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rance42 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why do we allow ourselves to be caught up in scripted politics?

We all know what kind of scripted crap will come from the opposing party, good examples are those most recent. The President said he would veto any bill with multitudes of earmarks. So what does the Congress do? They created specific large earmarks to a bill that also had benefits for Veterans attached to it. Everyone and their brother knows that the President will veto the bill on earmarks but the opposing party claims that he is against the Veterans. Should Senator Obama become President don’t you think the same crap will happen by the opposing party? Just how dumb do they think we really are? Or are we really that dumb?


Thank you all the answers (regardless of party affiliation) are excellent.

Update 2:

Joe, I met a man today who said he would not vote for any incumbant regardless of the party. The more I thought about it the more I liked it. Start the Congress from scratch and maybe they will get the message.

Update 3:

mordacai - well said.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Americans are politically naive still, because we are a relatively young country compared to others around the world. A lot of people here are susceptible to demagoguery because it appeals to our emotions. People are still learning the hard way, such as having a President like Bush, that you can't be naive about politicians and just assume that because they smile and use buzz words and catch phrases and call everybody "My fellow Americans" that they have everybody's best interests in mind regardless of social class, etc.

    The fact is that politics can be extremely Machiavellian and people are manipulated all the time, just as they are by corporate America. We assume every bit of new technology or whatever is designed only to make our lives more prosperous and has no down side whatsoever. Like drugs that are released onto the market prematurely, heavily advertised by the industry, and then found to pose serious health risks. Politics, corporate American...they're inextricably intertwined and always will be. Maybe somebody like Obama will be immune to special interests, maybe he won't. Who knows. Washington is a tough place. It's hard not to become cynical, no matter how idealistic you might be when you enter into it.

    People need to learn, and are learning, painfully, not to put politicians on a pedestal and assume that they always have everybody's best interests in mind. They are only human. They have feet of clay. They are more fallible and prone to corruption than we might want to believe because we like to be told what to do, many of us. We like to follow authority, rather than being our own authorities. It seems safer, but in the long run, it's far more dangerous than thinking for ourselves and using our discriminatory faculties to read between the lines of political rhetoric.

  • 1 decade ago

    We live in an ignorant society. The media is biased on both sides. They are more interested in Britney Spears hoochie than reporting news that requires hard investigation. The public will believe everything they here as gospel. Wikipedia is a perfect example. You can post nearly any "fact". thorough research by both the public and media is non existent. Freakin' embarrassing. A perfect example are some of these answers to political questions.

  • 5 years ago

    collectively as i'm unsure approximately cyber war, darling, because of the fact i think of that issues ought to get quite gruesome and brutal quite promptly, I do style of like the belief of a few style of raiding must be quite some relaxing if we had the skill to declare a raid, working example, and then have diverse policies concerning to allowable content textile. BQ: i think of that reporting must be limited to people of point 2 or larger, darling - that is absurd which you will no longer supply TDs and TUs at point a million, and you're limited interior the form of questions and solutions you could positioned up in an afternoon, yet you additionally could make an limitless form of comments. This actual encourages report monkeys, considering they could make a sparkling account, take a speedy trolling run by way of their allowed questions and solutions, and then have no longer something to do yet surf by way of people's Q&A and report what - or who - they do unlike. to boot, i think of comments ought to ought to specifically cite the content textile they are reporting - none of this obscure "misuse of the format" bullshiite...the two tell me the words I used that violated the policies or STFU. i does not positioned up IP addresses - there are too many weirdos accessible who might use this documents to hazard others - yet I do think of that it may value factors to report a query or answer (according to risk 5 factors), and if the objective of a report appeals and the pronounced query or answer is reinstated, the fake report ought to value the reporter a larger 10 factors. (((S2C)))

  • 1 decade ago

    The type of scenario described isn't necessarily scripted; it's just stupid. All members of Congress could stand to become more straight-forward and effective policy makers, regardless of party.

    At the same time, politics is important to cover and to act to effect change in. Even if a lot of it gets caught in muck, or silly political gAMES, the government is still the best body to act in to promise a better quality of life for all citizens of our country. We should never stop trying or stop being informed.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sadly, a lot of people really are that dumb, to still have faith in the electoral process, especially after what happened the last two elections. It's all a ridiculous show to keep people distracted from what's really going on.

  • fdm215
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You mean like we've had for the past century? Gee I don't know. Maybe because people are so prone to expecting perfection on the stump. Look at the way both sides jump all over the smallest gaffe (McCain's today, probably Obama's tomorrow).

    Democrats 2008

  • 1 decade ago

    I get the feeling at times that the US has become an elementary school playground.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This won't change until we stop electing lawyers, career politicians and oil men into office.

  • 1 decade ago

    The answer is yes...we really are that dumb, because we keep electing the same bozos.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well, do we learn to beat them at their own game, or do we change the game and the rules~??!!

    Source(s): me!
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