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How to tell someone she's done somethng terribly rude?

Months ago an online friend of mine (we've been online friends for about 2.5 years now) asked if she and a traveling companion (another woman) could come out and stay with my husband and I for a weekend. I said yes, rearranged my plans, made plans with some of our other friends here in town, and even took vacation days so I could show her around and hang out with her. It was supposed to be this coming weekend. So Monday I asked for a confirmation of what time I was supposed to pick them up at the train station and suddenly I got a, "Well, about that -- there were some unforseen problems. I'll tell you about them later." She hasn't contacted me since. I only have e-mail contact with her at the moment - not the phone number of the place she's staying. So in the last e-mail I told her to let me know one way or another (soon!) because people changed their schedules for her weekend here to happen. I got the read-receipt so I know she got it.

So now I know she's just avoiding me.


I want to tell her how rude and inconsiderate this was, but I'd like to do it politely and serve as a good example of how someone with manners should respond to something this rude. Suggestions?

Update 2:

Well, I disagree because I've made numerous real world friends from online contact before. But I do see your point. I still think I should be able to say something to her about it. She could have cancelled a LOT earlier.

Update 3:

T.B. and Joseph - thank you. :)

Update 4:

Saywhat - I like that. Thank you.

Next - I've had relatively good luck with the online folks I've met in person so far. This is the first flakey one. But - you're right - lesson noted. I guess I'm really just annoyed that she didn't cancel sooner - or she couldn't just come out with it and didn't have the spine to cancel outright. She was the one making the big deal about coming out here.

Update 5:

Jennifer - I actually do have her home number. The problem is - her home is in Australia and right now she's stateside and staying with her friend and the woman she was traveling with. I was not given the friend's phone number. But she does have my phone number (and cell) and knows exactly how to get ahold of me. We do belong to the same online group -so thank you. I think I will mention it to the group. Some of the other people here (that we were going to get together with while she was here) belong to that group, too.

Update 6:

Peace frog - Oh - okay. I see what you mean now. You have some really good points. Thank you.

Update 7:

Saywhat - I wish that were true (that she didn't know what I went through) but it was a relatively big deal because initially I wasn't able to get Monday off and she begged me to try to get it off - so I had to go to the big boss to do so. I told her about that. I am beginning to think the problem is her traveling companion didn't want to come. And to be honest I would have been totally cool had she just come right out and canceled monday - after all - I'm not the one losing the money on the expensive train tickets. Of course at this point the three of us have cancelled our plans and I am now working my scheduled days again (and my co-workers are thrilled I let them know) - but she still hasn't told me one way or the other. It's going to be darn awkward for her if she shows up Friday and there's no one there to pick her up at the train station.

Update 8:

Ami - as I've told others who criticize "online" friends, I've actually had relatively good luck cultivating real world friendships with people I've met online. This is actually the first time. And - I tend to talk extensively on the phone with people first - and we have the same circle of friends etc... so it's not like I was inviting a "complete" stranger into my home. Sure - we'd never met in the flesh, but that's true for a number of my friends who were online friends long before I ever met them and developed real-world friendships with them.

Update 9:

Though admittedly - Ami - I do realize there are dangers to inviting people into one's home that you've never met before. That is a danger I have considered before inviting anyone. If I felt she was a threat - I would have never invited her. So it's not like I was going into this completely blind. I guess I have a little more faith in people (probably more than I should). It's a risk I'm obviously willing to take. :)

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I appreciate that you want to tell her what she did was wrong (and it SO was!), but I don't think it would serve any purpose in this case. You might think it would make you feel better to "tell her politely" as a show of you taking the high road, but the only way she will learn it was wrong to do this is IF she tries to do something with you again in the future and you tell her, "Well if you want to plan something, that's fine, but I will leave the logistics and itenerary up to you because it didn't work out when I was in charge of it all."

    IF you do get the opportunity and turn the tables on her, and she wants to see you again, she will have to do all the work this time. She is more likely to stay commited to the plans she has had to invest in.

    EDIT: After reading your notes, I would say that as an Aussie, she might not take travel plans as seriously as us American's do. I think they go stay with "friends" all the time when they are traveling...she might'nt have realized you had gone to so much effort. But it is still up to you to teach this person how you expect to be treated by your friends! Or else you will never enjoy the relationship.

    Source(s): I've been scorned by a lot of flakey friends too!
  • 1 decade ago

    Do you have her phone number? Maybe you can call her? Actually, I probably wouldn't have made plans without her phone number. This is coming from someone who has met people in real life that they met online. Getting a phone number means someone is serious and isn't just fantasizing about "getting away" for a while.

