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Lv 6
Arthur asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Since conservatives insist all corporate taxes are passed on to consumers, why not eliminate them?

Okay, conservatives, one of your favorite mantras is that we shouldn't raise corporate taxes, because they'll just be passed on to the consumer.

By that logic, why not eliminate corporate taxes? Do you trust Exxon-Mobil to pass their savings on to you?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You weren't supposed to notice that. Now you will be targeted as a bitter commie terrorist appeaser. Truthfully, our lovely government specializes in doubletalking mumbo jumbo intended to shield the true intent of their policies.

  • jdm
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You're using logic improperly to be a word smith.

    No one is saying to eliminate them, what we're saying is to stop raising them, or even lower them.

    I know, I know...all talk, right? Here's an example to add to my point.

    Here...this article is older, but there was an update last night on the local news. City Council has approved the measure and it's expected to fly through the rest of the City and State levels. Construction has already begun on "Cira South" and BlackRock is expected to move in within the next 7 years.

    The whole idea was that if Philly lowered it's business tax (it will be substantially lower if not non-existent up until 2018), it would encourage more businesses to come to Philly, thus increasing the tax base from which Philadelphia can draw more revenue. The Comcast Center just opened this weekend as well, which was also a result of tax breaks offered by the's now the tallest building in Philadelphia, and one of the tallest LEED certified ("Green") buildings in the world. If Philly never offered those breaks, we wouldn't have created 5,000+ jobs.

    This business tax is essentially the same thing as a corporate tax. So why should we continue to raise it, and penalize companies and corporations for operating within the United States, employing her citizens and paying into the US Revenue stream? It makes no sense whatsoever! Ditto with just about any kind of tax, like the oil windfall profit tax that's being thrown around again.

    People will not perform for penalties. They will work for you and perform for rewards.

    Lower the corporate taxes, lower the gas taxes and let business run it's course in America. Outside of preventing monopolies, the government should stay out of business.

  • 1 decade ago

    They need to pay taxes, no one argues that point. But trying to over tax them is insane. Even if they don't pass on their savings to the consumer, I am still better off than if they are over taxed and pass that cost on to me. Basically, the oil companies keep their profit, I still pay $4 a gallon for gas, Obama taxes everything they make over $80 a barrel of crude, and now I pay $8 a gallon. How am I better off that way? Many of the tax breaks are based on specific milestones as well. The creation of new jobs, etc. So they aren't arbitrary tax breaks for big business.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Republicans, not conservatives are trying to eliminate the consumers by turning the USA into a society where there are only two classes, the very rich and the very poor.

    There are very few true conservatives in the republic party. Most republicans just like to claim to be conservative even though they really are clueless to what are the real values of true conservatives.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, we should eliminate corporate tax. I agree with you 100%.

    Take a look at economies that have tried this. Singapore, Dubai, etc. All remarkable successes.

    Corporate earnings are currently double taxed anyway. First, at the corporate earnings level. Then, they are taxed again when investors receive proceeds either as dividends or capital gains. Something needs to go.

  • 1 decade ago

    How about we just eliminate the income tax, it's unconstitutional anyways. Problem solved

    Source(s): Ron Paul 08
  • lau
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    pass take an economics classification and also you'll understand. the costs are not from now on set via the marketplace anymore. The marketplace truly dictates what the marketplace will tolerate. The manufacturers set the costs in accordance to a preconcieved idea of ways a lot income they ought to make and the cost to produce the products. in case you boost taxes, that cuts into the income they ought to make. So what's the answer? boost the fee or shrink the cost to make it. this is a lot less difficult to characteristic some cents to each and every products fee to cover the extra taxes than to locate strategies to diminish on expenses.

  • 1 decade ago

    Fantastic idea! This would help increase the stock value and dividends that a lot of us with a 401K have in the oil companies and yes, it would be passed on to us.


  • 1 decade ago

    The other morons(im so mad at them I wont say what they really are) wont let us get rid of taxes.No, I dont trust Exxon Mobil(Its the hippies who wont let us have oil) Did you know your income tax was only supposed to be temporary? Did you know that its not companies rasing prices(this excludes oil products), Its the government inflating the dollar? Did you know the federal reserve is a curse for our money? Did you know, when Nixon completely took us off the gold standard, it was the first time the dollar fell sharply?

    And u think taxes are corrupt....

  • phil
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    thaat would be a good idea,and cut the government back to what they are constitutionally required and allowed to do,this country could be run on excise taxes and tarriffs if it were done constitutionally,think of how much we would prosper if we didn't have all the tax burdens we do

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