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bdough15 asked in SportsBaseball · 1 decade ago

Runge gets one game the punishment enough for the crime?

I felt that he should get more than what a Manager would get because the Umpire should be held to a higher standard, what are your thoughts?


I can see the 6 games that were mentioned, that is the standard that has been set by MLB for a Manager making contact with an Umpire. It could have gone harsh like they did to Pete ROse back in the day...30 games.

Update 2:

Also, I may not agree with some answers but I am not giving anyone a thumbs down. I appreciate everyone taking time to answer my question.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Definitely not. One game compared to the punishment Marcus Thames will get for bumping an umpire is a slap on the wrist. Even though apologies were given, MLB needs to set an example for umpires to show that they need to be professional when conducting on the field. This is what they do for a living six months out of the year. Brian Runge should have gotten at least 10 days.

  • 5 years ago

    How old are your son and nephew? The age can change a lot, because it would be a lot more creepy for a 13 year old boy to be going through their sister's underwear drawer rather than a 6 or 7 year old. I would talk to them about privacy and ground them for a few days if they were younger. Then again I really like the ideas above me, especially the one about leaving out the boys' boxers/tightey whities. Sometimes humility IS the best lesson, as long as it doesn't go too overboard. The most important thing they need to remember is that everyone needs there personal space, and that it really embarrasses someone when someone goes through something so private. I hope I helped, good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He should get suspened for the rest of the season. He just pushed Jerry Manuel and the umpire can not do that

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1 game suspension is adequate. Both parties have already spoken and Runge apologized...................Arrest?? Are you retarded????

    When was the last time that a player was arrested for bumping an umpire.................Geeez

    Why should umpires be held to a HIGHER standard?? Look at the players salaries compared to the umpires.........Players think they are Gods anyway, I am sure they think they are above the umps!

    IB4FREE...How do you come up with the number 6?? Just curious.....................

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  • 1 decade ago

    He shouldv'e got more. How come Manager's are suspended longer for the same thing while Umpires pretty much can get away with it? Double standard bull.

  • Ryan S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    He really should have gotten more of a punishment. it is a double standard that needs to be addressed by the MLB in the future.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Really police should charge him with assult. Dosent that happen if its the other way around?

    he got fine and had to sereve right away. they should cut is paycheck down as well.

    Lenny D- when you push someone its assult and you can get arrested and fine for it.

    dont call me names when you SHOULD NO BETTER kid.

    Source(s): You are suppose to look act at as proffisoanl umpire. period You cant agure strike or ball calls period you look foolish aguring it. I like to see you poin the unforim and all the other crap on. and go call a 95-100mph fastball. not much time to react to it now do you? blink you miss it.
  • no he should of gotten 6 games but of course they are gonna suspened the two mets for defending them self's bud selig the piss ant did it again the only way he can screw players over again.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    he shouldve gotten at least a week, and manuel and beltran got fined

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