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Does Atheism at its hub regard humans as little different from other animals, or even plant life. ..?

Is it not a fair assesment on both theolgies to say:

Fundamental Atheism at its hub regard humans as little different from other animals, or even plant life... and after you have lived your plant life you die and that’s it.

Classic Christian theory: Man is made in the Image of God.. Even though man fell from grace by wilful sin.. a loving God rescues man through His own Blood, enabling people to live forever.

Please don't answer the question with a 'well it's the truth' or with just the buzz argument of 'it's scientific' both thoughts relating to this are subjective and do not answer my question/ challenge.


No.. it is an honest question.. BTW..who wacked you with an ugly stick?

Update 2:

Ok so logically, if a person believes there is no God I was thinking that they must of spent time thinking about where life came from.. Yes? And I bet nearly all Atheists believe we are no better that plant life you just don’t like admitting it... hence all the answers that try to avoid the question.

Update 3:


Who have I insulted? If your referring to the ‘ugly stick’. With good reason I supposed that the avatar picture is not actually a picture of him/ her and therefore be my joke would be considered inoffensive and hopefully even a little humorous.

Update 4:

Thanks to those who have expressed personnel opinions. Of course, I have no reason to doubt your value for your loved ones and probably regard different animals with different value and emotion. But I am challenging the question if there is no God you must believe in basically ‘a single cell evolve eventually to a man’ because if you didn’t there would-be a much greater possibility of Intelligent design and therefore much less justification for atheism. So in cold thought, without emotion, most atheists must wrestle with the fact that Atheism at its hub regard humans as little different from other animals, or even plant life.

Update 5:

I'm sorry that no-one was big enough to just answer the question in a honest way. There you go. My aim was to bring people to a place of reflection on their own belief in Atheism. I think some Atheists appear distinctly antediluvian when insisting with quite breathtaking

arrogance that people had no justification whatsoever to hold to belief systems incorporating a god.

I am genuinely flabbergasted, as these answers prove I can compare such Atheistic dogmatism with extreme religious fundamentalism.

28 Answers

  • manuel
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I like snuggling with my wife a lot more than I do with my hibiscus.

  • 1 decade ago

    Many have clarified that Atheism signifies a lack of belief in a god, and nothing more. But I'll skip that and get to what I think you're looking for, and what I would hope at least some Atheists would be satisfied with. Obviously I cannot speak for all. But as for what I see as the modern American Atheist ethos...

    I think most Atheists would agree that humans hold a special position on this planet. However, we do not feel so entitled to exploit the resources of this earth and overpower animals the way many Christians condone, because we recognize that we are part of a system - we are a piece to a puzzle, not temporary rulers over a kingdom.

    Watch the movie "Earthlings", available online, for free. It may answer some questions about Atheists for you. Or, if nothing else, what happens behind the closed doors of the world many Christians support.

    Scientists want the cold, hard truths uncovered, while Christians seek Ultimate Truth. Unfortunately, the latter often requires overlooking and justifying a lot of horrible actions in the name of "Good".

  • 1 decade ago

    At the core, you're right -- but I disagree with the way you've worded some things.

    I don't know how many atheists would say that humans are "little different" from plants. Rather, they might say that the differences between humans and other species are a difference in "degree," but not in "kind." That is, there is not something fundamentally different about a human (like a supernatural soul) that does not have a connection with other species.

    Most atheists also do not believe in life after death (although there are some Buddhist sects that are technically atheist but believe in reincarnation, but that's a whole other story). But I don't know if atheists would dismiss their lives as "plant lives."

    In fact, I'm troubled by the way you phrase these two theologies (ignoring that atheism can't technically have a "theology"). It sounds like you're painting atheism as a bleak and dreary worldview, and Christianity as a kind and comforting worldview. It may be true that eternal life is more appealing than nonexistence, but just because something is more comforting does not make it true.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No atheist with an iota of brains would say that men are like plants and animals in ALL respects. Certainly, atheists regard men as animals with regard to basic physiology and basic biological processes, and yes, when we die, that's pretty much the end of it, just as with any other plant or animal.

    But men are also remarkably different from all other life. We have the ability to think and reason, to acknowledge that there was a past before us and that there will be a future after us. We use tools to an unprecedented degree, we bend our environmet to accomodate us, we affect the world in a way no other creature is capable of.

    So it's a "yes and no" answer to your question, if that makes any sense.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You just do not understand what an atheist is even!!!

    ATHEIST - someone who does not believe in a God – any God – not just the Christian one. But that does not mean they do not hold strong moral or religious beliefs! They can follow any religion that does not have a god and there are a lot of those!!

    Many wonderful and diverse religions like BUDDHISM – Religious teaching from Buddha and his followers that by destroying greed, hatred and delusion (the cause of all suffering) man can attain perfect enlightenment!!

    Most atheist religions are philosophy based and seek peace and enlightenment!!!

    As for Christians well - just try reading a small sample of Christian postings on here!!!

    Intolerant, egotistical, hate filled and bigoted!! Eschewing education, science, evolution works of fiction and much, much more. Christians are the only religion opposing human rights and persecuting gays, pro choice and so much more - but far worse whilst they demand freedom of religion they deny it to all non Christians and persecute them!!!

    No sign of a loving and forgiving god there - just nasty human emotions that are out of control!!!!

  • Kent S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    "Man is made in the Image of God.. Even though man fell from grace by willful sin.. a loving God rescues man through His own Blood, enabling people to live forever."

    And they say atheist are full of themselves, we are made in god's image? Really us humans are made in god's image? God who is supposedly is all powerful, all knowing being somehow looks like us? I find this kind of thinking very self centered, and a little insulting to god(if it exist).

    Face it we are just animals that have the ability to think outside of ourselves. Nothing special about us really, and I don't think there is such a thing as a fundamental atheist. I think you just love placing labels on people.

    Edit: Wow look at the close mind you have, many people answered your question. Why are you so full of hatred towards us?

  • 1 decade ago

    Fundamental Atheism at its hub is simply a disbelief in any God. There is no general Atheist consensus as to anything else, including spirituality or non-God based concepts.

    Misconception and misinformation about Atheism is the primary reason Atheists get slightly cranky about these posts...

    Edit: re additional details - now you're simply guessing and betting what you think we must believe based upon your assessment from your paradigm...

  • Fred
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    > Fundamental Atheism at its hub regard humans as little different from other animals, or even plant life

    Sorry, but there is no such thing as fundamental atheism. Still, many atheists recognize the obviousness of your statement.

  • Humans are no more then animals and plant life. Not as a hub or anything else. With all human intelligence it wont make a damn in the overall scheme of things humans will become extinct eventually just like a garden weed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. No such thing as "fundamental atheism".

    2. Few atheists say we're nothing more than plants. We're obviously much more advanced than any other life, just think about what humans can do nothing else on this planet can.

  • 1 decade ago

    Atheism doesn't have a position regarding humans as animals. It is ONLY the disbelief in the existence of gods. Anything else is under some other category.

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