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Should dihydrogen monoxide be banned?

It's a deadly substance. Its danger to the environment can be seen by its presence in acid rain, and its contribution to the greenhouse effect--also, it's been found in almost every river and lake in the world, and even in tapwater! It erodes landscapes and speeds up corrosion of metals.

It also has dangerous effects on human beings--in large quantities it kills, and once you've become addicted to it, if you don't get your 'fix', you die! It can also cause severe burns. And yet, it seems to be used in every industry, and ridiculously, there are no laws against it being dumped into our water system.

I think we should all get together and ban this horrendous substance, before it's too late.


Btw, I haven't fallen for it. I was just seeing who would. Sadly, it looks like I underestimated the average intellect out there, so now no one will. Knew I shouldn't have put it in Chemistry.

Update 2:

Indeed, it has frequently been found in the lungs of drowned people.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    On the contrary there is proven research that this substance is healthy for people in limited quantities. Similar to water soluable vitamins, if you consume too much it is passed naturally in urine. DHMO is also one of the major ingredients in the base saline solution used in IV medical treatments, saving millions of lives each year. The NHL has found a safe and productive use for this, as a smoothing agent on ice rinks. There are even plants all over most of the developed world designed specifically to filter this substance out of waste sewage and recycle it, preventing most from ever reaching our oceans and lakes. There are much more worthy causes for your time.

    Source(s): personal knowledge
  • 1 decade ago

    DMHO was also found in Napoleon's hair and I know for a fact that breathing only a small amount of this substance will cause death. President Bush is convinced that we have an addiction to this substance and that there should be a Constitutional Ammendment to ban it from our country, with sanctions against countries who have huge reserves of the material like Hawaii.

  • 1 decade ago

    i luv that. i kno soooooo many ppl who have fallen for this its almost ridiculous.

    if ur one fo the few who r totally lost right now keep reading:

    those who actually use their minds would know that di means 2 and dihydrogen is 2 hydrogen molecules. mono means 1 and monoxide is 1 oxygen molecule. together they make up a water molecule there fore...its water...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Couldn't agree more. The amount of people who die each year due to breathing this deadly chemical compound is astounding.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Oh no... It looks like you've fallen for this old prank. Dihydrogen monoxide (H2O) is water. If it is banned, we'd all die.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "...and ridiculously, there are no laws against it being dumped into our water system."

    Why would we care if water was dumped into our water system?

    Other than that, it's a good spoof...

  • BB
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No more morning coffee. Let's rather not ban it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How do you ban something that occurs naturally?

  • 1 decade ago

    wrong cateogry - try Home > Environment


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