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I Have a Password Lock Out And Cannot Get Into My Laptop/Notebook: model TA1!!!?

Does anyone now how I can break into my system and do an overwrite or into ms-dose, to change it? Without having to pay 100 gagillion dollars for a virtual locksmith?



Ok Josh HELP.... It is # 1 The BIOS PASSWORD> Could you help Me PLEASE?????

Update 2:

Josh I screwed up and gave you a llow score, sorrjjy. I meant to put up... you too other one sorry wasen't paying attention.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ok.. there are 3 types of passwords that you could be talking about.. 1: bios password.. 2: harddrive password.. 3: os password..

    1 and 3 are easy to circumvent.. if it's 1, see if the cmos battery is easy to access and just pop it out for an hour..

    if it's the OS password.. then there are a gillian utils for that.. if it's #2.. ouch.. you'll have to call the manufacter and get an override of some sort !

  • 1 decade ago

    There are many programs that can help you. One I that I use is called Locksmith, 99% success rate. But are you referring to the BIOS password or the Windows password... big difference.

  • 1 decade ago

    ythere are many tools out there to crack the password of OSes. if you still do face problems, i suggest using a linux live cd (like linux mint), pull out your harddisk stuff to an external one, delete the M$ partition and reinstall it. but that would actually be quite drastic.

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