholic" church erased all other forms of Christianity - often by killing them off (see the Albigensian Crusade against the Cathars). When you've crushed all your opposition through brutal force and hold all those under you in check through threats of equal brutality (see the Inquisition), you can call yourself the "original church". Frankly, you can call yourself anything you want.

    From what I've always understood, Eastern, Oriental and Armenian Orthodox churches have always called themselves the "true Catholic" church. I've spoken to a Lutheran Pastor about the subject, and he called himself a "Catholic" - just not Roman Catholic. I think that RCs, Orthodox and Protestants are all based out of "Catholicism". They all go back to the same basic church.

    This is not meant as an attack on anyone's denomination. I'm just stating what really happened during the dark and middle ages.

  • 1 decade ago

    Better yet, if all the different denominations claim to believe and worship as the early apostles did, why are they so divided? If they all hold "the" "truth," why are there so many denominations? If they all hold the knowledge of the Scriptures, why can't they all agree?

    I wrote an article on Protestantism, and if anyone wants to talk about it, they can message me for the article (too long to post here).

    Source(s): Catholic Convert
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  • 1 decade ago

    The ture church is the church that the bible describes and the

    members of this are christians. How do you become a member of this church scrpture tells "You must be born again" Spirtural rebirth with faith in Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. It not about being protestant or cathholic, its a about jesus christ.

    Peace and blessings

  • Perhaps 'the church' is not a man made denomination in this world but ones relationship with God.

    To my current knowledge, there are some 'flaws' in Catholic, Protestant, and Mormon 'doctrine' in USA currrently.(One can also see my profile about it currently).

  • I am a Catholic, but I don't see any reason why protestantism isn't "right" as well. All they miss out on is the blessings that you recieve when Mary or the saints pray for you.



    Yes, they miss out on the graces obtained through the Eucharist as well. They miss out on a LOT of graces, I just gave an example. But I don't see why one or the other 'has' to be right.

    We both believe jesus was the son of God.

    We both follow his teachings.

    Therefore, we both go to heaven. Some of us may spend more time than others in purgatory, though. But it is not my place to decide who.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Greek Orthodox church is just as old as the Roman Catholic church. Both churches are the closest we would get to the original Christian church, but they are not actual original one.

  • 1 decade ago

    the original church is following Jesus and his word. Not following man and mens traditions.

    the CC cult came much later.....adding to scriptures....changing doctrines and leading millions to hellfire

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    in reality people who follow the true God & his son Jesus is within the true church. you can pile up thousands of churches with names & it's not going to help bevcause they're not in unity with one another. Also even though Jesus taught about his fathers message he also grew up in a Jewish household. it was the disciples whom started the term "chrisitanity" in the book of Acts after Jesus asscended to his father, so each one of us can follow through Jesus his fathers teaching. The RCC & other denominations didn't occur until centuries after his death.Also the church/fellowship is with the individual and gathering of likeminded believers,not a structure(though having shelter is good)

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