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Diehard Clinton supporters would rather have four more years of Bush policies than a black president?

With groups like HRC4JM, former Hillary Clinton supporters who are planning to vote for McCain over Obama out of spite.. do they even really care about the next four years of our country?

Do they really expect John McCain will be more pro-woman than Obama?

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    McCain's going to lose the female vote by a landslide. He's against pregnancy leave, equal pay, comprehensive sex education, access to birth control, fertility treatment.

    They'd rather vote for him when he supports 10% of their issues over obama who supports 90% out of spite, ignorance and racism. Voting for McCain won't end media bias or sexism.

  • Am
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA Obama caring about Womens Rights, have you read/researched his emmo? ROFLMAO, he's anti Women like McCain is on any given sunday! It's too funny when you're fooled that MUCH!

    Either way we're having Bush policies, even if Clinton couldn't ben in office LOL ... I mean Obama is the blue shade of Bush people, both Clintons like to act like one thing and then do another when you aren't looking ... and McCain that's a no brainer he has BUSH puppet wrtten all overhim especially with Rice being apart of the portential office ;-p


    We're doomed either way, I wonder how long it'll take people to wake up from this one. Yall was slow on the Bush thang, yall might be slower on the sleeper Bushes :-p


    (don't worry though I'm not being spiteful, I'm just learning how not to take it all in like I once did that way it doesn't hurt as bad later when people start waking up from what I've been sayin' all along)

    ::: Peace :::

    Source(s): one would think yall could tell something from Obama being related to Dick Chaney of all people :-p
  • 1 decade ago

    These people have their knickers in twist because they felt cheated out of " their turn". Since they want to vote for a man who has voted against everything that would help women succeed, they are just being spiteful and want to cut off their nose to spite their face.

    I say this, if they do and McBush wins ( god forbid) then when he takes away womens rights they better keep their traps shut. He wants Roe v`. Wade to disappear. McCain Opposed Equal Pay Bill for Women, Said They ‘Need Education and Training’ Instead. McCain Voted to Gut the Family and Medical Leave Act.. McCain opposed spending $100 million to prevent unintended and teen pregnancies.

    He voting against supporting an initiative for Breast cancer research.

  • 1 decade ago

    Im a clinton supporter Bill and Hilary and have no problem voting for Obama It was a tuff choice between Hilary and Obama for me when I voted in the primaries.

    I have not heard any of my friends say they will now vote Mccain because they dont' want to vote for Obama that's stupid

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  • 1 decade ago

    Anyone who would support Hillary yet vote for McCain since she didn't get the nomination has no understanding of even their own political philosophy and really should just not show up to vote at all, IMO.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you really believe what McCain has to say?

    I know he will start saber rattling with Iran and not start to get our troops out of Iraq.

    He will continue the Policies of George Bush

    Bush and the Republicans have caused us to have gas prices of 4.25/gallon and climbing.

    Bush's policies have been handed down to McCain,

    He will be the oldest living President if elected.

    The disparity between the top 1 % and the middle class is astronomical.

    What happened to our energy Policy? remember the Private meeting Between Cheney and others and the fact that he would not disclose who "the others were'?

    Read, listen, and observe.

  • 1 decade ago

    After slapping the Clinton supporters in the face with hiring the gal that Hilaryu fired to run Obamas team to serach for a VP...uh...yeah...they are going to support McCain. Both Hilary and McCain are politcally Centrist, while Obama is a far left wing tax and sspend Nut!

  • 1 decade ago

    They tell me they believe that. I have a feeling it is really only like 2%. We just hear from the unsilent minority.

    Personally, I have no idea how anyone can be so blind. Nobody that whines about Obama knows anything about him.

    I know that McBush has the same policies that I don't like right now. And I have many many good reasons not to like them. So I will vote for whoever has the best chance against him. It is just a bonus that I also like Obama.

    And no, if you read up it is not at all hard to tell who will be better for women. The guy totally devoted to his wife, or the guy who left his sick wife for a woman he calls a c*nt in public and has a track record of voting against bills important to women. It's true, look it up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It was Hillary Clinton that nicknamed McCain the Maverick. McCain and Clinton have been in cahoots for years. I think he is hot on her.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's hard to tell who would be more pro woman specically but John Mccain would be far better for the country. Only a racist would blame Obamas' race for his loss.

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