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I am 36, happily married, have no children, and am the author of 8 books (spirituality & fiction). I see all gods as Daemons (divine intelligences) and parts of the natural world, and work with an eclectic mix of deities from several pantheons. I can best be described as a dark pagan and my path can best be described as soft polytheistic hermeticism. My view of deity is pantheistic rather than anthropomorphic - so realize that for me, anthropomorphic mythology matters little. I'm more concerned about intention and attribution. I often work with deities that are traditionally considered evil/negative just as often as I work with those considered positive because of this viewpoint. Sorry, but I no longer accept death threats. "Man is a marvel due honor and reverence he takes on the attributes of gods as if he were one of their number He is familiar with the gods because he knows he springs from the same source" - The Hermetica Agios Daimon

  • Republicans: Help me out.?

    Since McCain can't seem to tell me anything other than "Obama is a big poopy head" maybe you could tell me why I should vote for him.

    Please note that in the last 8 years, my husband was unemployed for 1 of those 8 years and during his unemployment we ended up having to try and live on $40K a year with a mortgage. It's by sheer luck and savings that we kept our house. We both work 60+ hours a week.

    Prices are going up and our wages are staying the same. More and more it's becoming difficult to stay above water week to week.

    I have friends who have lost their jobs because companies are moving all their jobs overseas (it's cheaper).

    The property value on our house is plummeting.

    Our investments are slowly dwindling because the economy sucks so bad.

    My parents' small business of 36 years has come closer to closing its doors these last four years than any other in its history. We've had to downsize and 20 people lost their jobs as a result.

    I am currently paying over $700 a month for health and dental insurance for myself and my husband - thank gods we don't have children.

    Now mind you I'm socially liberal - to a point, but I'm also a fiscal conservative. I'm not a big fan of welfare at all. I'm just seeing that things are broken and they need to be fixed. I am NOT better off now than I was 10 years ago and I'm voting for MY best interests - not the rich people's best interests.

    Now tell me - why should I vote for McCain? (Oh and please provide facts, sources, and logic - not just campaign slogans or insults to the other guy - I have already heard, "Obama is a big poopy head!".)

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How many Christians here will run out and buy this?

    From the site: "Guitar Praise, the Christian response to Guitar Hero, is coming soon to Mac and PC for $100. Bundled with one wireless guitar, it packs a long list of exciting music and bands we've never heard of..."

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians - why spend your entire life preparing for death?

    I mean, isn't that what you're essentially doing?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How to tell someone she's done somethng terribly rude?

    Months ago an online friend of mine (we've been online friends for about 2.5 years now) asked if she and a traveling companion (another woman) could come out and stay with my husband and I for a weekend. I said yes, rearranged my plans, made plans with some of our other friends here in town, and even took vacation days so I could show her around and hang out with her. It was supposed to be this coming weekend. So Monday I asked for a confirmation of what time I was supposed to pick them up at the train station and suddenly I got a, "Well, about that -- there were some unforseen problems. I'll tell you about them later." She hasn't contacted me since. I only have e-mail contact with her at the moment - not the phone number of the place she's staying. So in the last e-mail I told her to let me know one way or another (soon!) because people changed their schedules for her weekend here to happen. I got the read-receipt so I know she got it.

    So now I know she's just avoiding me.

    9 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • So what would you do?

    Months ago an online friend of mine (we've been online friends for about 2.5 years now) asked if she and a traveling companion (another woman) could come out and stay with my husband and I for a weekend. I said yes, rearranged my plans, made plans with some of our other friends here in town, and even took vacation days so I could show her around and hang out with her. It was supposed to be this coming weekend. So Monday I asked for a confirmation of what time I was supposed to pick them up at the train station and suddenly I got a, "Well, about that -- there were some unforseen problems. I'll tell you about them later." She didn't give me a number of where she's staying so I am stuck e-mailing her (I have a bad feeling that she never intended on telling me she was canceling at all). In the last e-mail I told her to let me know one way or another (soon!) because people changed their schedules for her weekend here to happen. I got the read-receipt so I know she got it.

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • How come people think muscle weighs more than fat?

    A pound of muscle is a pound of muscle. A pound of fat is a pound of fat. A pound is a pound, isn't it?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Why do many Christians assume that non-Christians are unhappy?

    I hear this a lot around here. Why is it that there are always those Christians who think anyone who isn't Christian is unhappy? I've also heard we non-Christians are unable to love, are living in darkness, and are angry. None of which is true.

    So what's that about?

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • So how does everyone feel about House Resolution 847?

    This Resolution was about Recognizing the importance of Christmas and the Christian faith.

    It reads: Whereas Christmas, a holiday of great significance to Americans and many other cultures and nationalities, is celebrated annually by Christians throughout the United States and the world;

    Whereas there are approximately 225,000,000 Christians in the United States, making Christianity the religion of over three-fourths of the American population;

    Whereas there are approximately 2,000,000,000 Christians throughout the world, making Christianity the largest religion in the world and the religion of about one-third of the world population;

    It originally included this text: Whereas identify themselves as those who believe in the salvation from sin offered to them through the sacrifice of their savior, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and who, out of gratitude for the gift of salvation, commit themselves to living their lives in accordance with with the teachings of the Holy Bible.

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I hear all this talk about "True Christians" and have a question?

    What exactly is a true Christian? Isn't a "true" Christian someone who has accepted Christ as his/her savior? Or are there more requirements than that?

    I just see Christians fighting amongst themselves about what a "true" or "real" Christian is and it baffles me. Please enlighten me.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do you know the bible is, in fact, the word of God?

