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Anyone else concerned?

Are there others out there that are concerned about the effect attachment parenting will have on kids someday? Do you think it is possible to practice attachment parenting without practicing things like breastfeeding, baby-wearing, and cosleeping? If our parents didn't practice this type of parenting with us, why did we turn out OK? Do you think the generation we are birthing and raising now be better or worse off because of the new views on parenting? If you don't use the AP method, what other options do you think there are? Is it the only way?

I really have a concern about all the new "garbage" out there regarding new parenting styles...I like to refer to my parenting as "common sense parenting" by the way...would like to hear some different opions on this matter.


McMom...yeah, the world is getting worse and worse BECAUSE this is becoming more and more COMMON! It has just recently become a popular way of doing things but has been around for years and I believe the world is becoming a worse and worse place BECAUSE of practices like this! Do you think the world will get better because of attachment parenting? I think not.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I like common sense parenting too! yay!

    there are so many nutty theories out there, and it's amazing what some moms are willing to believe. To each her own. i just think it's terrible when they make claims of "neglect" and "child abuse" if you don't buy into their views. I think for the most part, we're more similar than dissimilar though.

    I'm huge huge fan of breastfeeding, but some of the other things are just part of a new-age trend. In ten years, moms will be doing something different altogether. My favorite is the one where moms won't let their babies cry. they think it will harm them!?!

    In general, i think it's pretty hard to screw up a baby as long as you give it love and care. I don't care if you nurse or formula feed, sleep with your baby or let it sleep in a crib, feed your baby applesauce at 4 months or wait until 6 -- none of this stuff matters much.

    What really counts is how you're raising your children when they're toddlers, in elementary school, in junior high.....if you're still practicing attachment parenting when they're school age THEN you have serious, serious problems.

  • 1 decade ago

    Uh, attachment parenting has been around a lot longer than than you think. Attachment parenting is practiced all over the world, and has been in many other countries pretty much since the dawn of time. It is not "new", it just has a term now.

    I definitely think the generations have become more detached and emotionally unstable since attachment parenting began to fade out of common practice.

    You really sound like you don't have a clue about attachment parenting at all, and just want to start drama.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think attachment parenting is common sense to some moms. I would not categorize my parenting style one way or the other but I do breastfeed and when Jack wakes up in the middle of the night, he comes into bed with me. I do not believe in the whole "self-soothing" concept simply because I know many adults who cannot self-soothe, why would I expect a baby to be able too? So, I would never let my baby cry it out. What I have concern with is all the moms who give birth and then expect their babies to take care of themselves. If a baby is fed and clean then many moms expect them to be able to entertain themselves, no matter what the age. Babies thrive on attention and touch.

    Breastfeeding, baby-wearing, and co-sleeping are in no way new. Many cultures outside of the US have been raising their children this way for generations upon generations.

    I love my child and I love the way I am raising him. The way I parent is common sense to me, even if it bewilders other moms.

  • 1 decade ago

    What specific garbage are you concerned about? You mentioned breastfeeding, baby-wearing, and cosleeping......are you under the impression that those things are garbage?

    I think every generation has its own set of problems and challenges. The generation that we are now raising won't be any exception.

    ADDED: Holding your baby, sleeping with your baby, and breastfeeding your baby are not some radical new parenting techniques. People across the world have been parenting that way since the beginning of time.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well... it is "this generation". Many cultures NATURALLY practice attachment parenting... Attachment parenting is not the same as spoiling...

    Your generation turned out okay, because MOST of you had a parent or a grandparent at home ALL THE TIME. This generation has nobody... Moms and dads (if they are both in the picture) both work, and come home too tired to pay attention to their kids. The damn t.v. is on all the time... The kids play video games all day long...

    I'd be willing to bet that most AP parents get down on the floor and play with their older kids most of the time...

    There are many ways of raising a family... and not one way is right. Every family has different factors... As long as kids are getting the attention they need, and feel loved and supported, most kids turn out fine. But we need to turn the televisions off and play with our kids! Spend time with them! We are getting soooooo lazy!

  • 1 decade ago

    "Are there others out there that are concerned about the effect attachment parenting will have on kids someday"

    No. I'm not sure where I fall in the "attachment parenting" category, but I co-sleep, and wear my 18 month old. And while I didn't breastfeed this child, I plan on doing-so the next time around.

    My daughter is a healthy, well-rounded toddler who has no problem running away from me because she KNOWS I am not going anywhere. Most clingy children have parents who let them CIO, who force them to sleep in another room, and ones who "schedule" time to spend with their children.

    I have no idea whether this generation is going to be better or worse then other generations, but I know MY daughter will be better off. And that's all I care about.

  • 1 decade ago

    i don't know what attached parenting is, two kids didn't breast feed although my son took to it a couple times but he was in nicu first 4 days of life and they fed him bottles so he preferred that. I parent "by the seat of my pants" and do what i feel is best for them. they did not co sleep with me or my husband because i was always afraid i would sleep too soundly and roll over on them but they were both in our room in a crib until they got old enough or we had an extra room. i do common sense, my kids are happy and healthy and they are pretty independant. i think i'm doing just fine.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well.... for the most part, I think people should do what comes naturally. I don't parent by any books or anything, but a lot of what I do is considered attached parenting. There isn't one way to parent of course, but I can say that trying to separate yourself from your child... such as letting them cry in a dark room all alone or not picking them up when they are crying is ridiculous.

  • -
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    "If our parents didn't practice this type of parenting with us, why did we turn out OK?"

    Have you not seen the state of the world lately?

    Obesity? Drug abuse? Alcohol abuse? Child abuse?

    The most of the world is less than "OK".

    "Attachment parenting" is not a "new garbage parenting style" -- it is just a term now used to describe what humans have been doing for hundreds of years.

    It's the more recent "detachment parenting" style that is a bunch of garbage.

    "McMom...yeah, the world is getting worse and worse BECAUSE this is becoming more and more COMMON!"

    Any sane person will laugh at the fact that you just implied that breastfeeding, keeping your baby close, and loving them will cause them problems in later life.

    That thought is going beyond the realms of stupidity.

  • 1 decade ago

    I rarely ever put my daughter down but I dontn bf ( couldn't ) and I dont consider my parenting any particular style..that's stupid...I just consider it my own parenting. Why be in a certain you said use common sense.

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