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My dalmation Molly just had babies and my other is prego to, i dont know anything about fish please help me?
7 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
You will need to get a seperate tank/container that is ment to hold babies to keep any of your other fish from eating the young. If you choose not to you can let nature take its course and the strongest will survive. I've had my mollies and platys give birth a few times, but I've chosen not to seperate them. The mother's wont take care of the young so if you want to keep them you'll need to go to your local fish store and find a breeding tank that you can sink into the tank your other fish are in. This will let the mom give birth in one chamber and let the babies squeeze through little holes in the bottom into a seperate chamber keeping them safe from hungry mommy. You can then remove the mom from the upper chamber and leave the babies in there. They can eat and grow from there.
- 1 decade ago
KC whats wrong with you? Dalmation Molly thats a fish.....
Well any ways you will need a seperate tank to put the fry (the baby fish) in.Or well for the other fish you need to buy a breeding trap to put the female fish in.You can find them at your local petstore :D Good luck.
- 5 years ago
If I were you, I would seperate the babies and the adults in two different cages. The adults will actually eat the babies, (which is un-ethical, but would solve you breeding problem.) I would try and sell the fish you do not want to a pet store or anyone willing to buy (that are able to supply for the fish.) If you decide to keep them, they will most likley just keep on breeding. Hope This helps!! good luck!!!
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I tataly agree with the first answer...and KC, this is a dalmation molly-
And dalmation mollies are livebearer fish, like guppies. Not ALL fish lay eggs smartie!
Good luck with the babies! i had baby guppies once, but ich struck my tank and I lost em' all...even the adult guppies.=(
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- catxLv 71 decade ago
adults eat newborn fry. so add dense plants like java moss to the tank to allow newborn fry to stand a chance, i recommend not separating as your mollies will reproduce again...and again, and you'll suddenly find yourself with mollies coming out of your ears, so it's better to let nature take its course.
using the "breeder tanks" is only good for newborn fry, expectant mothers should NOT be put in those, it will cause the mothers HUGE amounts of stress and are more likely to cause aborted pregancies or death during birth.
- 1 decade ago
Hi, my guppy had babies 2 months ago. if u have a breeder box put them in there, if not buy 1. people say that u should feed them baby brine shrimp. i don't feed them that though. i feed them finely crushed fish flakes and my baby r okay. Please check my site at Plz leave comments! I have dalmatian mollies too.
- 1 decade ago
Fish can't be prego... they lay eggs. Dalmations are dogs so this doesn't have to do with fish really does it.