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Eluding because they're scared?

So here I am, watching COPS on TV, and a lot of episodes involve people who run when the cops try to pull them over. When caught, they're asked, why did they run? And the reply is always, "I was afraid." Now here we have all these tough guys who claim what they'll do if the cops ever hassle them, and when they finally get the chance, they run because they're "afraid." Is this the new moral backbone of America? Being afraid and running like cowards? Turning an infraction into a felony?


Let's make this question a little more clear. How badass can these punks be when they openly admit so casually that they're afraid of a little traffic stop?

7 Answers

  • JR
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think they never finish their thought. It should go something like this:

    "I was afraid...

    that you'd take me to jail for the felony warrant I have.

    because I don't have a driver's license.

    because my license is suspended.

    that you'd find the crack cocaine in the glove box.

    that you'd find the gun under my seat.


  • Cindy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    There will always be some people who think that they can run and get away from the police, they are wrong. Then there are those that are not quite right when it comes to their mental status, so they are not really worried about what is going to happen.

    Its not a big deal to these people, unless they end up having to go to prison/jail. Most people who run would be the ones afraid that they are going to return to prison if they are caught, so they figure that they don't have any thing to lose so why not take the chance and run.

    Those people do not have moral any thing for the most part.

    Best wishes to you.

    Source(s): Self, Retired Federal Bureau of Prisons, Correctional Officer.
  • 1 decade ago

    It's weird, two car stops from last month come to mind.

    One I stopped a guy for no tags on the car. He pulls right over and immediately tells me "I might have some warrants". Turns out he had some serious warrants, kidnapping, 2 weapons charges, an attempted murder charge and something else all out of New Mexico (we are in Missouri). He didn't give me a bit of trouble and was cooperative the whole time.

    Another guy, he had a suspended license. Ended up fleeing, wrecked his car, ran on foot. We ended up fighting with him and he spent a weekend in jail before seeing the judge and the judge hit him with a $15,000 bond. Instead of a $400 ticket and having to call a ride, he now has fairly major legal troubles.

    Both examples go to show you that you never know what a person is thinking and everyone reacts differently to stress/a negative situation

    Source(s): Me Police Officer
  • 1 decade ago

    I think its more about the system of the law that teaches people that they can be unfairly treated for little of nothing. You don't have to be a criminal to be afraid of the law. Esp if you live in a community where you see many crooked cops who beat people (it happens much much much more than the high profile cases on CNN), plant things on people and otherwise abuse their authority. It is that that makes people who are otherwise mostly law abiding citizens run from the police. Hell, I don't do anything wrong except driving too fast sometimes and I am not only afraid of the police, it takes something in me that know that human beings are just human not to HATE the police.

    Example: in DC, a guy had pulled a knife on me (no harm done to me or to him). I am on the street a police car goes by, I yell a the top of my lungs for help and run to the street so that he can see me as well...u think he stopped? Hell no...I was in the "hood". ]

    I have seen police ***** slap 21 year old boys for no apparent reason, while handcuffed...

    Once I got into some trouble. I was 17, but looked grown enough. Before I went to court the next morning, three different officers had hit on me...and I am not exaggerating nor was I delusional.

    This is why people run from the cops..not b/c they are thugs (not always neway), but because the police are sometimes thugs themselves...

    PS I am signed in as my hubby...My s/n is sunshine_brown218

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  • 1 decade ago

    thats why u cant trust a thug

    but beyond that yea i dont get it either...i used to run from the cops alot..not of fear but the rush was ive grown up quite a bit and now if i was to run i probly would be scared but i dont have a reason to run..when im caught im caught now...damn that "getting older" thing!!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The number of drivers that "run" is actually VERY small, compared to the number of traffic stops being made. It's just that a "normal" traffic stop doesn't have any action that'll make you want to keep watching....

    Calif Deputy

    Source(s): 19 years on the street.
  • 1 decade ago

    There is no IQ test to become a criminal.

    Perhaps you should reconsider who you look to establish the the "moral backbone" of America.

    Just sayin'...........

    Source(s): Life.
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