    As others have said, write an e-mail out detailing all you went through for her. Let her know that it is a real person with a real job and a real schedule on the other line. Doing that to you was totally rude. Ask her how she would feel if she wasted vacation days for plans that fell through. If you both are members of an online group, you also should let everyone else know what she did so that she doesn't pull the same garbage on them too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OK - I don't mean to sound negative - but perhaps if you've been ONLINE friends, you should feel blessed she didn't make it. Are you saying you've NEVER met her in person before? Because I think if that's the case you were possibly making a HUGE mistake in agreeing to have her come and stay with you. This can be very dangerous. If she acted that way, perhaps she sensed that whatever she was planning wasn't going to go her way...especially if she was talking about coming out with SOMEONE ELSE! So maybe instead of worrying about letting her know she was rude, you should just forget about it and make no more contact at all.

  • 1 decade ago

    If she's avoiding you, chances are she already knows she was rude and inconsiderate. You now have three choices: 1) wait for her to contact you, judge her based on what she says and react appropriately, 2) if it's a friend worth keeping, wait a week or so and e-mail again only asking if the problems worked out. Chances are you'll get an explanation/apology then, and you can decide if you want to pursue the friendship based on that or 3) just let it drop entirely - if you don't hear anything, then it's not a friendship worth salvaging.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Okay, first of all, after she mentioned the problems, I would have automatically cancelled the offer in my mind, especially since she never called back. No WAY would I write again, cajole her or whatever it is you are doing. Are you sure she is even on the vacation at all? If you don't even have her phone number, consider this a pretend-friend from Cyberspace, which is exactly what it is. I hate to say this, but people who consider online contacts "friends" usually have issues with intimacy, which includes being able to communicate in a healthy manner. It sounds to me like something personal and upsetting to her occurred and she doesn't want to go into it yet.

    Source(s): *Edit: My point is that if you go into that bit about "you were rude," it's like you want to maintain the relationship. If this behavior is acceptable to you, then go for it! But I would take this as an opportunity to DELETE this cyber friend (I was saying she has intimacy issues and not you).
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can vent your spleen, it is tempting, but honestly it won't change one thing. She is a rude inconsiderate person and this is one of the many problems associated with online friends because you never see them in person or really know them, this sort of aberrant behavior is fairly common. Let it go and just be very wary in future about who you invite to your home.

  • 1 decade ago

    I get the feeling She's avoiding you- because She KNOWS what's she's done wasn't "right" & she doesn't want to deal with You OR It. If you still feel the need to express your Unhappiness about the matter, send Her an e-mail detailing all the TROUBLE You took on her behalf... -Otherwise You might better consider looking for a more "Considerate" friend... -& dumping Her.

  • isley
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    In on the instant's etiquette issues are changing. human beings do no longer persist with classic easy courtesies, and that they do no longer prepare their infants easy courtesies. they could have theory that for the reason that they further the extra suitable boy that they have been doing you a prefer with the help of sitting to the area and buying their very own pizza. you need to have approached them and instructed them how your daughter definitely loves their son and you may actual savor them turning out to be a member of your occasion. This on the very lease could have provoked an answer out of the parent. possibility is the older boy felt out of place being at a small females occasion, it extremely is why they further the different boy alongside, so he would not be bored. yet i'm able to inform you this, in my abode, if my toddler felt uncomfortable, i could have instructed them to recover from it and characteristic exciting with the different infants. i would not have bowed right down to my toddler and further a chum alongside to start with. those human beings have been merely impolite interior the experience they permit their infants administration their lives. regrettably further and further in many situations you will see this, because of the fact as a substitute of coaching our childrens maximum remarkable from incorrect, we ask them what they like, as quickly as we ought to continually be telling them what they like. the ultimate ingredient you're able to do is learn from this. the subsequent time you have a occasion, have discussions with those you supply invites to, to make certain their expectancies are, and that for the duration of addition they're going to comprehend your expectancies. this could ward off a undertaking earlier it happens. those human beings weren't attempting to be impolite on purpose, they made some undesirable alternatives that left you and your daughter feeling undesirable. i could enable it circulate, yet like I stated, learn from it. all and sundry is distinctive.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would send her another email and if she doesn't reply then I would change everything back the way it was.

    I wouldn't change the day off work though....use it to do something fun for yourself.

    She did say well about that....which I take to mean she is not coming now.

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