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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 1 decade ago

poll: Is the NRA trying to keep guns in the hands of law abiding people or in the hands of criminals?

Road Rage/Gun poll: In San Fran, a man & his 2 kids were killed by a gang member in road rage, what do you think?

The news reports confirmed the gang member was part of MS13, one of the largest gangs in the country and he had an illegal gun in his car, used it in a road rage incident and killed a man and his 2 grown sons.

the mayor of San Fransisco was smiling in a news interview over this and he blamed the NRA for this for keeping guns in people hands. Strange, I did not know the NRA was trying to keep guns in the hands of gang members, I thought the NRA was trying to keep guns in the hands of law abiding citizens.

The polling question stands:

Is the NRA trying to keep guns in the hands of law abiding people or in the hands of criminals?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If everyone had guns - there would be a short period of thinning the herd... but after that, all would be well. Who's gonna rob a bank when everyone inside is armed?

    Source(s): zipperhead
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Criminals get their weapons through illegal means - that's what makes them criminals. Pass whatever law regarding background checks you want, but it's not going to affect how criminals get their guns. That's the point of contention that opponents have with universal background checks. The change will only affect lawful firearm owners. Not to mention that the measure is only effective if used in conjunction with a national registry. Does the government need to know what books you have? It's relevant because your books and my firearms are both being used for no unlawful purposes, so the government has no right to know what either of us have. I've bought almost half of my guns at shows, but I have yet to buy one without a background check, so there's no such thing as a "gun show loophole". Background checks might not be done when a sale is made by a private seller. Guess what? If a criminal makes a purchase that way after universal background checks are law, there still won't be a background check. All that would be accomplished is further intrusion by the federal government into the lives of private, law-abiding citizens.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The NRA is about supporting legal gun ownership, and upholding the 2nd amendment. I don't see the connection when the gun used here was illeagal.

    I do not use guns but if the need arises I certainly would. I am from an area of the country where many people rely on hunting as a way to supplement thier food expenses. And it is rural enough where one must take the law into thier own hands once in a while. The NRA is trying to keep gun ownership legal for legal use, and cooperates with authorities to fight against illegal ownership.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with the consensus of those who answered here. Criminals will always get guns and they'll get them illegally. The NRA is used to hearing this nonsense about how they are promoting violence, etc. To use an old clique, "guns are not the problem, people are". Are they going to outlaw knives and anything else that can be used as a weapon? I think those who own guns legally, need to be responsible obviously, and keep them safely out of the way of children, or others who could abuse them. But taking guns away from law abiding citizens of this country in my thinking is wrong and will not stop people from shooting, or harming each other. Maybe the "mayor" ought to look to the root of many problems in this society and world, and stop trying to look for a scapegoat to all of society's ills..

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Criminals will always find a way to obtain guns legally or illegally. The laws need to be as draconian as possible for those who use guns while committing a crime. That gang member should be convicted and kept in solitary confinement until he rots.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The NRA tries to keep the guns for law abiding citizens, but those same citizens go berserk and kill someone. Too much temptation there. The gangsta's get heir guns off the street illegally or rob them from someones home. Guns don't kill.....people do. While I an against hunting, I know it's necessary to keep the deer and other animal population down. They only get killed on the road. I don't have a problem if they use the carcass for food.

    I always thought that the perfect crime was hunting. Look at Cheney who's dangerous with a gun. Will somebody please make sure hunters aren't senile and can use a gun properly? The NRA is actually responsible for keeping guns in both hands.

    Source(s): Hate guns.......even though I have fired them before but never now.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The NRA is about lawful use of guns and not about allowing criminals to have them

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do not mind people defending themselves and their homes, but there seems to be to much of a vigilante mentality out there. I do not mind people owning guns, but there at least should be a mandatory gun safety class to keep some of these jokers from hurting themselves or some innocent bystander.

    Guns, sure, okay...but do you really need a bazooka to hunt ducks?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People arent gonna give up their guns for their own protection. Gang members will always have guns no matter..Just like where i live our county is dry and there is a petition to have it voted on to have beer and wine. People have got it in their own homes no matter if its legal or not..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have to agree with SusieQ on this. If they take away the right to bear arms the only people left owning guns are going to be the thugs.

    We own them.....and not giving them up either.

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