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Lv 43,363 points

Evalee's Mommy

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  • New Similac Containers?

    Has anyone bought the Similac in the new containers, as shown on their website?? I noticed that they were a couple ounces less per container but didn't know if they were the same price in stores as the old containers or not. I believe the new amount is 23.2 oz and the old was 25.7 oz. I don't even know if they're on the shelves at stores yet, but I wonder if they are going to downsize the package on formula just like many companies have on other items...anyone bought this?

    Newborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Where do you buy pants for your skinny-waisted child

    With fall approaching, I'm not sure what to buy for my daughter. Her waist is very small and pants in her size all fall down. I can buy them in a smaller size but then they are way too short. She is 6 months old but at least two months away from being out of 3-6 month clothes. Once her baby chub legs are gone, we're doomed - that's what is currently barely holding them up. Anyone know of a brand or store that runs a little slimmer? When she gets older I know that the adjustable waist will probably be my best friend, but I have yet to find any of those that fit. Help!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What kind of "diaper" do you use when you take your child swimming

    I took my 6-month-old swimming today for the first time...we put a Huggies Little Swimmers diaper on her before we left the house and she peed right through onto her car seat before we even got to the pool.

    Is this common? Should I have waited and put the diaper on when we got to the pool? Are they less absorbent when you aren't in the water? I think it may have leaked because it was just too big...she is still in a size 2 diaper and will be for some time, but the smallest size they make is a 3. Is there something better out there to use than the special swim diapers? Anything that's washable and reusable? What do you use? I'm new to the whole swimming thing, can't you tell! My daughter loved it, so we plan on going again.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Other Diaper Options

    Here's my "dilemma":

    I have used Huggies and Pampers diapers on my daughter since she was born...I love Pampers Swaddlers because they are so soft, but for some reason if she wears only these for 24 hours she breaks out in a rash. So, we had been rotating these with Huggies. My dilemma is that I liked Huggies a lot in the smaller sizes but not so much as she's gotten bigger, so I am looking for something else that I can either rotate out with the Pampers or use all the time that I like better than Pampers.

    I am trying to avoid Luvs because they only seem to not leak about half the time for us, same with Pampers Baby Dry. She is a pretty heavy wetter. We are trying White Cloud currently and my biggest thing with those is that the side tabs aren't very stretchy. I prefer something with a pretty good stretch in the sides.

    Anyone know of a good off-brand diaper? I am not a big fan of Target or Parent's Choice brands. Cost is not really an issue. We have tried cloth even but just decided we liked disposables better. Has anyone tried the off-brand that Sam's Club carries? How about any drugstore brands? I'm just looking for some different opinions and options - any input would be great!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Pediatrician or family doctor?

    Is there anyone out there who just takes their baby to their family doctor rather than a pediatrician? If so, why did you decide on this option?

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Order of teeth?

    My daughter has been showing signs of teething for what seems like months, which I know can be normal. I had been looking at her bottom gums for her first teeth but now found two huge, swollen bumps on the top (what would seem to be lateral incisors or eye teeth) where it looks like her first ones will come in. My question is this: has anyone ever had their baby's top lateral incisors or eye teeth come in first? Is this common?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Probiotics?

    Anyone out there use probiotics for their baby or know someone who does? How old does baby have to be to use them? Do you use something special that you mix in their food or just use yogurt?

    My daughter constantly has a yeasty infection in the folds of her neck and diaper area...will this help prevent this? I have tried Lotrimin and tried to keep the area dry, but it just keeps coming back. She is formula-fed, on a soy-based formula because of milk sensitivity, so if I use yogurt it would be soy anyway at this point. She is 5 months old, already eating solids (cereal, fruits, veggies, which was OK'd by my doctor, so no rude comments please) very well. I plan on talking to my doctor about it at her next appointment but want to be well informed, so any information would be appreciated. Also, does Nestle Good Start Natural Cultures contain these same probiotics? I am thinking of switching her when she gets a little older...

    Lots of questions, but any help would be great!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Anyone else concerned?

    Are there others out there that are concerned about the effect attachment parenting will have on kids someday? Do you think it is possible to practice attachment parenting without practicing things like breastfeeding, baby-wearing, and cosleeping? If our parents didn't practice this type of parenting with us, why did we turn out OK? Do you think the generation we are birthing and raising now be better or worse off because of the new views on parenting? If you don't use the AP method, what other options do you think there are? Is it the only way?

    I really have a concern about all the new "garbage" out there regarding new parenting styles...I like to refer to my parenting as "common sense parenting" by the way...would like to hear some different opions on this matter.

    13 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Two questions?

    1. Did you breastfeed or formula-feed?


    2. How much was your child sick during his or her first year of life?

    I am not looking for what everyone is always telling us - that breastfed babies are sick less...I want to know what people have experienced. I formula-feed my daughter and she is never sick, so I am wondering is anyone else has had this?? What about breastfed babies?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • For parents who swaddle their babies consistently?

    Did you stop swaddling at a certain age? My daughter is swaddled at night and for most naps. She is almost five months old, developing properly, and I am not planning on stopping soon. Just wanted to hear what other parents had done. I just don't want her to be 5 and still want to be swaddled!

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else have this problem?

    Before I had my daughter I would watch the baby shows on TV...I still enjoy watching them now. But, now when I'm watching them I cry EVERY time a baby is born! I think it's just that I remember my daughter's birth and am crying tears of happiness. I've never been one to cry at movies or anything...has anyone else experienced this??

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago