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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

To all the denizens of YA R&S.?

I rarely come in here, because I have to find time for coming online, in the first place and prefer to do something useful, when I can.

However, whenever I've come in here, I've found that a growing number of people are forming groups and "virtual war"-ing here.

This is why I prefer the Computers & Internet, where I can contribute something practically and also learn something new.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but, isn't that what a Forum is for?

What I saw here a couple of weeks ago, had me come here more and I saw somethings that really got me perturbed

The one thing that I found most saddening is that Prayer Requests and postings by people in anguish looking for support were attacked inhumanly. This is, in my honest opinion, sickening.

If you're Atheist, Agnostic or whatever do you have to post callous, spiteful stuff there and get their Q deleted? I don't expect you to pray for them, but, will it hurt you to be human?


And, why do you people have these requests deleted by acting like "Report Monkeys"? [which I believe is the term used here, which I find apt as a description.]

Please don't believe in God, if you don't want to, but, at least, learn to behave like decent civil human beings.

Sure, this Forum is for "Questions", but aren't they asking? Doesn't that qualify to be a "Question"?

I've seen the kind of "Questions" posted by the "regulars" here and, I'm sorry to say that I hardly find them worthy of being posted in a decent Forum.

So, when I see them doing this kind of thing, it's saddening.

I don't care much for this thing, because it's hardly more than a pastime to me and I've had to contend with "virtual terrorism" for daring to be honest here; but, I really don't care even if this Question gets deleted or if I lose my account, as a result.

Those of you who feel that we need to bring a semblance of humanity back in here, please give me a star, so that I know who you are.



Update 2:


You're a TC, too; though you don't have my score of Best Answers; which I earned in Computers & Internet, while I'm losing here, by the way.

Take a look at how long it took me to get to level 7. I've been around much longer thaqn you have, but, you're already a level 6.

Does this tell you something?




However, you've just demonstrated the attitudinal dysfunction that I was talking about, thank you very much.

Update 3:

Shalom alcheim, PW.

As you know, because Cher must have told you by now, I've had a very long detailed correspondence on that subject with her and have even written to Flobot to gather their side of the story. I know your side of it, but, I'm waiting for the other side, right now.

If it makes you happy, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, but, as I said there clearly, I thought that you were a clone, not yourself.

Of course, a lot of water had flown under the bridge since I last saw you, for the simple reason I don't drop in here often; and the phrasing of your "Q" was confusing which made me think you were attacking us, not those people.

Besides, please see my profile again, if you need, I've had to close everything as a result of coming in here.

Anyway, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings.

Update 4:

Shalom alcheim, Kallan,

Please refer to my responses to Deke and PW, so that I may avoid having to repeat myself here. You are referring to my reaction to PWs posting where I said that she was a clone, because I knew PW. I didn't know it was PW herself and Cher clarified this. I, also, did not know about the other conflict that you guys had going there; which is why there was the confusion there. But, in all fairness, if you'll kindly go back and read my remarks, I was telling the other Christian ""Leave them alone." What's scathing about that? Yes, I was wrong in thinking that PW was a clone and I did apologize to here, personally.

Frankly, however, I am a bit surprised at how your group gets touchy and hits out. I didn't expect this from Jews, to be honest.

Kol tov.

Update 5:

Touche, Goodieb.

You're, of course, right.

I guess I am generalizing on my little experience here.

Mea culpa.

If it's not the Atheists and Agnostics, could whoever is doing that please stop? It sucks.

Update 6:

By the Kallan, I see that we are both almost the same vintage, and even though you're not a TC, nor have half the Best Answers that I have, you're way ahead of me in points !

This is true of all the TCs I checked out here who've hardly been around for half my time, have low Best Answer scores; but, beat me hollow in the number of Qs Answered !

I guess that does tell us something, doesn't it?

What's making me sad now is that they took away my Computers & Internet badge for my coming here for a couple of weeks, now !? The R&S badge looks like it's a kind of compensation for my asking Qs like this here.

Update 7:

Jaye, I don't know who they are or what motivates this kind of behavior. I wish I did. I think there are a lot of people who are "regulars" here with their own "groups" who spend a lot of time here and use some chinks in the programs to their benefit.

One thing that all of us can do is to star such things where we need to support them because this counters the "Report" mechanism. Also, giving a thumbs up to the people who support our thoughts will help the individual contributor from getting deleted.

I'm saying this from my study of the program coding that I see here in this ASP bulletin board. I'm a Software guy, you see. Actually, I'm into Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and Security Solutions.

My Best Answers score was around 60 % in Computers & Internet because I always helped them resolve their issues and got that awarded as a token of appreciation.

Pity, I'm losing here.

Update 8:


Good one, Kippah !

Amen to that, bro.

I limit my time here for the sake of my sanity, too.

I know I didn't need to do this, because it's none of my business and I'm losing another 5 points; but, I just had to say my bit.

I've tried to make sense with people here, whenever I came in here, but, frankly, it's rather trying. Besides, all you get for trying to do that is a lot of bashing and, finally, you lose your cool, too.

I guess only God can help YA R&S.

Whoops, the "Force" or whatever substitute for "God" is now Politically Correct usage here, nowadays.

Update 9:

Awwww, love Christ. That sucks! You got reported 4 times already?

Heck, since I came in here a couple of weeks ago, despite the fact I Answer a couple of Questions here, max, while I go back to C&I where I spend about an hour; I've been called a hypocrite [for telling a Catholic young lady that there was nothing wrong in her marrying a Hindu guy whom she said she loved] been reported for saying that a Muslim lady who asked how to convert her Catholic boyfriend that she should move on and get a nice Muslim guy to marry her [Not an Answer or Question] 'cause she said she was trying for 2 years now; been generally kicked in the butt for saying anything; but, I never cared for all that. This thing about the poor people asking for help being kicked when they were down was too much for me to take. Look at my profile and you can see what R&S has got me, so far other than losing a badge and points.

Still not giving up on the basic humanity of people and hope it changes.

Update 10:

Sheesh, somebody thumbed you down while I was typing this?

Maan, when will you guys ease up, already?

And, Kallan cup cake, I ain't trying to be no pie-in -the sky guy, either, buddy. LMAO, you sure have your thoughts focused on food, don'tcha?

Well, I hope that I do make some difference to the way people treat these poor people in need.

Somebody needs to stand up for them.

So, might as well be me.

Update 11:

Aww, I dunno if going down to their level is the answer, Chanteuse. But, I guess it would be important to your friend to hit back.

I don't give a damn, really. YA ain't the only forum going and it ain't exactly the best. In Google Answers, you can get paid, for example. I'm just here for the heck of it, actually.

Wow, look at you! You've been here for just a few months more than me and are way ahead of me in the number of Questions Answered. In fact, all of you guys are much ahead of me in that count.

I ain't gonna be coming back here much; because [a] it sucks, [b] there are crazies here who resort to "virtual terrorism" and [c] I'm losing out by being here instead of C&I.

Sometimes I feel like using my Software skills in locating and destroying these jerks here, which is cinch; but, I don't want to denigrate myself to their level. It's counter-productive and I don't want to hit kids.

But, Yahoo needs to work on this, solid.

I'll get a word across to them, soon.


Update 12:

Well, it's time for me to choose the Best Answer, now; and I'd like to say that it was great coming to know all of you.

Look, guys, people like me ain't gonna be coming in here too much, because, you see, we've got a lot of other pressures to handle, every day. I'd like you guys to understand that the large majority of the people who come here are just cruising by. With the kind of stuff that goes on here, I can't blame anybody for not wanting to come here again.

So, you guys might have your own little "groups" and your fun time with poking fun or bashing others, but, a lot of guys like me who just cruise by are going to build up opinions about your people from what they see here. This is what I've been trying to tell people here for the past fortnight. Now, you make for the public image that people get about your kind. Be it Christian, Jew or Muslim or whatever. End of the day, ten guys who've come here are gonna tell ten guys each, in the real world "Hey, did you know, ...?"

Update 13:

And, those ten people they said this to are gonna add some spice and tell ten more people about your kind. Over a period of time, you're gonna find a completely different way of treatment on the road or in the mall, to what you had before. Because, quite some time back you people did something here that spread and caused all that ill will.

Now, all I can do is try to get you people to see this fact. What you make out of it is your life,

I'd suggest that all of you get together to make this Forum one where all can come and feel enlightened. Don't be counter-productive. End of the day, this is where you guys hang out, isn't it? So, make it a fun place to be.

My work is done here.

I'm giving this Best Answer to "love Christ" to help her recover some of the lost points by Violations.

However, I think all of you are Winners, in your own way.

Those who ran me down, hey, I forgive you, guys.

But, do try to be more positive, not losers, yo; for your own sakes. It's your lives!


22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Simon,I realize you have been on here for quite some time as well as I have and agree that SOME people are deliberately trying to antagonize and perturb others...I agree that because some ask for prayer that they should be granted that right and the ones that don't like it should avoid the requests(thats easy)...I would like to impress that I admire your question as you are being bold enough to state your opinion and face the wrath of some of the users on this forum...simply put if they don't agree with the question bypass it...btw i thumbs up, star and don't report unless it is very derrogatory or insulting

    Source(s): I have been answering on religion and spirituality since April 2006 and might have reported 4 times
  • 1 decade ago

    Religion is always going to cause friction. YA rules are the least clear rules I have ever experienced in my life. I had a question about where a type of monkey was common in the world and I was slammed with a violation - "this is not a question"

    Posting on here is a choice and if its too irritating there are other things to do online. There are so many points made here that are very true, some comments are nice some are not. I limit my time in this section for sanity.

  • Jaye16
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I have read some really unkind things lately posted in response to Christian or Theist questions/prayer requests, these people are obviously angry and juvenile, I think that has more to do with this than their belief system.

    There are some very kind atheist and agnostics here that will stand up against this type of bashings and hate mongering towards believers but sadly they are few and far between........I wonder if we believers do the same when they are getting attacked as well?


    Do you think that we should all make a point to condemn the inhumane attackers and if so, do you think this behavior would become less abusive and more supportive?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't report, period. And even though I'm an atheist, I actually star prayer requests so that my Christian contacts might see them.

    And it's actually atheists who bleed accounts around here. I know from personal experience.

    Edit: I've just added my two most recently suspended accounts to my contacts and made my network public for a bit. See the other Zilla and the penguin?

    Yes, I lose accounts at that rate (note the dates) ALL the time. And I'm not nearly as offensive as many of the religious fanatics here.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Denizens, doyennes or despots some are able to bring calm, others cause furore and the remaining blah and bleat to whatever noises are popular to the day, changing their colours as oft as the wind direction.

    In the absence of any strong moral guidance or leadership, whether here on YA or in the world generally. To the topic of moral and personal responsibility, all others are expected to me socially conscientious excepting those who then use the tolerance and civility to launch missives at innocents or the defenceless.

    Some days Peace is restored and on others the hell roused here frightens the hardened to softening their stance.

    World, national or YA RS peace, same principles apply to a similar problem caused by a singular type of person...

  • Honestly, I think it goes both ways. I think most of the questions and answers in this forum can be construed as violating the user agreement. And because of the sheer volume of reports they must get from this section alone, I'm sure they don't really consider many appeals.

    I am a Christian, and I had to remove another Christian from my contacts because shortly after she added herself, I answered one of her questions in a way that displeased her and I started getting questions and answers deleted. Not positive that it was her, but quite a coincidence.

    Some people are really offensive, and maybe when they have enough accounts suspended, they'll learn something. But I have a friend whose account was recently suspended who is now thinking of trolling on dispensable accounts. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

    I think we have a lot of that going on around here.

    So, if we're really tolerant - does that mean that we make some effort to tolerate the intolerant? When tempted to fight fire with fire, should we consider that the fire department uses water?

    I don't agree with my friend who got suspended, but I don't think his questions and answers deserved to get him suspended. They were legitimate questions.

    Some of the atheists' answers do upset me - especially when someone is asking for help. But some of them really get to me, how they can support the person, without supporting an ideology they disagree with.

    Some of the theists really upset me by threatening the wrath of God or damnation upon people who disagree. The most troubling thing to me is those who see atheists as the enemy we are at war with, rather than being at war with sin - primarily within ourselves. With that sort of mentality, I can't really blame others for being offended and retaliating.

    I think the answer is to each be the best example of our beliefs as we can be. No one can really control what the others are doing. And by trying to exert our will over them, we alienate them and we become the very sort of character we claim to hate.

  • Kallan
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You said, " rarely come in here, because I have to find time for coming online, in the first place and prefer to do something useful, when I can"

    You have a TOP CONTRIBUTOR badge and you RARELY come here? hmm.. something isn't right about that. I had to stay out of the forum for weeks to lose mine.. and then kept getting it back every time I answered one or two questions.. I know how long it takes to lose and keep one of those things off, so I doubt you RARELY come here.

    I've seen you post some pretty scathing remarks about the Jewish people on here.. you're not the pie-in-the-sky-guy you like to portray.

    Would it hurt YOU to take the beam out of your own eye before trying to take the splinter out of ours?

  • Despite their efforts to flameproof the internet, people are people and netizens like it hot.

    What goes on here is a mirror of the world outside, and there is no room for anyone to gripe about Y!A and the feelings of other people.

    If this is a war, the *other side* has successfuly marginalized their enemy on the true battlefield - life itself - to the point where the president's father - once the president himself - can advocate that atheists do not deserve their US citizenship - and seeing this you may realize how petty you are to complain about atheists fighting against a mounting tide of influence that has been vandalizing our secular institutions with nonsensical twaddle for as long as we've had them.

    "That - my dear woman - is the sort of nonsense up with which I will not put."

    --paraphrasing Winston Churchill

    Source(s): --Nearly out of breath from perhaps the longest run on sentence I've yet posted
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm pagan. I don't always agree with either the atheists or the Christians in here, but I don't see much point in attacking either. Everyone has the right to believe or not believe as they choose, so I don't see any reason to be abrasive just because it's not the same choice I've made.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have to say I was stunned at your recent post in which you maligned me and some of my fellow Jews. I tried to email you to clarify the post of mine you were referring to - alas, you do not take emails.

    Thus I am forced to respond here. Given that you accused me publicly, though, perhaps this is apposite.

    The post of mine that you had an issue with, was after literally MONTHS of every Jew on this site, and many NON Jews, being bombarded with insulting, patronising and at times downright spiteful emails. We have been accused of a number of things, including worshipping the devil - our Pagan friends have also been subjected to these moronic accusations.

    Thus by the time I posted a question asking *some* Christians, namely the ones condemning all non Christians, to clarify their understanding of 'maschiach', I was probably feeling tetchy! Yes, my initial post WAS tactless - I admit it.

    But frankly, if ANY Jew or Pagan here spoke to those of other faiths the way *some* Christians speak to us, we would be treated with far more than mere irritability!

    Your lambasting of my post was uncalled for, unfair, and unkind.

    Feel free to apologise, any time!

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