    I mean - we know for a FACT that historically it was the Council of Nicea (sp?) that finally agreed upon which books to put in the bible and which ones to leave out (before this, sects of Christianity were at odds with one another). So it was MEN who decided which books of the bible were divinely inspired and which ones should be included. What if they were wrong? Wouldn't it stand to reason that they would have included books that met their own agendas first and foremost? After all -humans are imperfect and sinners, right? Or are we to believe this council was perfect and chose all the right books that were, in fact, divinely inspired by God?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • For those of you who believe the nativity story...?

    What say you?

    The Archbishop of Canterbury said yesterday that the Christmas story of the Three Wise Men was nothing but a 'legend'. Click link to read more:;jsessio...

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If you're offended by "Happy Holidays"?

    Why is it offensive if someone says "Happy Holidays" to include all the December holidays instead of just "Merry Christmas"? I mean - you realize that Christmas is only one of several holidays at the latter part of December, right?

    I mean, would you be offended if I ran around shouting "Merry Yule" and "Happy Solstice"? Is it that you selfishly just don't want to share the latter part of December with people of other faiths, are you upset you can no longer discriminate against people of other faiths with exclusivity, or is it that you truly don't believe people of other faiths exist or have any right to celebrate their holidays? I mean - you realize the whole decorating the tree thing, having feasts and gatherings with family and friends and exchanging gifts were all originally pagan practices associated with Solstice/Yule celebrations, right? I just don't understand why "Happy Holidays" is so offensive. Enlighten me.

    11 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • How does spiritual warfare work?

    Are we talking murdering non-believers unless they convert (like the Crusades) or something peaceful. Like do the opposing sides sit across from one another and pray until people on the other side die or convert? I'm confused as to exactly what "spiritual warfare" means.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Book Recommendation?

    Someone came to me recently and asked me if there was a book out like an Atheist "study bible". In that I mean a book that actually goes through the KJV of the Bible line by line and argues against the passage. Or a book that at least argues the bible by verse so the student could sit down and have a Bible in one hand and the refuting book in the other and go through the bible passage for passage. Since I didn't have an answer for him, I thought I'd ask if any of you knew of a book like this.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is it me or do a lot of young folks here have a really negative body image?

    I actually stopped by here because I'm overweight and my interest in diet and exercise (now that I'm older) are health related. It hadn't occurred to me just how negative a lot of young women's self-image really is until I started reading some of these questions about young people who weigh under 110 pounds wanting to desperately lose weight so they won't be in the 3 digits. It's scary. I mean, I can understand a concern for not wanting to be or become overweight (for health reasons), but it seems to me some of these girls are obsessed with it. Especially since a lot of them are at a perfectly healthy weight for their size and age.

    Does anyone else find this disturbing? If you're one of the people who is at a healthy weight and you want to lose more, what drives the obsession for you to be so concerned about your weight and losing weight if you're not overweight and there isn't a possible health problem there?

    10 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Christians: What do you believe the Christian hell is like?

    I'm just curious.

    Since I don't believe in hell I don't have an opinion.

    But my fanatical aunt says Hell is a volcano with constantly flowing molten lava, and all the sinners will be thrown into the volcano and walled in so they can't get out. There, their skin will be scorched by fire and lava for all eternity.

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else here share my admiration for Satan as a literary character?

    He told the truth - that Adam and Eve would not "die" if they ate from the tree of knowledge (as God had warned). He thought Adam and Eve should have a choice. He believed they should be educated. He basically freed them from a life of dependence and ignorance.

    How come with any other character like that we'd be cheering him on. But in Satan's case - everyone's down on him even though he seems to be the real hero of the story. Anyone else agree?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you think it's right that some people use Christianity as a get out of trouble card?

    At work recently we had a theft problem. One of my employees ended up stealing thousands of dollars from the company. When it was announced that there was a theif among us and all of them were suspects, one of my employees immediately ran to me and assured me that it wasn't her because she was a "Good Christian" and would never do anything like that. It turned out that she was, in fact, the thief. I acutally had a paper trail back to her to prove it.

    So I was telling a friend about the incident and he said one of his employees (he owns a small store) did the same thing (proclaimed being Christian as if it would absolve her of all sins) when he discovered a theft problem. In his case, it turned out all three of his employees were skimming from the cash register, including the one who went to him proclaiming to be Christian. Since when did being Christian become a defense?

    Have you ever known people who use being Christian as a defense? Do you think it's right?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Isn't attributing Satan to a non-believer's good fortune just sour grapes and jealousy?

    See this question:;_ylt=ApzA0...

    Some of what people replied sounds like the kinda crud the church used to tell the peasants in the middle ages to keep them under control, and unambitious so they could feel good about their crappy lives.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A Question About Women, For Muslims?

    I am curious why Muslims, when it's suggested that they treat women like second class citizens (i.e. 2 women witnesses are equivelant to a man - suggesting women aren't as reliable as me) always act like it's a big deal when telling people, "Yeah, Muslim women have rights. She can own property and have her own money." That doesn't really answer the question.

    What rights do Muslim women actually have?

    Can she speak her mind? Does she have the right to refuse to have children if she doesn't want them? Can she choose who she marries? Can she decide NOT to get married if she doesn't want to? Can she tell a man what to do (be in charge over a man)? Can she be right over a man without a man feeling so insecure that he has to get angry that she's right and he's wrong? If he smacks her - can she smack him back? Can she openly tell him he's an idiot? Can she choose to get a college education, have a job, or live on her own if she wants to? Can she go where she wants when she wants?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago