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Republicans: Help me out.?

Since McCain can't seem to tell me anything other than "Obama is a big poopy head" maybe you could tell me why I should vote for him.

Please note that in the last 8 years, my husband was unemployed for 1 of those 8 years and during his unemployment we ended up having to try and live on $40K a year with a mortgage. It's by sheer luck and savings that we kept our house. We both work 60+ hours a week.

Prices are going up and our wages are staying the same. More and more it's becoming difficult to stay above water week to week.

I have friends who have lost their jobs because companies are moving all their jobs overseas (it's cheaper).

The property value on our house is plummeting.

Our investments are slowly dwindling because the economy sucks so bad.

My parents' small business of 36 years has come closer to closing its doors these last four years than any other in its history. We've had to downsize and 20 people lost their jobs as a result.

I am currently paying over $700 a month for health and dental insurance for myself and my husband - thank gods we don't have children.

Now mind you I'm socially liberal - to a point, but I'm also a fiscal conservative. I'm not a big fan of welfare at all. I'm just seeing that things are broken and they need to be fixed. I am NOT better off now than I was 10 years ago and I'm voting for MY best interests - not the rich people's best interests.

Now tell me - why should I vote for McCain? (Oh and please provide facts, sources, and logic - not just campaign slogans or insults to the other guy - I have already heard, "Obama is a big poopy head!".)


And no people - I am NOT looking for a handout. I see one Republican idiot didn't even bother to read my question. What I'm looking for is a candidate who actually has a plan to improve our economy, create jobs, etc.... Don't be stupid.

Update 2:

Oh come on. This is just proving to me the Republicans have NO PLATFORM to run on. Bush used his presidency as a money grab for the big corporations and big oil, and the Republicans are only out to make themselves rich. WTF. You can't honestly tell me that they have NO platform to run on.... or that their faithful followers have NO CLUE who or what they're voting for... because that's what it's looking like.

Update 3:

Hmmm. I'm swinging more toward the Obama side with each Republican answer.

Update 4:

Chiefy - thank you for a thoughtful answer. You make a good point. The point of my post wasn't to whine about what I'm living off of. My point was to say the economy sucks and if it keeps going like it is - we're all going to be living in a crap-hole. You do have a point - the president isn't as big of a deal - but don't forget that (s)he has veto power and can hold stuff up FOREVER to where nothing gets accomplished either.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You should vote McCain if you like your current circumstances or vote for change. Obama

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry for some tough love, but I live off 1,957 dollars a month with teenage kid. Have a mortgage which is half my retirement and a car payment, among other bills. A lot of people live on a lot less then I do. Sure I used to make the big money then I got out of the rat race,so I learned to adjust. I also learned a long time ago to live below my means. I have been unemployed for a year and plan to stay that way.

    So I don't have much, but I have a roof over my head and food on the table and I am happy. I'll probley get a thumbs down, but please keep reading.

    It's not who you vote for as president, it's who you send to the Senate and House. I don't understand why people don't have a clue about how the US constitution works. Sure the President can push through his issues and platforms and have veto power, plus executive orders, but the senate and the house make the majority of the ultimate decisions. That's who you should pay attention to.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Our political system is supposed to have checks and balances between the judicial, executive and congressional branches of government. Of late, things are going badly becuase the checks and balances are not there. The presidency has gone unchecked by congress and the judicial system.

    The fix would be to vote democratic, restore balance in the juducial system, and make sure you vote for somone with some kahunas for congress... only then will we restore balance in our political system.

    Most importantly, the religious nut-jobs need to be out of power in our government. Keep government secular, or the whole country will go down the tubes.

    Ultimately.... the answer is... VOTE.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    So, I take it you want Big Brother Washington to bail you out. When therapy (Physical, Occupation, and Speech) took a giant hit back in the 1990's because of policies signed into law by Bill Clinton, where were you Democrats then. Didn't hear and winning from your side then. Many of my co-workers and fellow therapists lost their jobs, or took sig-nif-i-cant pay cuts. Where were you then.

    Good Answer chiefy, Good Answer.

    You Democrats make-me-sick!

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    You'll have to wait a looooooong time before you hear a reasonable answer from either side on Yahoo!Answers.

    Source(s): Just read the questions and response on this board.
  • 1 decade ago

    not all change is good, try higher taxes, thats a change, right?

    personally, i really am amazed how Mccain got the republican nomination so i'm not voting to get him in, however, I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR OBAMA. I plan to vote for the ticket.

  • 1 decade ago

    So what do you want. A handout? Are you a charity case the government needs to take care of you? What responsibility do you have to bear?

    If you think the government will save you you will be dissapointed.

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